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Everything posted by Grimpac

  1. Grimpac

    Use old ID for the GOTY

    I rebuyed OFP, because I wanted to reinstall it. I bought the GOTY edition. But now I can see, it only use one CD Key. But I got my old CD keys and I am not able to use my old OFP ID. Is there a possibility to use it? I hope you understand me.
  2. Grimpac

    Use old ID for the GOTY

    Thanks, maybe some words from the official side?
  3. Grimpac

    Use old ID for the GOTY

    Is it possible and am I allowed to do this?
  4. Grimpac

    NO jets in ArmA?

    There must be planes! They belong to Operation Flashpoint. Else, there will be no air-support by with bombs or rockets. Only helicopters, sea gulls and flies? I cant believe that.
  5. Grimpac

    M1A2 SEP

    Yeah, cool M1A2. Saw some other types of M1A2 but never a really good one like this. Awesome sounds, of reloading and firing. Good job! Was it really necessary to use CBT_Crew and JAM? Would be better if you put a link into the ReadMe.txt where you can find JAM (http://www.ofpec.com/editors/mods/JAM/JAM2.rar). (I uninstalled BAS Rangers before ..)
  6. Grimpac

    Camp Alpha - The Buildmode

    Hi all, I still released my own Operation Flashpoint Real-Time-Strategy Engine. There are two missions within, both Free-Build Missions, one for the East and one for the West Side. This version is like a demo, where I want to check bugs and your opinion. Here is one picture: Buildmenu The homepage is not English, but the missions are. Would be nice, if someone would like to translate my homepage. ------------------------------------------ Check it out at the homepage: www.campalpha.de