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Everything posted by Bobcatt666

  1. Bobcatt666

    Modern Combat Mod - SLX Released

    Well, most FOBs end up with markets and bazars, that sell cheap fake big name glasses for 5 to 20 bucks a pop, some units supply troops protectiv glasses like Willey X, Gargoyals, becuase of the balistic eye proection, Most units its an order to wear eye protecting before leaving the wire. So yeah the glasses are correct for troops down range these days. Even more so your victor hits and IED they might be the differance of loosing your eye sight or just getting messed up.
  2. Bobcatt666

    Modern Combat Mod - SLX Released

    CROWs systems seem to never have really gotten fielded, the weird counter sniper system did, the M1114A1 ended up getting an armor update with frag 5 kits. But the suspenssion on the M1114 couldn't handle the added weight. Got so bad that ever mission we roll out a wheel break off at least one vehicle, or spring shatter. MRAPs are replacing most of the humvees, they made better gunners turrerts with clear armor way better visablity and added power assist to the turrets. The humvees not replaced by Mraps were replaced with the lighter M1151A1s, which are in use by most of the manuver units in our battle space now. The Marine addons were not made by Big Rooney so kinda asking him to correct somebody else stuff is a lot of work.. Even touching a pouch could create even more bugs and issues cause just how OFP is with addons. Ir get Rooney stuck waiting months on end fer permission to alter and release said andons.
  3. Bobcatt666

    FFUR'85 (2008 edition)

    most sf and ranger operators dressed like normal infantrymen. MOLL wasn't really used till the 90s, other than having some articals and personal equipment that was modified to sf/ranger sop. MOLLE wasn't around in the 80s was all Alice gear, Typical Ranger in the 80s big image 300 k + Large number of the even contimued wearing the nam era tropical uniforms, slant pocket summer weight od green uniforms, with modified od patrol caps, usally made but a tailor off post, cats eyes sewn to the back. hat tab on the fron, or boonie caps. Woodland buds evetually replaced them, then the jacket was getting modded with the relocation of the bottom pockets to the sleeves, so the jacket tails could be tucked in and the use of reppeling gear better. The design is now in the ACU uniform worn today. That was also done a lot in country durring nam.
  4. Bobcatt666

    OFP BOF mod

    check the ocean island map it had trash int he streets in the chinia town area. Can reskin the mine heaps into debri. Kinda filty city areas, for the most part seeing the sewage system was destroyed a long while ago. Locals usually just crap or piss where ever they feel like it. Huge crap pits. or if they have something remotely like bathrooms it dumps out into a hole or pipe outside. Or a two story kinda crap room, you go itn the second flor and stand over likea 10 x 10 inch hole and do your business. Maybe use the little bis car wreaks from Tonal and the zombie mods. and the burned out cars from the ICP explossion mod..
  5. Bobcatt666

    FFUR'85 (2008 edition)

    yeah, but the M240 was only a crew served weapon system on the M1a1 for the loader, the the coxail gun, they didn't use the M240B till the late 90s, was M60 for the 80s, the Saw was just staring to be issued to only infantry units in the mid to late 80s Ranger units had SAW like systems chambered in 7.62mm M76 machine guns that later were replaced by the M240, M240 mostly came out in large numbers just really late 90s. hell the 508th 82nd Abn here use both still, they have M60s and M240s, my unit still has M60s but we didn't field them for this mission, kinda kicking ourselves now for it.
  6. Bobcatt666

    F-22 anyone?F-22

    well nothign from him about dropping OFP fer Arma like so many have..
  7. Bobcatt666

    F-22 anyone?F-22

    Suggest asking footmuch or Vit nicely fer help kinda busy myself and I hate aircraft. They are major asspain..
  8. Bobcatt666

    Modern Combat Mod - SLX Released

    This marine issue comes up with every mod. One most of not all the marine addons are really really buggy. And in massive packs when actually released. All the marine humvess have a geo lod bug that makes them shake violently when sitting. So they are unusable, this also causes them to bury the body halfway itno the ground in most MP missions. The LAv pack also had same problems, the CH53 pack was laggy to all hell.. Pretty much of the release marine addons were more eye candy than use able. Nothing says you can't add them to a mod folder on your own to use them I pulled my hair out on a few missions with my clan cause of thier issues. The addon maker refuses to support his own addons nore can you exspect Big Rooney to spend time fixing isssues to make them compatable. He's already doing the one legged man in a asskicking contest thing.
  9. Bobcatt666

    BD 2nd Rifle Core

    http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?oblast=addons&search=rhs Search is your friend.
  10. Bobcatt666

    OFP BOF mod

    kinda too clean for anywhere in Iraq might need it figure debri textures and grafity. Think ther is a lod issue withe powerlines thats causing the lag issues.
  11. Bobcatt666

    VILAS 2S1

    yeah drawback to poeple sticking crap on the temp fielservers they go poff after 30 days or so if even that long. I searched for it online, I know I got it in my computer, but I depoboed the bpo and modded the hell out of some of the other vehicles in the file. Might have it unscrambled mostly gotta shift through em to figure out which it is actualy in.
  12. Bobcatt666

    VILAS 2S1

    nice to hear he's plotting up updating some of his OFP stuff, might have the beta of it on the hd, and there was a COC enabled one floating around.
  13. Bobcatt666

    Modern Combat Mod - SLX Released

    thats a fair amount of addon pilferage and needing to beg borrow ans swipe from other mods that put a lot of work into their mods, CLSA should work with MCM SLX. Thats if the CLSA guys will even allow the use of their addons. Big problem is factoring in the logistics of using other mods addons. And the pros and cons of such things depending on the mod teams wishes demands on using the addons. Even better if you offered your services in doing some of the leg work to obtain the approval of alot of these addons for the mod thus saving Big Rooney the headache of that and working on the mod. Maybe even work a big closer with this mod, the bouncing back and forth is getting a bit rough even fer me to keep up with you in the forums. At least you be one or two steps closer to getting what you want out of this mod if you rolled up the old sleeves. There are addons sitting on my hd that are going to be tweaked slx style that are not released. yet, that should give this mod a different flavor. I DLed it at last and got it to work and picking at it for now so less I spend here chasing you around before a MOD stomps ya and were all screwed loosing vital information. Well best to get to work want to finish a addon real quick beofre my free time runs out.
  14. Bobcatt666

    Modern Combat Mod - SLX Released

    Ah the old Bushmaster. Well the M151A2 is still used about in the world a lot. I would think it be attached to the CJ5/7 or M38A1 that is in game often on the civi side. But for the rez your morelikely the see this in russian made hardwear On one of them toyots trucks like from DMA? While on tour here noticeda huge numbe rof intersting techicls used by both ACF (anti Colition Forces) and AGS (Afgan Security Guards) and ANP (Afgan Nataional Army) Gonna try implimenting them in ofp hopefully it gets taken into MCM, but with all the correct units makes the DB for the mod rather massive.
  15. Bobcatt666

    Modern Combat Mod - SLX Released

    Bis units are not the correct size to be honest. There are BMP1 and 2s were I'm stationed they are rather tiny for APCs, Parking my humvee next to one for scale to verify that the bis one is way oversized. then again most of the vehicles in the game are improporly scaled. Addon makers often tried correcting that witht eh newer models. Well the picks suck, and I coulden't get both inot the same shot due to a ZSU-23-4 in my way which also was fairly small armored vehicle, the humvee is almost larget at least stands taller than the bmp seeing I'm almost five feet eight inches and the deck of the hull on the bmp is at my face http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/9136/img000031cm1.jpg http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/5882/img00019ck7.jpg
  16. Bobcatt666

    Gray fox into arma

    sometime back there was an SLX tut for putting OFP models int Arma, included samples characters, used it to import some test models into Arma, wasn't too horriable to do but tons more selections.
  17. Bobcatt666

    Ka-50 Blackshark

    There wasa KA25 addon floating around Vit made but many gripes and complaints ran on about it either being static or not RHS/Scar level quality I think I tinkered with it a few times to make it fly.
  18. Bobcatt666

    SLX Replacement Pack, Mod, and Addons

    Flashing bullets is correct having had a numbe rof the fired at me in RL. Dynamic sound should work with the mod, its intergrated in the latest ECP mod. And works fine never could find it alone anymore to install it just with SLX.
  19. Bobcatt666

    Modern Combat Mod - SLX Released

    the BMPs look great, one of hte thicks that drove me up the wall about OFP was the size of the russain vehicles. Something like twice the size of what they are in real life. Hope you really went through them, ORCS tend to cut corners on addons pushing more for eye candy and pooch important things like propor geo loads so shooting a vehicles with a pistiol launches a truck into orbit. Some of their troop modles tend to have glitches which dislocates the head in the new animation setups. The BMPs look pretty good. wil they have the features from the bis/slx bmps with opening hatches? There are hatches on the tops that open as well. Was messing with the turn out setup on vehicles. to make the infantry inside turn out with the crew from those hatches. Goodnews combat tour is almost up means I will be left alone to resume work on stuff. =)
  20. Bobcatt666

    Ka-50 Blackshark

    KA60 is earmarked for release witha mod that will not be named. The KA-52 is also mostlikely going to get a bit of update like more skins. updated scripts and features to bring it up to date. Yeah I got kinda irrtated with the lack of Mi6 hooks. That might be fixed as well but no promises. The Ka 50 was prettymuch close to being comeplete that it didn't risk messing up things I already had on the burner.
  21. Bobcatt666

    Man portable weapons

    most crew swerved weapon systems in WGL mod were transportable. By,man and vehicle.
  22. Bobcatt666

    Outbreak mod

    Sounds good, kinda working up a project that might lead to helping yours if intersted. PM me, bear in mind slow responce time due to combat deployment in RL but dosen't seem to really hinder much to be honest.
  23. Bobcatt666

    Ffur-slx cti

    most FFUR mods are not MP compatiable. Usually logging into most of th MP servers with FFUR running gets you banned..
  24. Bobcatt666

    Nogova Crimes

    it was a mission by that name, often run by twinks like I said. Good concept, shame it was most likely run by 8 year olds. That usualy crashed things by hackoring the game.. I've play yours ina lan it is a bit better and less laggy. I just have to wait a few more months to ship home and use a real connection.
  25. Bobcatt666

    Urban warfare

    I would sugest some of the SLX based mods they tweaked the AI a bit beter for urban fighting, they are a bit smater at clearing the buildings and navagating on proporly setup maps. but bear in mind such scripticng also brings lag, but was using some of th enewer maps with plain SLX and didn't suffer too baddly till I added lots of mech units with vehicle support and DKM based CAS.