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Everything posted by buliwyf

  1. buliwyf

    Submarine depth !

    I have no idea what you are doing... but the creation of the sub should be done only by the server! Something like : if (isServer) then {blabla}; And the bubbles have to be started at every client. So you have to start the bubble part after the sub was created by the server and the clients know what "mySub" is... ;)
  2. buliwyf

    Submarine depth !

    This is what i use for divers (put it in your init.sqf.): if (!isDedicated) then { _plankton = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal (position player); _plankton setParticleClass "PlanktonEffect"; _plankton attachto [player,[0,2,1.3]]; }; And this is what i found on BIS page, but i have newer used it and newer tested... but it seems interessting: breathingBubblesEffect
  3. buliwyf

    Submarine depth !

    It should be "local variable in global space" i guess.. =) ...you really have to learn some elemantary scripting basics... ;) So try: mySub = createVehicle ["Submarine_01_F", [getMarkerPos "Sub" select 0,getMarkerPos "Sub" select 1, -40], [], 0, "NONE"]; mySub setMass 10;
  4. buliwyf

    Submarine depth !

    _veh = createVehicle ["Submarine_01_F", [getMarkerPos "Sub" select 0,getMarkerPos "Sub" select 1, -40], [], 0, "NONE"]; _veh setMass 10;
  5. buliwyf

    Submarine depth !

    this setMass 10; works fine for me.
  6. No, you can make it a little bit more complicated... :cool:
  7. FYI: 20:17:55 LODShape::Preload: shape 'ibr\ibr_dinopark\ice_zoofence.p3d' not found 20:17:55 Warning Message: Cannot open object ibr\ibr_dinopark\ice_zoofence.p3d
  8. buliwyf

    Simple ParaDrop Script

    Locality problem in global area you use a local variable (_drop). So use following: my_drop =[uH80,100] execVM "eject.sqf"; Maybe... And i would trigger the script server only... *Update* I used it in this way in MP: nul=[[[uH80,300],'scripts\ejectParas.sqf'],'BIS_fnc_execVM',false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP and in ejectParas.sqf: if (!isServer) exitWith {};
  9. buliwyf

    Epoch Mod

    It is getting better and better...
  10. buliwyf

    Epoch Mod

    Stay away from the drugs... ;) The only thing i want is to register with forums...
  11. buliwyf

    Epoch Mod

    I`m not able to register to your official forums. It looks like i`m not the only one. I always fail the security question for what game Epoch Mod is for... I tried: ArmA Arma ArmA2 Arma2 ArmA3 Arma3 ArmA 2 Arma 2 ArmA 3 Arma 3 Armed Assault Armed Assault 2 Armed Assault 3 ThisIsStupid ...nothing works! So what game Epoch Mod is for? :annoy:
  12. Not sure but i guess it have to be: [] spawn {
  13. Only an error in his link. Try this one: Download the sample mission (V003) ...and next time be more imaginative. :) I only copied his link of v002 and changed the 2 to 3 in the link. ;)
  14. buliwyf

    X-Cam prototype map

    A-R-M-A-Z-I-N-G !!!
  15. Speechless! That`s german engineering at it`s best! :pc:
  16. Use Notepad ++ with SQF Syntax Highlighting and you will find your fault in CfgSounds!
  17. Not sure if it solve your problem, but it is NEVER a good idea to use variabale names that are the same as scripting commands! There are also some BIS standard variabales you should not use... so it is better to be more creative... use something like BEA_addAction... ;)
  18. trigger activation: Code: nul=[thisTrigger] execVM "scripts\lzmarker.sqf"; marker stuff inside the lzmarker.sqf : Code: _nametrigger = _this select 0; _marker = format["%1",_nametrigger]; _marker = createMarkerLocal [_marker, position _nametrigger]; _marker setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; _marker setMarkerTypeLocal "PICKUP"; _marker setMarkerSizeLocal [1,1]; _marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorWEST"; ..no higher scripting stuff...
  19. Typo maybe? first: BEAKS_ReinforceStaticWeapon second: BEAKS_ReinforceStaticWeapont
  20. Give it a try andd make sure your target is in air by setting your helipad in editor to e.g. 50m: _unit doWatch _target; waitUntil { _dir = direction _unit; _relative = [_unit,_target] call BIS_fnc_relativeDirTo; if (_dir == _relative) exitWith { _unit forceWeaponFire ["GL_3GL_F", "UGL_FlareGreen_F"]; }; false };
  21. Something is wrong with my ninja smiley... :D
  22. Totally chaos! :D Take a look at the Scripting Command: setMarkerBrushLocal There is no "PICKUP" available. I have no idea where you get it.... Maybe you need setMarkerTypeLocal instead of setMarkerBrushLocal: setMarkerTypeLocal :confused: ...and thisTrigger says it all i guess. It is what it is... the trigger itself... :) and btw. there are german scripting forums too.. like: Forum of Armed-Assault.de
  23. nul=[[color="#FF0000"]empty[/color]] execVM "scripts\lzmarker.sqf"; And this tries to get the empty stuff... _nametrigger = _this select 0; You get it?