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Everything posted by Bouben

  1. Bouben

    Fatigue indicator poll

    Ha ha ha... That is a complete bullshit - many times explained. Sorry. ---------- Post added at 13:51 ---------- Previous post was at 13:48 ---------- Do you realize that you have much more information about your fatigue state in real life and that without the GUI you make the game actually less realistic? That's just another anti-HUD argument that does not care about context. Why the hell should HUD have more priority than such essential information? What makes the game more realistic? Real-life-like amount of information or HUD-less screen? And while we are at it, why the hell is the ammo counter still present in the game and nobody gives a damn about it if the HUD-less "realistic" experience is so important for you, "anti-HUD community"? Ammo counter should be put out of the game, fatigue bar should be added to the game. That would make the game more realistic (in the context of how realistic a game can be, of course) than it is now.
  2. Bouben

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Such a bar would be pointless. I am for a Shac-Tac-like fatigue bar implemented to the vanilla game. It is absolutely unobtrusive and it does the job well.
  3. Bouben

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    But the weight and physical activity we are talking about are indeed extreme. Read my reply again, please: IRL, I would not be surprised of the outcome (tired, fatigued, heavy breathing). And that is the point. I would immediately know what to expect the moment I put the load on me because I would feel the weight and every step would indicate that. I don't have the information in the game, though - therefore I need a colour-blind-ready stamina bar.
  4. Bouben

    Fatigue indicator poll

    I, for one, am not a new player at all. I just hate stupid/irrational things happening around me. And that stupid/irrational thing here is the absence of information about fatigue of my avatar before I get him fatigued. The loadouts constantly change with every mag emptied and every grenade thrown. Don't forget this little fact.
  5. Bouben

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    False. You are surprised only when you aren't prepared (because you had to do something unexpected that you have not planned or something extreme) but you always know your limits. You are perfectly able to tell how long you are able to continue in a given tempo with a given load. You can simply tell "I am not going to make it with this load" even before you even get fatigued. That is impossible in the game before you really try how your avatar with a given load behaves. And that information come too late. It therefore prevents prevention. I am really shocked how much false information is spreading in this thread. It so easy to load yourself with stuff and go try it out outside. It is then so utterly clear that the game does not provide you with the same amount of information the real life situation does. And if that is clear then it is clear that the game needs some way to provide you with such information. Of course, you aren't able to tell your limits in really extreme situations of really extreme fatigue when you are constantly pushing your limits because you have never encountered the situation before (drowning for example). But that is not a topic we are discussing here. Right now, we aren't able to tell if we are able to sufficiently slowly jog to a final destination before we actually try it and get fatigued. We also are not able to tell how will our weapon behave after we finish the trip before we actually see what the game visually provides us (amount of shaking). In the game, we don't immediately feel changes in our loadout before we actually move and I can tell you, I can immediately feel changes in my loadout IRL situation even when I am completely stationary. Simply because my muscles and bones together with gravity provide me with information about weight of the loadout. I don't have to move to figure it out. I can immediately feel "OK, climbing up there with this load is going to be hard". Why is it such a problem for people to let others to have an official option to clutter their HUD as they (not you) please? An option would be a win-win situation. Nobody wants a fatigue-per-distance calculator here. Just a basic indicator that is able to tell us the minimum information compared to the information we get IRL. Simple as that.
  6. Bouben

    Fatigue indicator poll

    Colouring/opacity based indicator is absolutely unacceptable for colour-blind people. Please, think about us, colour-blind, too. An ideal solution would be a number of indicators to choose from so that everybody can use whatever he/she prefers. ---------- Post added at 18:06 ---------- Previous post was at 18:05 ---------- But it actually does behave totally differently every time your loadout is changed (you deplete ammo, you throw few grenades, shot few ATs...).
  7. Bouben

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Absolutely correct. ---------- Post added at 17:58 ---------- Previous post was at 17:51 ---------- Unfortunately, anything less precise than a stamina bar (without numbers) will be as "useless" as the current audio-visual system we have now. Any indicator based on colour is absolutely unacceptable for colour-blind people (such as myself). I have a big trouble to recognize slowly changing shades of colours. Moreover, when the colour is changed, it is already too late. You need a linear indicator that is predictable. A stamina bar without numbers is predictable because you see two extremes - the minimum and maximum values (without numbers, of course). A colour-based indicator has more or less exactly same effect as the current audio-visual cue you get from the game. Absolutely useless, because it shows the state when it is too late. EDIT: The stamina bar is telling you what you get IRL - that is: "this value (a position on the bar) is my current state/feeling and this other part of the bar is where my current limit is".
  8. Bouben

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Absolutely agreed. Stamina bar is needed. In real life, you very precisely feel how much you can bear yet. You don't have to feel it in exact numbers - you just know it. You don't get this info in the game and therefore you need an indicator. Simple as that. ShackTac did it right and I would like to have it in the vanilla officially.
  9. Hi, I was asking fabrizio_T, why is his excellent bcombat mod not participating in the Make Arma Not War Contest. He replied that he wasn't able to find a category that would suit his mod. Because his mod is, in my opinion, one of the most important mods in Arma series that radically changes the final gameplay impression, I am asking BIS officials if there is any possibility for fabrizio_T to submit his mod to the contest. I wouldn't normally care so much, but I truly believe that fabrizio_T made an excellent work and had probably created the most efficient AI mod in the series yet. Please, answer before the submission stage is over. Thank you very much.
  10. Bouben

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Can anyone else confirm that the official campaign is not fatigue-system-ready?
  11. You are right. I double-checked just now and have to apologize for misinformation.
  12. And bInfantryArmouredSupport... :)
  13. What are you talking about? Are you aware of the fact that your sights are always perfectly lined up if you put them up in the game? The misalignment happens only when you hip fire.
  14. Roshnak, thanks for those videos. That should prevent another exaggerating, lazy players from spreading misinformation.
  15. While I definitely agree with you on this one, there is always a space for improvements. I like where the game is going now but it could definitely use some tweaking.
  16. I believe the misalignment should be based on actual properties of a weapon and not its type. You can have a pistol with a really big recoil and that should mean more misalignment.
  17. Yes, due to recoil. It immediately caught my attention that the sights are so static during shooting. I agree with your suggestion about applying inertia on bringing up the sights.
  18. Bouben

    Damage system sucks - fix needed

    You are skipping the current essential problems of the damage system while introducing more clutter for which there is no solid ground prepared yet.
  19. Bouben

    was buying arma 3 worth it ?

    Steam was one of the best things that happened to the series. No looking back from me on this one.
  20. Bouben

    It doesn't feel the same

    The modded Chernarus has bugged LODs and bad lighting in Arma 3.
  21. Are you using any mods? If yes, disable them and try again. Have you tried the file integrity check on Steam? If not, try it.
  22. Use "move" command for units that should be flanking. They will move ASAP without leap-frogging. You would have to follow them, though, and tell them to stop if you don't want them to go suicidal.
  23. I have to repeat that there has to be a sight misalignment during shooting. When your weapon kicks during shooting, your sights are going to be jumpy, that is for sure.