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Everything posted by Bouben

  1. Well, I tried to shoot with sniper rifle (it does huge bang sound as you know) from cca 120 meters on enemy group walking on road. I was in forest, covered by tiny grass. I made one shot on them and missed about half a meter from them. They did not react at all. I had no such problem until 1.03. What do you think? Difficulty veteran with 0.90 for enemies.
  2. Bouben

    VopSound 2.1

    Gunfire is way too loud from distance. It sounds like 400 meters is just 30 or 50 meteres actually. Volume option have no effect in this case, cause then you just lower what sounds good, but overall balance is still really bad. Tested on 1.03. I dunno, if this problem was true on 1.02 too.
  3. Bouben

    VopSound 2.1

    Well, great sounds indeed, much better than in vanilla, but what I want to really hear in ARMA2 is a realistic sound for weapons in distance. Unfortunately, VopSound is not succesfull in this case too. Here is example, how it should sounds: Thanks for your attention.
  4. Oh my god, why do you talk about it so deeply? All we need is the fake grass layer well known from Arma: Armed Assault. It was so good. I used to play airsoft a lot and hiding in, especially tall, grass (even if spoted) is totally esential, cause you can confuse enemies seeking for you. Jesus, it so simple and clear. Functional grass view blocking for AI is needed. And we did not mentioned sniper issue yet.
  5. Bouben

    Patch 1.03 Satisfaction Survey

    Sorry BIS, but read my signature. As someone here have already said: finally, that rainbow bug is fixed (ha ha). Unsatisfied.
  6. Hi, since we must do babysitters for our little AI mates in squad, I really think, that would be VERY useful to have possibility to bind multiple actions under ONE key. For example "danger mode command" + "crouch mode" command. It wouldn't be so necessary, if AIs can keep themselfs down (crouched, proned) automatically, when in danger mode and NOT in standing position etc. IMO when in danger mode, regarding to their actual inteligence, they should use only crouch and prone positions. Now example: Imagine, that you're going on patrol, suddenly you are in contact with enemy and you need to react FAST. So you press only (for example) TAB button, and your team will get those TWO commands AT ONCE. They will set up in crouched position and will be cautious, tactical, like in well know "danger" mode. They will not stand up like curious fools, they will be low. And this was only one example, why to use it. I think you can figure out more situations, when it would be usefull. It would be fully sufficient to have this controls settings editable in some config file, not necessarily included in game menu or something. Maybe, if someone can mod this stuff. It would be kindly appreciated, I believe, not only by myself. Say what you think, guys. And I hope, that this suggestion will get to BI. And sorry for my possibly not perfect english. ---------- Post added at 08:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:31 AM ---------- Oh, sorry, I've posted it in wrong category. Can somebody from moderators put this topic in SUGGESTIONS please and then delete this message from this topic? Thank you very much.
  7. And Pilflus is sadly not compatible with my Vistas 64. Reportedly, I don't have a "speech recongition engine". But Vistas have one in-build. Manual installation of Microsoft Speech Recognition 5.1 doesn't help either.
  8. I was googling, and found only office programs. Lot of shareware and enough tough to control...It looks, like I have to stay with button slavery...nevermind
  9. I am very intersted in this question too. Can anyone please answer? I tried to solve this in editor, but I am not sure, what result I got.
  10. Kaeptn_Blaubaer: Can you gimme some tip, which program you know is good?
  11. Bouben

    Patch 1.03

    I don't think, that this are that most important fixes, we needed...hope for next patch...
  12. I think, that AI in DANGER should be in crouched and prone position only. They may not to stand up. Everytime I fight in cities or villages, I tell them to stay crouched. They are much more effective in combat then. When you stop, stay crouched. That's the way I like it and how it should be. And guys, if you ever played the Men Of War game, then you know, that it's AI was able to stand up, when they needed to see behind obstacles in their LOS and it works when they need to see over terrain shapes too.
  13. Bouben


    Guys, i saw actual screens maybe 20 minutes ago and i am impressed of course. But there is litle problem. As you can see here: screen 1 soldier in grass is lighting from there so you cant omit him. Thats the problem because Northern forces have standart woodland so they will have advantage in stealth causes. Yes, you can argue that US ARMY have exactly this uniforms so its correct and realistic. 1st problem: But real ACU uniforms are dimmer as you can see here: Screen 2 And next 2nd problem: is in used sample itself. Cause you got some graphic filtering (bilinear, trilinear etc) what makes texture fuzzy. So sample effect on uniform is unavailing. I dont have so high-end pc to set details on MAX. So thats why i am afraid little bit. Camo effect simply disappear = impact on gameplay especially in multiplayer. Sorry for my bad english. what do you think?
  14. Bouben

    Infrared searchlights

    this are IR lights? thats smart
  15. Bouben


    now you show us your stupid buddy, you didn't understand what we are talking about - ACU "no important" details will have impact on gameplay go take some sleep Did you miss his ? They mean he's being sarcastic..... yes i probably missed him.
  16. Bouben


    That is old-gen ACU, with that bluish tint to it. I have seen the newest gen-ACU, arma has it correct-it is actually very light in RL, and has a light-brownish-yellowish overtone to it. I would say Arma has it spot-on. It doesn't work very well while in the grass either in RL if the sun is coming right down on the ACU-it only really changes color if you are under the shade of trees or something. It still works decent though IRL-maybe Arma should darken the ACU texture for the purpose of gameplay. Corecet preexposure may solve this problem with ACU. When you take a look on this picture captured in Iraq in hot sunny day on green meadow, PICTURE you will see more darker ACU uniforms and i am satisfied that, when soldiers will go prone there, they will be much less visible than on screen from ArmA on top of this tread. Problem is maybe in grass texture itself cause it have different preexposure than soldier's model. this is only speculation and i know that game production isn't easy...
  17. Bouben


    now you show us your stupid buddy, you didn't understand what we are talking about - ACU "no important" details will have impact on gameplay go take some sleep
  18. Bouben


    ok but you cant stay on desert all of the game:)
  19. Bouben


    thx, i am cool now
  20. Bouben


    hello Placebo, please, tell us something what help solve our problem (my problem) about multiplayer impact
  21. Bouben


    Yeah, you are right, posprocesing. But what can BIS do with it to balance woodland fighting in multiplayer?
  22. Bouben


    I see only one ACU camouflage. Can you please show me that woodland US camo? ACU is uniform to ALL terains, something like a MultiCam. So i dont want to hear "US will have advantages on desert and Northern forces in woods" i am talking about bad texture what make you soldier almost yellow what is wrong cause in ACU you should be camoflaged in ALL TERAINS that what is ACU done for - copy that? In my experience (know a few fellers who use ACU in airsoft) it sure is a pattern that fits everywhere - badly. Maybe rocky enviroment would be it's strongest. But then again, you can hide in woodland wearing snow camo no problem if you're skilled enough and don't run around all the time shouting "I'm here! I'm here!". Simulating that in game would be quite hard though, but OFP, unlike many other FPS games, allowing you to move your head instead of rotate around completely - is quite good already. but compare this picture with soldier in grass - i dont sayd that camo of ACU is perfect in woods but its much better than that "ACU" in ArmA...
  23. Bouben


    I see only one ACU camouflage. Can you please show me that woodland US camo? ACU is uniform to ALL terains, something like a MultiCam. So i dont want to hear "US will have advantages on desert and Northern forces in woods" i am talking about bad texture what make you soldier almost yellow what is wrong cause in ACU you should be camoflaged in ALL TERAINS that what is ACU done for - copy that? yes, on older screens are desert uniforms thats right, bud i am talking about different colors than should be on ACU uniform - that buddy in grass have ACU but that ACU didn't working good:)