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Everything posted by Banderas

  1. Banderas

    CAA1 public release

    It's not the CAA version, it's the ArmA II version which is not good. It is written for ArmA 1.14, ArmA II is 1.05 right now, in the configs the "required version" line has to be corrected to at least or lower than 1.05, the mod "thinks" you try to play it with an earlier version of ArmA. It has to be corrected by the authors.
  2. Does anybody have some data about T-64 armor protection? All I can find is estimated front armor, I'd need some estimates about hull: side, rear, top, bottom; turret: side, top, rear for the T-64A and T-64B
  3. Nice! Another island can't wait to be invaded by the 27th MEU :D So St. Vincent and the smaller ones are going to be on separate "maps"? Or will that be a scaled down version? Also if my memory doesn't fail me, someone was working on Grenada island...
  4. Hey seems like my question was lost somewhere... So does Mateck's M1A1 model still contains the same random markings as the standalone one? Are the script names the same?
  5. Here you go, have a BUFF http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7728
  6. @crazyrobban You can have radio chatter in vehicles (airplanes, choppers, armor, ect...) with Group Link 4, check it out.
  7. It's only a concept of the T-95, or even I dare to say it's not a T-95, but a bit altered "Black Eagle" (T-80UM2?). T-95 said to be a rather unconventional design, and it is not yet known if it gets a 135 or a 152mm main gun. I wouldn't want anyone to waste time making that on mere speculations. But that Croatian tank would be interesting, with other Croatian stuff too.
  8. @luckyhendrix I think the debate is rather over the Russian weapon pack than the armored vehicles. I have absolutely no problems using these weapons with ACE2 mod
  9. @W0lle I'm sure they are, I'd like to make it only if they are not intend to sacrifice time for such thing :)
  10. Dear BW team! I'd like to take the initiative and try to make a compatibility config for your Leopard 2 to use ACE armor system, also I'd like to ask from the users if is there a demand for it?
  11. Hey thanks! A question: does the M1A1 model, inherited from the addon by Mateck, still uses the same CH scripts for the markings on the turret/hull?
  12. Is anyone thinking about porting CH T-72 pack?
  13. @Legislator Thanks for all your work, there are some lurking around here who really appreciate what you do. :)
  14. That config has their ACE compatible units have their backpack removed, so you won't see two clipping bags on the back of some models. Although I didn't find any problem between this addon and ACE 2:confused:
  15. Banderas

    Project RACS

    Agree, Sahrani does need civilians indeed, but not those cheesy hangover-lookalike tourists in slippers from the previous title :D
  16. Banderas

    Operation unknown wip

    People be warned that the CH-46 is almost half (well about two-third) the size of a CH-47 Chinook, they are built with the same layout, but beside this they are two different helicopters, and don't have too much in common.
  17. With the previous version I didn't miss that sound, but in the one I downloaded yesterday from KH YAS, also I've encountered a grenade launcher reload sound after throwing a handgrenade, and bolt-action sound when reloading pistols.
  18. Banderas

    Isla Duala

    Just don't make a too big jump away from reality, and don't make them into another reskinned USMC/Russian Army faction ;) I'd say a big no for ghillie snipers especially, usual African armies rarely invest into such high level and dedicated training for their men, but someone with knowledge of the area might give a proper answer (any local person or ex-Foreign Legionnaire?). Instead of Humvees some of them should use Land Rovers (much more common in Africa), UH-1 is a good idea, but it should be rather the H variant which will come with Arrowhead, rather than the high-price Y. And how does it come they can't afford tanks but can buy AV-8Bs for 35 million grand per unit? T-54/55, T-62, T-72 would fit both of them, maybe M60 for Afrenia, and such old irons as AMX-13, T-34, Centurion might also pop up. No hard feelings, it's just my thoughts about the matter.
  19. Isola You can have it already, you have to move sounds don't want into a disable folder, other than that HiFi has mainly weapon sounds now, and TRSM has vehicles. Edit: Great new sounds, just have been bought a new headset, and it almost blew my brain out of my head :D
  20. Banderas


    Hey! Nice map for playing Flashpoint Germany scenarios :) (its not Operation Flashpoint CWC but a turn-based RTS for those who don't know)
  21. LGB/Missile cameras are much smoother now. Thanks for your work Mando!
  22. Great news, downloading&testing! :)
  23. @loosebruce You want an F/A-18 E/F Super Hornet or the F/A-18 A/B, C/D version? The former is under construction, the latter is not as far as I know.
  24. I'm sure I asked for it before, but besides the F/A-18 E/F Super Hornets that are coming out, it would be nice to see F/A-18 A/B, C/D versions for them Marines.
  25. Hey Eble! Will some of the planes include new weaponry? (thinking of AIM-7 and AIM-120 for the Tomcat...)