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About BrOiler1985

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  1. BrOiler1985

    RTM animation kit for Maya

    I just tested arround a bit.. but it always happens.. If I export an animation (even if i just take the standard-pose) and use the anim ingame, the model always gets way smaller when the animation is played... what is wrong? Edit: Just fixed this problem - I reinstalled the rtmScript and now it works
  2. BrOiler1985

    RTM animation kit for Maya

    I have a problem.. I've made a waking animation - I exported it and ingame it is totally messed up! Here's a screenie of it. Any idea?
  3. BrOiler1985

    RTM animation kit for Maya

    Hey.. had a problem with this but managed to fix it! Its great!!!
  4. BrOiler1985

    Operation Farmland Mod

    Nice vid man!
  5. BrOiler1985

    Operation Farmland Mod

    Youre right with the fact that it's a human body. But.. it's a dead body.. most of it is rotten (after a period of time) so if it would run - its limbs would fall off ^^. The other thing is: its a re-animated dead body... when something's dead - the (.. umn.. whats the english word for "Leichenstarre"?!... Online-Translator says : )"funeral-stiff".. gets over it.
  6. BrOiler1985

    Operation Farmland Mod

    I WANT THOSE ZOMBIES If you guys can do that, I'm gonna call you GODs