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Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

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Everything posted by Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

  1. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    Wargames addpak 4.0 released

    Is it just me who has the RPK47 picture missing? Resistance are missing a lot of things: a medic, for a start. A pilot. Squad gunners (the ones who would use an RPK47 or RPK74).. etc. I like making resistance missions; I'd like to see more equipment for them. Not uber weapons - just more of the stuff they might have.
  2. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX


    Mouse and keyboard is the most flexible controller around, offering high precision (with a decent mouse) and ease of use. IMO 3d controllers will need to get much much better before anyone uses them seriously. The game world is technically 3d but the interface (screen) is 2D.... so until 3d displays arrive I don't see a need for 3d user interfaces. With my current setup I can move in any direction, look around in a different direction (in OFP), issue radio orders to several different AI and talk on voice to the human players, change weapons and shoot them... This is due to the huge amount of buttons available on the keyboard without having to twist fingers unnaturally (to an extent) - it's also why serious gamers don't use those stupid split keyboards - not enough keys in reach. A new 3d interface would have to perform better than that quickly and easily - ie without having to set up binds etc.
  3. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    Your favourite online radio station

    Got a link? winamp 5, go to library, internet TV. Saltwater chimp channels. Tells you whats on them.
  4. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    Wargames addpak 4.0 released

    Think it's already been said... but many vehicles are missing crosshairs that they really need - that or ironsights. When using eg the hummvee's 50 cal it's almost impossible to aim if you are on a slope. I'd really like to see FDF style iron sights for the mounted MGs. If the server has crosshairs off, or you play with them off, you can't tell where you are aiming without ironsights, really. Some heli's also would benefit from some sort of aiming point for their rockets, IMO.
  5. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    Your favourite online radio station

    I ususally listen to Castelar or Beatbasement turntabilism channels on winamp radio Or watch fururama, monty python, invader Zim or south Park streaming TV
  6. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    You're a space cadet!

    Reminds me of the the mission Nova 5 was on in Red Dwarf.... inducing stars to go supernova across the universe in a carefully timed sequence in order to spell out the message 'coke adds life' in Earth's night sky... I think commercial opening of space is a great thing, although I don't like coke.
  7. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    U.s. missile shield won't work

    ....like the two times the USSR offered unilateral disarmament only to be turned down??
  8. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    You're a space cadet!

    When space is commercialised, space based mining, research, production etc will get a big boost. Lots of money to be made, although the initial outlays are huge.
  9. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    Gta san andreas

    Depends on the car. F1 drivers do that all the time. Half the fun in GTA is doing spectacular crashes.
  10. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    Gta san andreas

    Music: MP3 player if you don't like what it will be Multiplayer: dunno about official word but there will be mods that add multiplayer functionality such as MTA (multi-theft auto) for GTA and GTA:VC
  11. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    No jump

    The solution is to just make it realistic. Yes, you can jump with all your kit on (even with full PLCE on.) You can't however, bounce around like a kangaroo, changing direction in mid air, etc. Or just to allow jumping over things, or climbing onto objects. EG you can use your jump key to vault a fence, but not just to jump.
  12. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    The Iraq thread 3

    How long did the programme say humans survive without water? I'm not saying sleep deprivation isn't serious... it's not nice at all....I suppose I'm just nitpicking on the 'kill you faster' thing. The guiness record for going without sleep is about 7 days, I think. Although there could be other examples of people going longer. Yep. Thats what happened to me (and the rest of my team) during Cambrian Patrol, and on other exercises. It is not a pleasant experience, and trying to think is very difficult. I agree - sleep deprivation after a couple of days is useless. The first two days, however, you can confuse and disorient subjects in order to break their will and make them submissive... if that's what is deemed necessary. Although personally I don't see how it is in these cases. Yeah... I'm pretty sure many people would die in less than 30 days without water.. that's really all I was saying
  13. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    The Iraq thread 3

    Really? The record for going without sleep (at all) is 7 days. When does the organ failure start? First term at sandhurst means having about 5 hours or less of sleep per night, plus plenty of hard work.
  14. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    Flashpoint 2 at e3

    And join in progress.
  15. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    Battlefield 2 announced by ea gamges

    Its not a bad game just because its unrealistic: its a bad game because the gameplay is not very good. The weapons are not fun; the vehicles are not fun, the game is not fun.
  16. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    Op f switches

    -nomap = uses different way of putting addons into memory (doesn't 'memeory map'.) I think this is obsolete with patch 1.96
  17. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    Dien bien phu 1954-2004 : 50 years anniversary

    Yeah, it's called learning from one's mistakes and it's the most elementary sign of intelligence. If you don't do it then you are about as high up as a brick on the evolutionary ladder. Minor nitpick: there is no such thing as an evolutionary ladder; its more like a big shrub with lots of branches. I'm sure denoir knows this though and was just using it as a phrase.
  18. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    Battlefield 2 announced by ea gamges

    Dostoevsky once said "Mankind is stupid. Phenomenally stupid." Millions of people in the world also listen to Britney Spears and the Backstreet Boys. Does that mean that just because so many people listen to them that they are good? No, of course not. It just means that many people are attracted to shiny things. Like monkeys and fish. The BF series is shiny, but that's about it. Exactly
  19. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    Battlefield 2 announced by ea gamges

    Games do not *have* to be realistic to be fun. BF and its sequels is not fun. IMO. Its just a terrible game.
  20. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    The things they do in the name of religion

    Hey, there's no need to get insulting just because you have lost the argument. I have demonstrated to you the two pertinent meanings of belief: religious belief (such as Hitler's) and everyday belief. All you are now doing is having a tantrum along the lines of 'ITS NOT RELIGIOUS BELIEF!!! BECAUSE I SAY SO!!!.' Sorry, but the facts point otherwise. Totally missing the point on the scientific fact vs scientific theory thing. Read the post again. Hint: 'The Earth is round' was NEVER a scientific fact.
  21. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    Battlefield 2 announced by ea gamges

    Yes, and both BF1942 and BF vietnam are utter, utter crap. IMO.
  22. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    Battlefield 2 announced by ea gamges

    Well this sounds almost as terrible as BF
  23. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    War against terror

    Hence why people complain about it at the oscars.
  24. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    War against terror

    It's VERY rare for someone who didn't win the election to get into office....
  25. Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

    The things they do in the name of religion

    Hitler was brought up as a Roman Catholic and was never excommunicated. Definition of Religion: Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship. Hitler fits both of these definitions for having religion. Perhaps you missed this the first time. I am saying, Hitler was unquestionably religious. I am also not convinced (since you have brought no evidence on the matter) that this historian (historical scientist... no) was saying that Hitler was not CHRISTIAN which, for the 500th time, is what most historians debate about. Unless he has some new defintion of 'not religious' which includes faith in a god, religious belief, etc, it is simply wrong to say Hitler was not religious. Considering he never spoke his mind? Are you psychic? How do you know he never spoke his mind? What point would there be for someone who didn't hold these beliefs of persuading people to do what he (didn't)believe? That makes utterly no sense. So you're saying that Hitler only pretended to believe the Jews needed exterminating? So, he really liked them and just pretended to believe..... That makes sense.Of course Hitler persuaded people. He persuaded them to help him fulfil his beliefs. You are confusing the fact that Hitler pretended to hold CATHOLIC beliefs in the early stages of the rise of the NS party with the fact that he did hold other religious beliefs. 'Unofficial' - as in 'Stuff that could be made up.' - Now, some may well be true... but there is no way to tell what is true and what someone with their own agenda made up (EG German war criminal confessing to the Americans is not likely to claim Hitler was religious as the Americans would not like it in their fear at that time of Communism) Humans ARE animals. RELIGIOUS BELIEF is RELIGIOUS. Other types of belief, for example pathy's belief that OFP is a good game, are not religious. The way to tell them apart is that one is based on faith, not evidence, and is not easily discarded as it has a high emotional appeal to the believer. EG a non-religious belief, that, say, Coca Cola is the best soft drink, might be displaced, with no fuss, if the person tasted Irn Bru and liked it better. Now, if this was a religious belief, the person tasting the other drink would be unable to accept that it tasted better, despite the evidence. I'll give you another definition of belief (I've already given it, but you seem to not have read the thread very well) - I do not have any beliefs. None. Any time that belief in the common usage is used, I can use another word; such as 'think.' I Think that team X is the best. I am of the opinion that food Y is the best. That doesn't work for religious beliefs. 'I believe Jesus is the one true god' will not go to 'I think Jesus is the one true god', because religious beliefs are based on FAITH, not evidence.