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Everything posted by Bouben

  1. Bouben

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I usually don't recommend AI mods, as they usually sucks, but bCombat really is a game-changer. BIS should take note from Fabrizio's work. The AI is very quick in their actions and much more human-like. The speed in what they duck to cover when fired upon is something that I was praying for since OFP... So BIS, players, check the mod out. EDIT: Oh yeah and it simulates suppression effects on AI too.
  2. About the accuracy. I think it is a bit low than proper but haven't done any empirical tests so cannot really say (the unit that could not shoot me was probably suppressed heavily - but I think the accuracy reduction should not be that high for a mediocre skilled unit - they are literally shooting a ground in front of them sometimes). Just one suggestion, Fabrizio: MG guys should be more careful with their ammo. They are shooting like maniacs and lose their ammo very fast and you now how painful is to resupply AI buddies in Arma 3 (the rearming is bugged too). Also, it happens sometimes that MGs tend to spray from standing position which leads to a very inaccurate shots. So shorter bursts would probably be more appropriate.
  3. Fabrizio, I have been testing your mod today again and it is really an improvement over vanilla. I am really enjoying it. Great combat experience. Thank you very much and keep yourself motivated. It is worth it. BIS should take note. EDIT: OK, I will say it more clearly. This is the best mod I have ever used in Arma series. A total game-changer. I am playing for couple of hours and it is absolutely amazing. Fabrizio, fantastic job. Smooth gameplay, amazing firefights. Love it. Never enjoyed Arma/OFP so much before. EDIT2: Oh yeah, and I forgot to say that this is the first AI mod that really improves and not just doing something while destroying something else (at least I have not noticed yet).
  4. The ideal state for players would be if BIS polished what they already have WIP and not starting anything new until then. That would not be, of course, ideal state for BIS as they need to keep the income steady - therefore having to make new features that players would want to buy.
  5. Bouben

    Soldier protection (dev branch)

    They have already stated that there are difficulties with this issue (that something is currently impossible to implement properly).
  6. Bouben

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    The engage commands are broken since beta. Check the feedback ticket in my signature.
  7. Bouben

    Real Armor Mod

    I wonder what is the reason for BIS not to do this themselves. I believe they have good reasons for this, so...?
  8. Bouben

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Have not noticed difference between FILE and DIAMOND in terms of AI keeping pace with player, but might be.
  9. Bouben

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Guys, I was talking about fatigue system (weight system), not about Arma 2 movement/animation system (hence the thread I used). I want inertia and weapon collisions (as ProGamer correctly stated). I want what was in that Arma 3 dev patch a few months ago (the last one with fatigue system enabled) before it was taken back "temporally". That is the clunkiness I was talking about. The game is so boring without it and has lost some uniqueness this way. A big part of certain tension in firefights is gone with it. Don't panic. Read in what thread you are next time. Thanks. PS: I also want turn limits (this is not fatigue related of course).
  10. Bouben

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Diamond formation, guys.
  11. Bouben

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    So when is this crucial, very awaited feature coming back to Arma 3? I can't stand the absence of certain clunkiness and heaviness I was used to in OFP and previous Armas. BIS, what is planned about fatigue yet? Thanks.
  12. Bouben

    Soldier protection (dev branch)

    I would prefer animations instead of ragdoll. Of course, if BI could get something similar to Euphoria, then cool. But I think that is highly unlikely.
  13. Yes, it works great. Thank you very much, Lao!
  14. Thank you for the info! Nice weekend to you.
  15. Allright so I tested the mao's muzzle particle/smoke mod and it did solved the problems I described here. So it was indeed connected with graphics and not ballistics.
  16. Guys, interesting finds here. I am glad that I brought here the issue.
  17. Thank you for the explanation. Good to know.
  18. Here comes the placebo effect. Thanks for the info.
  19. Bouben

    Soldier protection (dev branch)

    I now tested and two 45 ACP bullets from a pistol in a foot (!) killing a soldier while machinegun has to fire three bullets to a foot. Foot could be torn apart in real and still not immediately killing a soldier. Needs more fixing.
  20. Hi. Title says it all. If my observation is valid, would it be possible to make it more performance friendly? I already have particles on low and still getting significant fps loss when firing full auto. What do you think, guys?
  21. Bouben

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I don't think turrets should be that deadly. A gunner IRL has to aim with a joystick or something and that is not the most precise way of adjusting aiming. Therefore it should take significantly more time for turrets to aim and adjust aim. Especially on moving target. Especially on infantry targets. That dev update was a step in a right direction but it should be taken even further. I always hated Ifrit running over my squad with its auto-aim turret from 15 meters giving precise headshots to prone soldiers or running soldiers. Completely unrealistic - not to mention the unreal situational awareness of a gunner in a turret compared to real life. I am for significantly less precise turrets against infantry definitely - as in real life combat. On the other hand it should not affect turrets against lockable targets such as aircraft or armor. That makes sense.