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Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

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Posts posted by Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

  1. Maybe you're forgetting that I'm the one who said it'd do well on Xbox and that I was happy for BIS.

    Compared to the PC game, it cannot, and will not, be as good. Which is why I and the rest of the people who liked PC OFP will not be buying it. Which is what the thread was about, not 'OFP XBox is good... for a console game' - which it will be.

  2. BUZZARD @ June 15 2004,04:57)]

    Re-read the above sentence until it sinks in.

    How do you distinguish the physical action of getting ready for an ambush and camping??? rock.gif

    Right - there's no way to distinguish the two.

    And setting up an ambush is a military tactic through and through, more than proven. mad_o.gif

    Getting ready for an ambush = getting ready for an ambush.

    Camping = waiting around the area that an uber item (eg quad damage) spawns in in a arcadey game like quake.

    That's how you distinguish them.

    'Camping' is a DEATHMATCH term and DOES NOT APPLY to team based games or games with so many (unlimited) avenues of approach.


    yes they did; re-read buzzards reply.

    'Camping' is a kiddies word that does not apply to OFP. Stop using it. It's a derogatory word that people who want to rambo about use to complain about getting beaten by someone in a better situation than them - ie ambushed. If you want to complain about 'camping,' go do it in CS or quake.

  3. Read the link people... it's all explained how it works there.

    Quote[/b] ]Suma

    Problem is each point of the surface can be seen by multple viewer at the same time, and each of them can see it from a different angle.

    You would need a kind of holographic camera and holographic display to cater for mutliple arbitrary angle viewers - which is still a sci-fi, I am afraid.

    Modern surveillance cameras are tiny - and if the frames etc were made ouf of this material......

  4. No console controller is as good (accurate, quick, sensitive) as a decent mouse and keyboard. The best console FPS player in the world would get beaten in any game that requires good, quick aiming by an average gamer using a mouse and keyboard and a PC resolution- and that is exactly what happened when the dreamcast version of quake 3 was joined multiplayer by PC players.

    Having everyone at a universally shit level of resolution and control might appeal to you. I'd rather have a somewhat level playing field with decent resolution and controls.

    And if YOU think any console controller is good enough for playing FPS in terms of how well it compares to a PC setup, YOU obviously aren't a very good player.

    @Suma: I'm sure making OFP for xbox is not motivated purely by money. I was saying that I see it as a good thing because it will get BIS money, not that that was the sole purpose of it. But it won't be getting my money, unless:

    Xbox resolution goes up to 1600+ without 'faking it' a la adapters.

    NOTHING is dumbed down

    A decent controller for Xbox is released and SUPPORTED (there are adapters at the moment but they don't work in most games)


  5. Yea. So. Guy (albeit clever guy) decides one day it'd be cool to have a material that is like a cloak of invisibility. Then decides to make it. Few years later:



    (Early version as yet, but)

    The other projects he is working on make it look like he's a big ghost in the shell fan; he even looks a little like the boss guy.

    Obviously its not (yet) something you can run around in and appear invisible to everyone; but its a good start.

    *edit* - look at the link. There are lots of movies that demonstrate this very well*edit*

  6. I can personally also attest that when infantry swim (river/ loch/ etc crossings) - they do not stick their heads under the water and look at the pretty fishies - if the water is clear enough, which it usually wouldn't be with big feet stirring the mud up at the bottom.

    But scuba/ snorkel using units, submarines, submersibles, yeah show them some fish if they are in-game.

  7. Halo was originally a PC game, and the controls were better on the PC. Although it was completely dumbed down when it was switched to a console release.

    'Great graphics' doesn't change the fact that CONSOLES HAVE TERRIBLE, SMALL RESOLUTIONS.

    There is no such thing as a console FPS with good controls. It simply is not possible without a controller as good as a mouse and keyboard.

  8. Quote[/b] ]Washington Times? I'm impressed that they could spell "proliferation" correctly.

    Taken from the yahoo link:

    Quote[/b] ]

    The U.N. team also discovered some processing equipment with U.N. tags — which show it was being monitored — including heat exchangers, and a solid propellant mixer bowl to make missile fuel, he said. It also discovered "a large number of other processing equipment without tags, in very good condition."

    Same stuff but different link... wink_o.gif

    Quote[/b] ]One more everyday news, here's another one:

    Bush & co. were right about it is going to be difficult days ahead.

    'Missile' != 'WMD'.
