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Everything posted by Banderas

  1. They worked very well for me even under ACE
  2. Banderas

    RH Hk416 Pack ver 1.0

    Report no problems with any RH weapons with 1.05 too
  3. Banderas

    WarFX Particles

    This mod makes some very nice visual improvement, I use it for sometime now. Unluckily this last update seem to absolutely kill my hardware (especially explosions), so sadly I guess I have to retain this mod until a huge PC upgrade :(
  4. @Ville89 Thank you, but also sorry for not being exact on my question. I was thinking about how to make them use their LGB when planes are not part of my squad, but acting on their own. @jasonnoguchi Yes I remember, but I didn't figure out just yet how to use properly the ACE laserdesignator (I will somehow). And if I remember in that mission there were no Harrier LGBs but some kind of cruise missiles. Maybe I'll try some air support script I'll find around. Other: maybe it's not ACE related, but seemingly aircrafts tend to drop their freefall bombs too early. I don't know if it can be improved in ACE (wether or not it's vanilla problem), but if can then I'll make a ticket for it on dev-heaven.
  5. Sorry if it has been asked, but how can you make AI airplanes use their laser guided bombs?
  6. Well first of all thank you for your work Fromz, I'm sure most of us understand that you have a real life which comes first. Secondly let me be the sound of the (seemingly) minority to say that PLA is good at the Independent side, we have plenty of terrorists, rebels and armed civilians on the OPFOR side. But JonPL's consideration of adding them to the OPFOR side as well might be a good compromise, but I think it should be handled as a low priority feature.
  7. Caprera, just clicl to the uppermost link in Vilas' signature.
  8. Banderas

    Isla Duala

    @Takko I see your point. I don't really know what language would Africans speak with each other, but I was doubting it would be English (or France), I was under the impression they would rather speak local languages, and only speak English/French with foreigners and on official occasions. But if they are using these languages everyday in real life, then have them using the English voice. For the accent, I wasn't thinking about how they would speak English, but rather as a "dub" for their mother language, like we had Russian accented English in OFP Red Hammer or in Red Alert, but that won't be a good idea too.
  9. Banderas

    Isla Duala

    Well I think most people wouldn't like American accented Africans as much as Russian speaking Africans. Maybe English with African accent would suit better (maybe no, thinking about OFP Red Hammer...), but I don't know how much they are speaking English/French between each other.
  10. Banderas

    Isla Duala

    Kremator, please, you don't see the smiley behind the comment? I was only joking.
  11. Norinco Type 56 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_56_assault_rifle Wrecks for some other vehicles, such as: -UH-60 (in CAA, maybe with on usable M134 like the Huey wreck) -Abrams/T-90 (not a totally burnt out wreck, but rather an immobilised/heavily damaged) -AH-6/OH-6, Mi-24, AH-64... -Stryker, BTR...
  12. Banderas

    Isla Duala

    What kind of racism is this, are you assume Africans can't speak foreign languages? :p Anyway nice job, hope to see Afrene's military around soon. Are you planning to make some kind of militia or insurgent force? Like some we seen in Blood Diamons? (nono no suggestion, question only, before you flay me alive)
  13. Well indeed sad news, but everything that has a beginning must end sometime. It's just sad that you had to finish it with this bad taste in the mouth. Strangely, I cannot imagine having ArmA 2 without CAA islands nowadays. Anyway thank you for your work, and wish you a happy new year.
  14. Then Yoma's addonsync is your tool. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8219 Or SIX updater http://dev-heaven.net/wiki/six-arma-updater/Six_Updater_Suite
  15. Banderas

    Isla Duala

    Wha....L-159??? When coming out? :D Just tested the island, and it's
  16. Banderas

    Isla Duala

    Seems this island has overlapping pbo with Panthera (ibr_plants), I don't have the time today to test it, but will the two islands mess up each others foliage?
  17. Banderas

    Isla Duala

    I hope the server won't go boom from the sudden download wave...:D
  18. Banderas

    Operation unknown wip

    Nah I guess he only wanted to have some chicken soup anyway:D
  19. -Jesus Christ, what was that? -Sir! That is the AK-47 Assault Rifle! -The preferred weapon of our enemy... -And it makes a distinctive sound when fired at us, Sir! -Yeah... I guess it does! :D
  20. Hi Vilas! I've just tested your AK pack, they are excellent, models are really top quality, and also thanks for having them with the default sounds, so I can use HiFi sounds with them:yay: (except for the Abakan). I know you have less time to make addons, but if you ever would like to add more weapons for your pack I can recommend some more Hungarian AK variants for example the AK-63 (I think it's more widespread than the AMD-65) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AK-63 http://www.kalasnyikov.hu/galeria/zmne01/DSC01597.jpg Not an AK variant, but could be a diversity for the high-caliber sniper/anti material rifles, the Gepard family http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gepard_anti-materiel_rifle It's not a request, but merely just a recommendation, if you interested I might try to give you photos/sources about them. Also if I know it well, you're not in the best relation with the ACE team, but I think you (and they) should consider to include some of your (Eastern) weapons in the mod.
  21. Banderas

    Operation unknown wip

    Yes I thought the same, somehow the Dark Side of the Force doesn't let poor Phrog into the game...well I'm not superstitious, so I think it will eventually come, sooner or later.
  22. Just tried the update...the CZ550 does just kill with its pure sound :D
  23. Banderas

    ASR Grenadier Fix

    Oh sorry I've run over that...
  24. Banderas

    ASR Grenadier Fix

    Robalo, I've discovered some problems with your addon, namely some of the ACE M4 models (mainly iron sighted ones with grenade launchers) didn't use any magazines, and it also messed up some other rifles (CZ550 rifle didn't use it's ammo too). When I put an ACE US special weapons crate in the editor, I got a message popped "no entry .optics_model" or something like that, after it only allowed to use the GL on several M4 models.