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Everything posted by Bouben

  1. Another bug: Weather settings is not saved when saving a mission in the editor. After the load the weather is set to the default.
  2. Alt + Enter now causes the game to crash. That is a serious issue for me, because I use it a lot while testing. Also, I have to run the game in windowed mode first and then switch it to fullscreen otherwise my cursor has an offset in the game (since beta). Branch: Development Version: 1.03.111011 Update: OK, not only Alt + Enter causes it. If you change it in your video settings it crashes the game too.
  3. Bouben

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Yes, TPW Fall does this. It is also very useful for taking cover when hit, because AI is forced to get down - increases their life time.
  4. Bouben

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Yes, this are really important game-breaking stuff to solve. But it would have to be made in a way that is not leading AI to certain death. For example running for AT weapon when enemy APC is tracking you with thermal vision is not a good idea. They should use prone instead and use terrain and objects to hide from it etc. But sometimes there are situations where running is the only option because of lack of time. I can imagine this will be challenging for BIS to design properly.
  5. Bouben

    ARMA3 Coop Tactics - how to fight the AI

    Interesting. Would love to read BIS statement about these findings.
  6. Bouben

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Wow, this looks promising.
  7. Bouben

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Please Azzur, create a repro for the behaviour you are observing. This looks like a serious issue.
  8. Bouben

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Very true. This is one of the reasons I tend to play missions without armored vehicles at all. I can't stand the unfinished state of things like this and seeing my squad being wiped out too often for stupid reasons. This really should be adressed - the infantry vs armor combat.
  9. Bouben

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    God damn, why is it so hard for BIS to simply clarify this so we don't have to waste time speculating...
  10. Bouben

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Can somebody from BIS please clarify if we already have all pre-release AI fixes or not? A lot of people obviously want to know. Thank you!
  11. Bouben

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I am sorry, but how did you deduce that? It is just an update for the stable branch. We already had all those fixes in devbranch and there was no new update on AI being pre-release-like. It would be very good if BIS could clarify it for us - to stop speculations.
  12. Bouben

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Old AI bug still present in A3. AI is using wire fences as a cover. In urban scenarios this is really a gamebreaker. AI should not consider those wire fence objects as a cover. And moreover, it looks so stupid...
  13. Bouben

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Guys, I just want to remind you there is still this bug with AI and engage commands: if you could download the repro and try it, it would be appreciated (the ticket is sitting there for a while and there is no reaction whatsoever). http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=13952
  14. Bouben

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I pray for a day when AI will be finally able to take cover properly AND quickly without the stupid robotic dance before it. Right now they face wrong directions too often (hiding on the wrong side of an object) and it takes them so much time to decide when to go prone or where to hide - the most horrible thing about their "thinking in process" is that they just keep standing before they decide. I have been waiting for years for the solution for this problem.
  15. You can use game-speed keys to reset the speed again but it is obviously a workaround.
  16. Bouben

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    The "disengage" command has no effect until a unit ordered to "disengage" is in engagement with an enemy. That is, the unit has to be ordered to engage a target. Otherwise there is no effect of the command at all. Also, behaviour commands (safe, aware) seem to have no effect on the time it takes to AI to end the "danger mode". It has only effect when no enemy is known in an area. The "diamond" and "file" formations are the only means of speeding your AI units in the danger mode (under fire).
  17. An interesting interview about future of Arma 3 with the leader of BIS. http://www.arma3.com/news/report-in-marek-spanel-ceo#.UjM2yCk9LmG Especially the part about "...opening up Arma 3 to paid user-made content...". Nevertheless check it out if you missed it as I think there is not enough players reading the official website (and SITREPS especially).
  18. Bouben

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    One of the problems with AIs in buildings is that their position often doesn't provide them with enough FOV even in aware combat mode. They are often placed in a way that AIs have only limited FOV from the building or no FOV at all.
  19. Bouben

    People not dying

    Yes, thanks for confirmation. Therefore it is pointless to discuss this option in context of killing enemies.
  20. Bouben

    People not dying

    Guys, just checking. Isn't extended armor option valid only for a player (to decrease difficulty)? Thanks.
  21. Bouben

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Well, I am usually not that optimistic, but game-breaking bugs tend to be solved with priority. This is not a matter of improvement but a fix. I mean, without this fixed their SP campaign would be very problematic.
  22. Bouben

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Don't worry, stuff like that will surely be solved.
  23. Well I just written my honest opinion and you just written yours. Fair enough, I guess. But of course, I don't agree with your statement about AI. But then...what is the purpose of the game? ;-) For me, SP. For others... But I would not compare gameplay mechanics with visuals...
  24. I don't need any more content and I don't care for visual diversity in combat just for sake of visual diversity. I agree there should be planes, but that is about it. The content is sufficient. I don't need to masturbate while looking at 4 different APCs that are just visually different but fulfilling the same role. So I don't agree there is a "content crisis". Not for me at least.
  25. Bouben

    Sounds too quiet

    The sound are definitely too quiet. Vehicles and footsteps are almost unhearable. The audio mix is not well balanced yet. This is a serious issue, because tanks should be heard from quite a distance. Now I have problem to hear them from tens of meters. Same for the helicopters. Stealthy really :-)))