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Everything posted by Bouben

  1. Sorry but screens in that manual are not working, and adding -u in shortcuts prevents my six updater from runing. I am not able to fix it like that. Can you please tell me more? And please note that I had not this problems 3 days before.
  2. Bouben

    Bis attention: 1.05 list of problems!

    You can evade this by changing formation to either the file or the diamond. They will still so jerky and hesitating, but they will acutally follow you much faster.
  3. Bouben

    Patch 1.05 Satisfaction Survey

    AI itself would need one whole big patch.
  4. Yes, make them NOT STOPPING at all, until they're in cover. As someone from special forces said here on BI forums, bounding overwatch is from cover to cover so stopping after few meters in open to cover your buddy is not a proper way. Also, units in combat should not be standing at all. They should always prefer to be low, for example crouched also behind trees, when they always tend to stand up. On the other hand, units which are laying behind sandbags are useless too.
  5. You can use the new patch for steam version too.
  6. I have a problem. For two days already I have been getting this error when opening the PRESETS page on your server: Encoding::CompatibilityError in Sixconfigs#index And then lot of text. Check this txt: http://leteckaposta.cz/519434590
  7. Bouben

    FDF Podagorsk

    This is the best island I have ever play on despite it's big performance impact. Incredible scenery. And what a fun to play there! Also I really appreciate how realistic it looks. Applause guys!
  8. I hope the claymore bug will be fixed soon. Great mod anyway. Really looking forward to the final version.
  9. Bouben

    Grass layer gone?

    Grass layer is not dependent on level of grass. Grass layer is the same if you are in either low or high grass. It doesn't matter. And you will notice that probably only on units which are in prone position. So don't bother to try, if you can hide crouching guy with grass up to his neck. No, that is not possible.
  10. Bouben

    Suppressive Fire, any luck?

    Well, I can not imagine, how I can make some useful use of this kind of suppressive command. I am quite disapointed, to be honest.
  11. Bouben

    Suppressive Fire, any luck?

    I am sorry, but automatic (autonomous) suppressive fire was already there. And you didn't have to say anything to your AI mates. But what for is this command then? EDIT: allright, got it working. But this kind of suppressive fire is quite useless. I mean, you can suppress last seen enemy soldier and that's all. You don't even need to bother about direction. Just press number of soldier, 3 and then 9 and he automatically starts to suppress somebody. At least these are my experiences now. I'll write more, when I test it more deeper.
  12. Suppresive command...well I can not get it work. It looks like it is functional, but in fact, it does nothing for me. One thing is clear, it doesn't work in that way you point somewhere for suppresive fire. Units don't fire a single bullet. Can anyone please explain how it is supposed to work? Thanks. btw Apache is beautiful.
  13. Bouben

    Suppressive Fire, any luck?

    Yes, I am also VERY interested in how is your suppresive command working :) Because I think it actually isn't. So, I am another one who can't get suppresive fire to work.
  14. Hello. I have this problem. My presets in web client are NOT saved after I press "update" button. They are saved just for a limited time and after few seconds or minutes or hours my presets are reset to default values. So each time I want to update my mods, I must set it all over and over again. What could be a reason? Thanks!
  15. I am really wondering, if anyone here can succesfully use the "disengage" command for an AI units in your group. Since OFP I have never seen this command to do ANYTHING yet. Units give you no response, and visualy and practically do nothing too. So if someone here can give me an example of usage of this command. And please, not just psychical placebo usage that you feel good when you use it. Proof needed. Thank you very much!
  16. Well, I tested URAL, two offroads and one V3S to stay in convoy and their driving was definetely smoother, but still with lot of drawing formard and backwards and also forgetting to turn on crossroads and having delays... Also pathfinding is rather problematic. It is improoved a lot, but it is still far from perfect. What you think, guys? EDIT: Well I was quite reserved as I see now. The AI's driving is still full of critical situations. Sometimes like in previous builds. Tested on utes.
  17. Ok, I am sorry but I must confirm that AI is doing strange things again even without mods. They were under fire but now they are hidden and safe but still going prone even in delta formation (which is supposed to be "always aware"). I am few tens of meters in front of them and they simply cant catch up with me. So now I am waiting till they somehow manage to come close to me... But this is not happening everytime. Just sometimes. I dunno why yet. EDIT: and noticed lot of "go I am covering" repeating again.
  18. Well, don't say "hop!" till you jump over! I will give it more testing and share my experiences with you. Good night :)
  19. Guys, here was one angry text about your fallacy. Now I discovered, that I had accidentally the Zeus AI mod running. I turned it off and it really works. Not perfectly but much much better. I am really sorry for diffusion of wrong information here. Please, accept my apologies. I was desperate and nervous about it, because even delta and file formations were not helping at all. Thanks
  20. Yes JA2 should be definetely in first 20 maybe 10 for me. I love that game.
  21. No, this is not working. I've tried everything. I am not playing for first few days. This is simply a bug.