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Everything posted by Blazen

  1. Blazen

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    I agree that the sound needs a bit of work.... You can hear a bullet hitting a targets body from over 200meters away, apart from the silencer issues.... I like the way the AI react to advancing targets once you've innitiated the combat. I was in Entre testing out the mod when a T80 was there protecting the flagg. It killed me twice and then I prepared a little more carefully after respawn. Once I made it back over the hill to Entre, the tank was gone. I noticed that there was alot of fire coming from Montignac, it was the opposition taking the town. It appeared that the T80 previously protecting that flagg had rushed to Monti to join his AI ally's against the other forces. Once I took the flag at Entre, he came back to retake the town he is scripted to protect, but not alone.... I would hate to see these type of unpredictable AI actions replaced by somthing easier and more predictable. However I do agree that the silencers are WAY to loud, I also noticed this with grenade blasts and the ability to hear a bullet entering sombody from as close as 200 meters to as far as 1000 meters away.
  2. Blazen

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Thunderbird, I played along with 5 others testing out your wonderful conversion and I wouldn't change the music or the accuracy of the AI. If your having problems inserting troops via helecopter than your just use to playing the game with those lame AI that everyone knows does stupid things like run past tanks they should be killing, or here's a good one, AI that will just look at you but not fire until you make the first move or fire. I think the accuracy of the weapons is a little more realistic in the WGL mod, for instance the PK that shoots like a laser of death lol, however I liked the weapons and the overall gameplay is fantastic. Can't wait to try out that patch and hopefully crash free!