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Everything posted by Bunkers

  1. Bunkers

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Well if the czech game-stores dont ship abroad, I guess we're left with e-bay or something.
  2. Bunkers

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Plz tell me how, cuz I'm gonna do the same. I really liked those walking patrols in the video. So used to the allways-running style of all the other fps games.
  3. Bunkers

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    You really dont need to learn a whole language though. "Only" the part that's in the game. Will be challenging, but I guess it might be a few of us going for it, so we can help eachother out
  4. Bunkers


    I've looked at 6 different czech sites that sell Armed Assault. None in english as far as I could see. Tricky..
  5. Bunkers


    I got the same mail. Which leads me to think that I'll be able to play the czech version. I'll figure out the textings with practise and a little help from the czech gamers I hope Maybe some1 will mod it to english, would that be possible? But I do find it strange that they dont publish it with optional english text, as it's obviously available.
  6. Bunkers

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    I was just thinking.. how hard will it be to play the game with czech menus? The audio language will still be english, wont it? So that leaves only the menus and the manual? Or am I wrong here?
  7. Bunkers

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    I think things are quite clear now regarding the box release of the game. The last big question now is whether the game will be available for download in english. And if so: when? Placebo has stated they are working on this issue, and I'm sure he will tell us more as soon as he can.
  8. Bunkers

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Well in that case: Publisher
  9. Bunkers

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Wow. I wish I had your calm. So you think you will be able to download it in your preferred language (english I assume) before it hits the shelves in Q1 2007?
  10. Bunkers

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Yeah that's probably a point. I was hoping online distribution would free us from the limitations of pre-historic corporations and their time-consuming, old-school way of distribution. Â Where's the 21st century when you need it?
  11. Bunkers

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    The beta's released to the press all have images from the menus in english. So it surprises me that none of the publishers will ship an english version from next month, as it clearly is available to them. How many english copies do you think they would sell worldwide if they sold them from a website from next month?
  12. Bunkers

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Here is the reply from IDEA regarding language: "Hello, In czech version there will be only localised texts, there will be no option for english language. Best Regards, XX" So, that leaves two options on the table. Either it will be modified to english by the community, or maybe the online distribution version will be in english. Or else.. learn czech or wait for Q1 07
  13. Bunkers

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Thank you! Truly appreciate your contributions on this forum   And regarding online distribution; I'll probably buy it twice in that case too. E-mail is sent. I hope "JJ" is as responsive as Placebo.
  14. Bunkers

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Yeah that's what all of us who don't speak czech etc. wonder about. Can Placebo once again educate the masses? I'll be ever so grateful Â
  15. Bunkers

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Then one question remain: will it be available in english language from november 10th? Or will the games released then only be in czech etc? Maybe it's been stated earlier, but then I've missed it. Btw thanx Placebo for clearing things up
  16. Bunkers

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Can Placebo or someone from BIS come with an official statement on this please!? Will it still be released some places in october? And will it be distributed online in english?
  17. Bunkers

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Let's hope online distribution will reduce some of these dinosaurs and their powers in the near future. I'd prefer Small-Mart.
  18. Bunkers

    Online Distribution System - Confirmed

    This thread is based on something Placebo wrote in the Gamespot forum about expected online distribution. Has there been any confirmation of it lately? Like when it will be available online and in what languages it will be available in? This is very interesting for all of us who dont live in any of the countries with confirmed release dates and distributors.
  19. Bunkers

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Dont worry, Dudester   Dont u think we could get some of the guys from Chech (or any other country it's released) to buy it and ship it for us? That would at least make a great plan B, if downloading doesnt happen initially. Plan C would be to take a trip to Prague (ppl say it's a great city anyways, would be well worth it).
  20. Bunkers

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Let's just hope the confirmed online distribution happens on 10/11/06 then. Then it's available for all with a VISA and internet connection. Isnt it? I really hope so! 30/11/06 is for suckers
  21. Bunkers


    AMD 64 3500 2GB RAM 6800GS 256MB That would be my spec's, and I hope this will give me a nice view. If not.. I'll buy better.
  22. Bunkers

    Please allow me to preorder online

    Maybe this is a stupid idea, and for sure it wont happen but anyway: I would like if we could pre-order the game and then download the manual in advance. I would love to read the manual now to shorten the wait for this great game. But that would kinda kill any surprise when the game itself is released, so I guess that's one reason it wont happen.