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Everything posted by Banderas

  1. Great news, we gonna git sum ACE2 beta in our bootses for Santa Claus :cc: :D as Scubaman said yes, and as I suppose ACEX will expand continously with new content paralellic to ACE2 If you've read a few pages back, there is the announcement that it will be released next week features: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Features_of_ACE2 for other addons check TpM's videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/tpM91 Why in the hell would this make any sense? As they said it's coming next week, ACE team are not big-hype-face faggot holywoodish arcade shooter developers who wanna-make-mo-money, f*ckin out with PC gamers all around the world.
  2. I assume we will just cook pálinka out of whiskey (see the Hungarian wisdom: One can cook pálinka from anything) :D
  3. There will be Whiskey Cobra too? Man you're my guest for a double whiskey :D
  4. Banderas

    SLX Mod WIP

    Sorry if this has been spoken about, but I lack the time to search after it. If I fire a weapon, I can hear the "crack" even behind of it. I don't know if it's a sound bug or if it is realistic, that's why I'm asking.
  5. Banderas

    Modern Warfare 2

    Things I've learned from MW2: -firing from the hip will make your weapon spray around like a trombone-gun. -however while you're transisting to aim down your sights, your weapon becmes laser-precise instantly (smells like Counter Strike anyone?) -by 2016 US troops will still teach Afghan soldiers to the basics of correct weapon handling -Three star US Army generals are commanding their forces from the frontline without body armor and helmet, brandishing silver-toned six-shooters -Stryker weapon operators can't see out of their vehicles, they need the enemy lased so they can engage them -Russian ultranationalist will make terrorist acts in their own country even after they gained controll over the country -Seargants are usually reporting and taking orders directly from/to generals or at least colonels -special forces guys are carrying an infinite amount of door breeching charges with them -firing from the hip will make you spray the whole goddamn place around -however one can fire a full automatic Glock over the windshield of a snowspeeder wich you're driving with about 150km/h with utter precisity -Rangers don't like to babysit Delta Boys and Navy SEALs around, Hoo-ah? -Javelin launchers are using top-attack mode even on aerial targets -when in deep cover in a terrorist cell, you don't try to uncover a planned massacre, but rather take part in it -Russian Army will use Russian made small-arm very scarcely by 2016 but rather FALs, TAR-21s and other Western weapons -Brazilian militiamen has no prblem at putting a bullet in you 95m away from the hip while running and doing capoera tricks on shantytown roofs -However SAS and Delta operators having a great problem hitting targets from behind cover and 15m away there are many more of course, but I live them up to you... By the way I'm no hater of the game, it was a nice 4 hour break from military simulators.
  6. Banderas

    STI Stryker Pack

    One cannot control the MG (neither the AGL) when turned out, they are controlled from the vehicle's inner terminal with a joystick
  7. Banderas

    FlexiAI (WIP) discussion

    Just watched the latest video, it's amazing. I observed two things wich about I can't decide if I made the right conclusion, or I just want to beleive :D ,they are: -when USMC squads had contact, they changed formation from wedge to line: is it because leader quickly observed the situationand found this the best to engage enemies in the village? Will it use another formation depending on the circumnstances? -Seemingly two of the four squads layed supressive fire on the enemy, while one tried flanking from (south)east, another from the (north)west...Am I seeing right that squads cooperate with each other, or is my fantasy way too alive?
  8. I installed it and I only see F-117A Parachute in the editor :(
  9. Banderas

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    Nice work, will test it when I get home. Implying detection based on camouflage is indeed a great idea. Just theoretically, can unit detection and engagement ranges of AI be separated? So that opposing sides detecting each other somewhat further than the effective ranges of their weapons and will try to move closer (for example rifleman detecting enemy at ~800m, and gets closer to 500-300m before firing on them) In Arma 1 I remember I made a mission on Rahmadi where two squads started at the opposing side of the "runway" (I was one of the squad leaders), started to reveal targets at 8-600m. machine gunners and SAW equipped soldiers started to engage at about ~500m, rifleman started to engage about ~250-350m (of course on the other hand there were several problems with unit cohesion, AI running at each other in straight line, ect,ect...) I don't remember exactly wich mod I used it was either SLX or ECS (or both together) <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vY-4zWKsJM&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vY-4zWKsJM&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> :D
  10. Co-pilot for the MH-60S, V-22, C-130J, Mi-8/17; loader for the M1A1 (even if doesn't make too much sense)
  11. Check this outta http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6192
  12. Yeah there was a CH-46 in progress...The maker is a member of the ACE team, so I think he's kind of busy with his work in the mod. Hopefully we'll see the machine flying around Chernarus some day.
  13. Try this http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=80944 some units have mixed military/civilian clothes
  14. Edit: problem only withstanding when I write the "beta" manually into the init line of the shortcut (Vista sometimes doesn't make shortcut for some games, so I made a shortcut manually, and that was the problem. With the default link, it worked normally, so I copied it out to desktop)
  15. I have an error message when I start the game with beta, before the game gets to the loading screen saying: Error compiling pixel shader PSSSSMSpecularAlpha:1
  16. It's optional already. Just take a brush-pen and put a dot onto the middle of your monitor:D (anyway make sure to set the floating zone to zero :D)
  17. Banderas

    US Army 2009 Units

    It's because when they were closer, the wrist of humans were too wrung, so they were moved forward to have a more realistic angle (am I right?)
  18. Banderas

    RH M4/M16 Pack ver 1.0 Rearmed

    Yeah I tought so, it's just only my opinion that they might look better in the players hands. As I wrote it, this request is very negligible, so we can just forget about it, I like this pack very much anyway. Good to see rounded sights are coming.
  19. Banderas

    RH M4/M16 Pack ver 1.0 Rearmed

    Do you mean the "depleting ammo belt" animation from BI weapons (funny nobody ever mentions that as a nice implementation from BI guys)? Would be really impressive, but I think it's hard to make until BI releases A2 sample models. Anyway may I suggest that you remove some of the heat covers from the stock weapons (the ones without the GL's), they'd be look definetly cooler (like the ones from ACE 1). It's only my sense of taste, you might just ignore my suggestion :)
  20. Binkowski, what's the news about your ACU Rangers anyway?
  21. If my memory doesn't fail me there was a feature in ACE 1, weapon on back option, wich way you could bring two primary weapons with yourself, only the weapon wich "was on the back" wasn't visible. So in ACE 1 you can already bring and M4 and a shotgun with you. My guess you'll be able to do that in ACE 2 too. Edit: sorry, I see Cole answered it already :j:
  22. Thank you. Well I think I'm gonna sit the time out and wait them to be released....
  23. How can one make BI ArmA 1 sample vehicles models available in ArmA 2? Is it enough to put the p3d (for example: Stryker_ICV.p3d) and a newconfig file file into a directory, and then make a PBO from it? Or do I need to have rvmat, paa, etc files too?
  24. Banderas

    US Army 2009 Units

    Maybe a bit offtopic, but as far as I know non-frontline US Army troops still have the M16A2s issued, also I saw several pictures/videos of some Army units equipped with M16A4s. So current weaponry might be good if you want to depict the motor-pool team or the culinar specialists in combat:D
  25. I think for this era there is Bushwar mod for ArmA 1, it's about conflict between South Africa and Angola.