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Everything posted by Bouben

  1. Bouben

    AI Configuration - feedback

    I thought it would be some extra skill value with already existing ones. Like if you have highly trained civilian his skill would be nevertheless reduced by some value to distinguish him from Special forces. I mean...if the only thing that this skill feature introduces would be default skill for unit placed in the editor, then it is useless, isn't it?
  2. Bouben

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Not now, sorry. Will try to do it later.
  3. Bouben

    AI Configuration - feedback

    What if you want to use normal looking (or civil looking) but highly trained soldiers?
  4. Bouben

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    And also wire fences...
  5. Bouben

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I understand stacking up but that was just random packing of units together with no purpose. And amazing clearing? So ignoring corners is amazing? Man, this is just vanilla AI with different flavour and robotic moving through buildings. Doing "this" while ignoring "that" and vice versa. Nothing revolutionary and certainly nothing I would like to see in Arma 3. I don't want to come around as bashing the people behind KAI. I just don't understand the universal praise from the community. It is just another AI mod that does something on expense of something else. Interesting effort but as something that should be giving example for Arma devs? No thanks. That said, until the AI is able to really use cover (not just stand behind it, but to actually peak and hide and return fire blindly etc.) there is not much of a revolution to be coming to Arma. Until then, I really don't care how fancy the movement of units looks like because in the end you still get those units killed in the open - because they cannot use their cover.
  6. Bouben

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I absolutely cannot see what is so great about it (KAI). The car in formation still goes first to catch all AT fire and infantry is not doing anything special too. The squad would sometimes be killed with one grenade. The infantry is advancing while their "covering" units are not covering at all (looking in wrong directions). AI ignoring corners etc. I think it is completely overrated, because there are the same stupid stuff that are happening in vanilla. Sorry.
  7. Bouben

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    So you volunteer for the script writing? :-))) Please, post links to your tickets.
  8. Bouben

    What Difficulty settings do you use?

    Regular, modified - mainly because I need to see reported units on the map. I find it unrealistic that my mates cannot point and explain precisely, where the enemy is - therefore I use the map. AI skills both on 0.4 simply only because of their super-aim abilities right now. I would of course prefer other skills on max and aiming toned down. I also tried to edit AI precision in the config, but for some reason it seem not working at all - I can't see any difference now but it used to work well in Arma 2. So I have to tone down the whole skills to see some effect on accuracy. Maybe a bug here? - Extended armor disabled - Friendly TAG disabled - Enemy TAG disabled - Show detected mines enabled - Extended HUD info disabled - Permanent extended HUD info disabled - HUD waypoints info enabled - HUD waypoints info permanently enabled (I don't know how would anyone move according to your AI leader chaotic orders without waypoints being visible) - HUD show group disabled - Auto report disabled - Extended map info enabled - Weapon crosshair enabled (needed mainly to see if my weapon is blocked by an obstacle and to aim hand-grenades) - Auto guide AT disabled - Clock indicator enabled - 3rd person view enabled/disabled according to current mood - Super AI disabled - Camera shake enabled - Unlimited saves enabled (I have no time in my life anymore to play it old-school like OFP back in those days, however I would welcome limited amount of saves but one is not enough - three would be better) - Allow full hud info disabled (don't know what it does)
  9. Bouben

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Hi, because AI drivers are still so problematic they are able to immobilize their vehicle by damaging their tires by constantly crashing into stuff. You can not take for granted they will make "those ordered 200 meters" without crashing their wheels (which leads to extremely slow movement or the crew disembarking from the vehicle). This is a crucial problem if you need them to behave reliably with their cars. Too often I lost my armoured car support because of this stupid AI behaviour. I propose the following workaround, so that we can enjoy the gameplay, until some better solution is done: Please, disable damaging of tires and wheels from crashing into stuff if the driver of the vehicle in question is an AI. If this is possible and done properly we would still be able to damage AI's tires and wheels by gunfire and mines but AI would have significantly more chance (even after a lot of crashing) to bring their vehicle where ordered and we would not have to babysit that much every car ordered to move somewhere. What do you think of this? Would it work for you? I don't have any better idea for now but I am feeling very frustrated that my AI mates are not able to keep their wheels alive even in peace times. Thank you.
  10. Thanks for detailed answer. Would it be possible to let HAL run with ALIVE side by side? ALIVE handling spawning of units and their reinforcements while HAL would be taking those units and command them according to the classic "RydObj" triggers? I don't know if it is possible for HAL to use (de)spawned units.
  11. I want to ask how sophisticated is OPCOM planning at the moment? Can it be compared with HAL already or is it something to be worked on and would be improved in future versions? Thank you.
  12. That would be problematic. How would you cancel the menu then? Release to commit is not a really safe method for me.
  13. I don't see what is your problem with the identical ammunition. Would you be more satisfied if both tanks had different names for their ammo (but same ammo properties)? Or you want to cripple down one side and make it less powerful than the other just for the sake of having some diversity? I don't get it.
  14. Bouben

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    So you test AI only in multiplayer COOP scenarios? Have you ever heavily played with an AI squad? Leading the squad etc? That is important too. The heat of a multiplayer game can drastically bias your AI behaviour observations. Can you please post a link where I can download the ASR_AI3? I could not find it. Thank you. ---------- Post added at 17:00 ---------- Previous post was at 16:58 ---------- I agree.
  15. Bouben

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Sorry, but I have to agree with InstaGoat on this. While all of the mods gave something with a potential to the game, all of them also suffered the same problems the vanilla has. It was just tweaked so that it felt different and occasionally did something really neat but still did not have much needed reliability and balance that is missing in the series. For example so applauded ZeusAI was, for me, an absolutely unusable dissaster that completely destroyed stealth factor and made every AI unit run out of ammo (not to mention other game balancing stuff that will show themselves only after careful testing). However guys who enjoyed firefights on long distance praised the mod in unlimited fasion, because they used it in specific situations and their view was biased by it. The core has to be changed. Otherwise we will have these one-purpose-only mods that will make something better while making something else worse. However, I cannot hide my excitement about Fabrizio's AI mod he is currently developing. This is the first AI mod that looks it does things more right than the others. We will see.
  16. Bouben

    AI Configuration - feedback

    How is this different in gameplay-practice from what we have now? Please elaborate. Thanks.
  17. Bouben

    AI Configuration - feedback

    Seems to me that I have to restart the game every time I change the config. Otherwise I cannot see any effect after a change. When I restart, it feels different.
  18. Bouben

    AI Configuration - feedback

    Guys, the precision setting still has no effect on AI accuracy. Only the skill does. Or am I alone with this problem?
  19. I saw the videos and so far, I am really impressed. Fabrizio, you are my hero. Amazing work. And guys, great job that you are really testing it and giving a feedback. This looks so promising.
  20. Look at a feedback in my signature. I reported this in beta branch already. EDIT: Oh sorry, have not noticed you already found out.
  21. Bouben

    AI Configuration - feedback

    So the precision setting is functional again? I thought it was still disabled since that Arma 2 patch.
  22. Bouben

    Dispersion to simulate inaccuracy

    Isn't the weapon sway enough? I mean people are complaining how big the sway is (I am not, I like it) and now you suggest more dispersion? And moreover random?
  23. Yes. I would love to see how the mod affects the game.
  24. I have found a balance non-sense. Quad bike's tires survives more AP mines than tires of HEMTT or Hunter. Place four mines in a row and roll over them with quad bike. You would be able to roll over all of them. You won't be able to do that with HEMTT or Hunter. Also, I found it strange that a quad bike driver does not get any injury as if he was covered in a hull. Also, I think no matter how many AP mines, it should not blow up an armored car like Hunter.