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bootleg soldier

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Everything posted by bootleg soldier

  1. bootleg soldier

    m107 recoil crazy unrealistic in game

    If you knew Britain well you would know that selling guns in this country would be an utter disaster, as unfortunately we are are not as sensible as some northern Europeans and a Saturday night on the town would turn into a complete free for all, you think i over state this but to our shame it's true, if you had a drinking culture like ours you would never go out if you thought people were taking guns with them, it's sad but thats Britain       Edit- yes it seems a strangely muted gun conversation but as i say each to their own and i wish you the best of luck with it all, just don't get broken into though else those guns may get free and into the wrong hands, mind you, you have gun stores so they don't need to i suppose Best regards Bootleg
  2. bootleg soldier

    m107 recoil crazy unrealistic in game

    So why should anyone else need a gun?, And i'm sorry that was a cheap shot i know it's not like that everywhere i apologise.
  3. bootleg soldier

    "Do a barrel roll!"

    Nothing wrong with your post so people will be nice to you I agree 100% not ever having flown a plane my opinion is just speculation but i have to concentrate very hard to stay in the air and your right it does seem very twitchy, i tried lessening the sensitivity on my joystick but that just made it hard to react quickly, if anyone has experience with flying could you tell us what the sensitivity of the controls of similar planes (or even harriers) is like Best regards Bootleg
  4. bootleg soldier

    The high jump argument

    Oh i see sorry Dallas i didn't know what you meant my bad
  5. bootleg soldier

    Tip: Zoom without holding your breath.

    Thanks for the heads up, i never got the breathing hard bit anyway can anybody tell me what it simulates?, i know i'm not in the fitness shape of a year ago but if i look hard in one direction..... well i aint that flabby yet
  6. bootleg soldier

    The high jump argument

    Fair enough but why not the large walls (just out of interest), if it could be done so it takes a while, and the player is obviously exposed while doing so would it be that bad? The one thing i have not taken into account is the AI and whether they could do this to, arguments for MP players only is strong and given the AI's patchiness at other things (yes i know apart from flanking) it may not be the best idea to give them that ability. Fix what matey?
  7. bootleg soldier

    m107 recoil crazy unrealistic in game

    I would love to have this debate but as i say it's soooo off topic that not here though, have just read the article you reffered me to and while i believe there is some things in it that might be regarded as informed opinion it still smacks of that, opinion. Bottom line is i would never trust my next door neighbour with a gun (and the answer is not to get one myself, why would i need to i live in London and we have more trouble with knives, never even heard a gunshot). Also at one gun convention in the US one man was allowed to buy 83 handguns with no ID and paying in cash? It is one of these arguments that people will NEVER EVER agree on so i'm just glad that being slightly more sensible over here it will never be the case and i can argue this safe in the knowlage that the 83 handgun man lives thousands of miles away and we have only had ONE school shooting of note quite a few years ago, since then tighter gun controls, no scenarios like the one you have had very recently. Edit- I even saw one filthy rich gun lobbyist say that kids should be allowed to take guns to school for protection, says it all really. The irony is if i moved to the US i would want to own a gun because the what it's like Anyway back to topic after seeing that video of the M107 the recoil when i tried it on ArmA seemed really funny (don't know how accurate he was though, i guess pretty good as he seemed pretty steady throughout)
  8. bootleg soldier

    The high jump argument

    Ahh i see you are one of the precious few who read first and comment later (could do with a few more of you around here) Â Â
  9. bootleg soldier

    m107 recoil crazy unrealistic in game

    WHY? It's not a shame at all, less guns = less deaths no matter what anyone tells you (OMG i am so off topic shutting up now)
  10. bootleg soldier

    The high jump argument

    I know i'm sorry, it wasn't meant as having a go at you i just had the idea of the little scenario and just had to put it in Thats why i specifically said it was only for climbing/scaling, we are after a degree of realism here and your right, why would anyone first thought under fire be ooh if i bunny hop and dive to the floor they can't hit me , BF2 was in part ruined by this and i think that you are alluding to a style like GRAW which does work pretty well on the whole.
  11. bootleg soldier

    m107 recoil crazy unrealistic in game

    I'm so glad it's illegal to own weapons in Britain.
  12. bootleg soldier

    The high jump argument

    Not just hop i mean scale fences and walls that could be done in RL (no point in half measures), can you imagine a spec-ops team sneaking into an enemy compound it would go something like this Spec-op 1- "Okay how shall we get in" Spec-op 2- "Right let me take this pack off, i'll climb that fence quietly and you pass the satchel charges over" Spec-op 1- "Right it's just....." Spec-op 2- "What man spit it out" Spec-op 1- "We can't do it" Spec-op 2- "Erm... what are you talkin about" Spec-op 1- "We can't climb try it" Spec-op 2- "Well i'll be..., whats wrong with us?" Spec-op 1- "Don't know Sir, how shall we get in" Spec-op 2- "Well there is only the well gaurded death trap of a front entance that gives any kind of access" Spec-op 1- "Don't suppose you have an Armoured Platoon of tanks in your pocket have you Sir" Spec-op 2- "No but we've got to try lets go" Nothing was seen or heard from these men again, the military has refused to comment on their deaths and say the skills they give to their soldiers are adequate for the jobs they face. Â Â
  13. bootleg soldier

    ArmA is out in the US..what are you waiting for?

    Through gritted teeth you are welcome I hope we whined enough for you to make things better and saved you the hassle  Yes i am looking forward to a larger player base joining us in MP (but could you leave all the idiots at home, we have enough in europe to make you tear your hair out.)
  14. bootleg soldier

    Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

    Thanks for this kiljoy have been playing evo for a good couple of weeks and it does rock, my favourite bit is the harriers and getting people to laser target for you, couldn't hit them at first cause i was releasing too late,(few FF deaths, well ok we are playing as yanks ) But when i hit my first one i was addicted (could you also explain how to use bomb camera as it only shows up in my action list very rarely)(also cannot raise the landing gear on a harrier after it's been fixed, is this mission bug or BIS bug?) Couple of things, i can confirm the AI usage of any vehicle in the drivers seat. Also mission waypoints for 10 Destroy armour have a 1 in 5 chance of not appearing (how do you think i get to colonel ), as a result it cost me a few points (don't really mind as i cancel it if its on the north of the island anyway so its the price i pay) Also the fog is a real problem and gets stuck permanently after aprox 2 hours on server (ie follows me everywhere), love the idea of the dynamic weather but gets real frustrating. Had a funny one 2 days ago some idiot joined and started raining RACS littlebirds on the base via a hack i assume, was really freaky till we realised what they where doing, (you gotta feal sorry for them they obviously have no friends). One other thing to suggest (i know i'm biased because i love them so) is to respawn harriers (or choppers)when they crash in the sea, i would respwn them no matter what but that does not fit with the theme of the mission and even i would not suggest you implement that (only sea wrecks). Almost forgot aswell, when you do csar missions and bring the pilot (or reporter) back on a little bird they will not exit no matter what we tried (disembark, shouting, crashing ) as a result we had two less seats on our last chopper (noob pilots again) As far as public servers go there not that bad if you have an admin as the idiot will only get one chance at being a cock then he has to look for another server (one plus of the long loading times ) Again thank you this for me is by far and away the best online mission and the amount of people who ask if it's BIS made i have to scream nooooooooooo it's much better than that, good luck with future updates look forward to them very much Best regards Bootleg
  15. bootleg soldier

    Saboteur - Campaign side mission

    The hole in the fence is still the better option  no shots no hassle, sure a good bit of creeping around is needed in the base but thats what spec-ops do. (BTW the hole on the inner fence is not the same side as the outer fence)  Â
  16. bootleg soldier

    Retail Store Availability?

    Could not agree more Dwarden steam has been a pleasure for me to game with and all games have been updated without hassle and buying off them is simple and easy, i do not know quite why steam is so love or hate with people but i think its more to do with the general online download purchasing of games than Steam itself.
  17. bootleg soldier

    ArmA is out in the US..what are you waiting for?

    Nice bit of advertising there You'll have to wait a while before us euros can kick yer ass though
  18. bootleg soldier

    The high jump argument

    While i agree with this in essence i feel that an attempt or even the option would be nice. It is an essential part of infantry tactics (which is what i thought the meat of ArmA is)
  19. bootleg soldier

    The high jump argument

    I had to make that very clear as i thought people may say that
  20. bootleg soldier

    Beautiful Feeling

    Amen to the original post, thats why i thought we all played the game , not quite the adrenaline of going out on a mission in RL but that why it's called simulation. I find getting as stoned as possible helps, you play like shit but it's great fun lol Yes Orlok this is a huge highlight that fails to lose it's appeal Best regards Bootleg
  21. bootleg soldier

    1.06 (US) A-10/Nightvision footage

    Thnx for showing us some of the features, 2nd take off was a bit ropey  , an idea next time is to load Sahrani up in the editor first then you won't get the load time
  22. bootleg soldier

    Combat Ops

    i'll repeat something that i (and someone else) said before. "You post a lot but do not read" your entire post confirms this, there have been many many arguments (maybe even a million) against your crappy 1 line yarn, BUT YOU DO NOT WISH TO READ OR ACKNOWLAGE THEM, this is the problem and the sooner you see that the better and more constructive these forums will be, as for your magic disc well its the same as your READING abilities, you see what YOU want and everyone else is wrong. And yes fanboy is written all over your title HOWEVER, these are just our opinions and i get the impression that our arguments are infringing on other peoples enjoyment so i am prepared to call a truce (until the next thread lol) and we shall agree to disagree on this particular point as i do not think we will change each others minds.
  23. bootleg soldier

    Combat Ops

    I am really sorry this is getting nowhere, to ofpforum and others that i would (and yourself) call fanboys i will keep posting opposition to your flagrant, non budging unjustified support of BIS that is driving a lot of people to insanity, do you play the game? have you seen some of the amazinly bad bugs that plague the game?, you may be able to put up with a second rate product at release and for 7 months afterwards but for those who have a different opinion why do you snipe so? I will leave this for now but i expect to see you in the next thread in which someone has a different view of the current debable than you do, if you don't want to read other people comments don't visit the FORUMS, they were not made for you in mind, i would hope they were made for disscusion and other people to post their thoughts, you may have a lot of posts and cliquey friends, it don't make you right.
  24. bootleg soldier

    Combat Ops

    But in the other thread you said we had to only wait 2 weeks for a patch A bit longer would u not say and anyway lets hope their not playing poker they would lose
  25. bootleg soldier

    Combat Ops

    Thats why i quoted you, my sarcasm detector is working perfectly thanks, you obviously don't get my humour lol sorry