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Everything posted by Barnes

  1. Barnes

    FFUR-SLX 2007 2.0

    I wish the FFUR-SLX 85 additions were added to the 2007 so they both were the same as far as "features."
  2. Barnes

    Modern Combat - SLX Mod version 1.1

    Wow pleasant surprise Big Rooney!
  3. Barnes

    Modern Combat Mod - SLX Released

    Are there any plans to update the terrain (grass, trees, bushes, buildings, ect)? Or at least include them in a separate pack? Thanks for you hard work and dedication Rooney!
  4. Barnes

    FFUR'85 (2008 edition)

    Wow, thanks TB! This was a nice suprise!
  5. Barnes

    FFUR-SLX 2007 2.0

    Looking really good T-Bird! I can't wait to get my hands on this! Just don't forget about 2007 2.5
  6. Barnes

    My first single-mission i have ever made

    I'm downloading and checking it out! Thanks for continuing to support OFP!
  7. Barnes

    Coin command

    Thanks for all you hard work on this tacrod! Can't wait to see the finished results!
  8. Swweett! Downloading now!!!
  9. Barnes

    FFUR-SLX 2007 2.0

    Damn TB This is amazing work!!! I can't wait to play the finished product!!! At the same time, please don't abandon FFURSLX 2007 2.5.
  10. Barnes

    Dynamic Afghanistan - DELTA FORCE

    Makes you wish they would include all the required add-ons with the file, or at least the option to download a bundle with all the required add-ons.
  11. Barnes

    Falklands 1.1 release and goodbye

    Thank you guys for your hard work This was an unexpected treat!!!
  12. Barnes

    Where & how to buy ArmA or Queen's Gambit

    1/75, is there any other
  13. Barnes

    Where & how to buy ArmA or Queen's Gambit

    Got mine also from Go Gamer during the black Friday deals for $9.95.
  14. Barnes

    FFUR-SLX 2007 2.0

    Never lost faith TB! Thanks for the quick update!
  15. Barnes

    Vietnam campaigns

    Yes, I was referring to SP missions. Â I agree there are quite a few MP missions in the missions pack.
  16. Barnes

    Vietnam campaigns

    Count me in for sure. The lack of missions and campaigns (compared to VTE) is really biggest problem (if you could call it that) I have with JF. Problem really is not the right world...Content if what I mean. Either way I look foward to you new missions and campaigns!!!
  17. Barnes

    FFUR-SLX 2007 2.0

    Here is what you are looking for ref Arma and FFUR SLX... I guess I modified some scripts when I was attempting to make the MOD compatible with BIS missions/campaigns, I'm afraid I disabled the vehicles feature since they were probably causing some kind of troubles. This is a good question: - It is true that ArmA became a new game due to the huge effort of the community during the last weeks (Better effects, friendly-cpu vegetation models, realistic features, amazing animation transitions, gameplay improvements and much more). But I will rather wait for ArmA II, as it would be released the next year or within 'Maximum 2 years', and the potential of the incoming version, seems rather promising. Thank you for your interest, though. Just round the corner... keep patient. ;] Surprisingly, I haven't tested it yet, But I will check it out to see whether it would be implemented or not. Cheers for the kind words and the continued support Big-Rooney, the list you established is very close to the one I did, but you have some inspiring suggestions that might be pretty interesting if they would be taken into consideration. ;] Yes, I will for sure, modifie some slight aspects of SLX, since several people complain about them. But realistically speaking, believe me, it is hard like hell to make a 'decent' use of your rifle after some intense physical effort. Thanks for the kind words, though. And again, if you have Photos/Videos/Informations/Suggestions or whatever else about the '85 era, feel free to post them, or send them to my mail adress, any support in this regards, would be greatly appreciated. I have already collected several informations and media files regarding this period, but the more I have, the better the project would be. Thanks. Best Regards, TB
  18. Barnes

    FFUR-SLX 2007 2.0

    I agree with Blazin whole heartedly. Â FFUR SLX 2007 2.5 is amazing and almost perfect. Â Please do not abandon work/development on that. Â I would request that you make this updated '85 version a separate install similar to the other FFUR releases so it does not conflict with the current version. Â Keep up the great work TB!
  19. Barnes

    Modern Combat Mod - SLX Released

    Two things, first and foremost please do not make any mix matched uniforms and equipment. Pretty much the only Soldiers (or Marines) currently in theater that wear mixed up camo patterns is REMF's. As with all initial issues in the beginning not everyone has matching camo equipment, but first priority goes to the shooters. Last in priority goes to support elements. I guess if you want to make a "current" war simulation of clerks, cooks, IT techs, and desk jockies, a mixed up pattern would be accurate for what they currently wear. Although, even they are being seen less and less with non-matching patterns. Secondly, I am still pretty new to OFP. I mostly play FFUR SLX 2.5 2007. What is the difference between MCM and FFSX 2.5 2007? I have noted some differences in some models being used. Is it a preference for certain models? Thanks.
  20. Barnes

    FFUR-SLX 2007 2.0

    Thanks for your continued support and hard work! Long live FFUR!!!!
  21. Barnes


    Looks awesome! I can't wait to try this out with FFUR-SLX 2.5 2007
  22. Barnes

    Favorite Missions Topic

    I apologize for being johnny come lately, but these links do not work, any ideas where I can find these missions? Â Thanks!
  23. I have the Atari US Arma version. Â It will install fine, but when I install the 1.08 patch I get the following error: error found in file addons/buildings.pbo (88c1ae65!=f578963c) I received several other similar errors afterwards while trying to install the 1.08 patch. Â I have consulted the official page and this forum for advice. Â I took the advice and thus far I have reinstalled 3 times, and downloaded the patch from 2 other sources. Â I am still getting the same errors. Please help Â
  24. Barnes

    1.08 US Patch Installation Errors

    Thanks for the reply and help! I will give it a try.
  25. Barnes

    1.08 US Patch Installation Errors

    Okay, I have tried RE-installing Arma and the patch again. Â No dice. Â Here is what is happening now: When it is verifying the 1.06 versions, I get the following errors: error found in file addons/characters.pbo error found in file addons/uifonts.pbo Then when it switches to installing the 1.08 patch, I get the following errors: error found in file addons/characters.pbo (0000000!=00000001) error found in xdelta3 returned error code 1 Please help!!!