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Everything posted by cozza

  1. I allmost got a job a few years back with Thales in Bendigo as a welder. Would of been working on this babys.
  2. cozza

    Development Blog & Reveals

    jesus christ stratis is huge. just watch that helicopter fly around it in the ivan video. Lemnos is going to be bloody huge.
  3. cozza

    Development Blog & Reveals

    lies. Farma3 must be announced before the release :p
  4. set up a row of soldiers, a satchel charge and see if I can domino the soldiers using ragdoll (my theory is a flying dead soldier will kill the soldier he hits and sends him flying backwards, etc etc :p
  5. cozza

    Development Blog & Reveals

    is it me of does this guy have the larkin aviation symbol on his sleeve? :p http://www.armaholic.com/datas/users/gs_de_gamescom_bigimage_7_4.jpg http://takeonthegame.com/full/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/LARKIN_1280x800-558x348.png
  6. cozza

    ACR War Criminal

    hmmm i was securing a barn in the North east part of the mission and from the distance i clearly saw the guy (Lopatev in the blue jump suit) as I move to secure the barn. To my suprise when i captured it, he was nowhere to be seen and shazam, his marker was on the other side of the map. Sneaky bystricans and there silent, invisable jetpacks (i assume he had one as it was the only explainable reason it happened :p ) anyway, i finally caught him in another barn..................which had a pick up truck in it. and when the cutscene started it flew across the barn killing my team mate. Again, sneaky bystricans and there use of the force :p i enjoyed the mission though. Nice to take things nice and slow, just drive around slowly. Moving towards each objective slowly. There's some bugs and other things but its not game stopping. Still complete the mission.
  7. cozza

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Couldn't you just turn off the RTT if your not in the position with the screen. The driver probably couldn't see the gunners screen and the gunner probably could see the rear view screen or mirrors. So why waste the resources showing them when those positions cant see it. Unless its just programmed to the vehicle the player is in. Get in a vehicle and all the RTT turns on. I don't know much about it though.
  8. cozza

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    never mind. Had to turn off the firewall and anti virus and now suddenly up to 30KB/s. Still kinda slow but I will take that over 5KB/s anyday.
  9. Make a dutch version. We are missing one of those in Arma2
  10. cozza

    End of Nokia is near??

    been expecting this. The iPhone pretty much has killed Nokia
  11. You better start now. Isn't Iron Front:Liberation 1944 just the Lib '44 mod for OFP?
  12. i'm sure BIS is loving this DayZ hype atm. More money for them, more money to play around with. (Bigger Arma3 budget :D ) If BIS is smart, they could branch out. Get rocket and a team to develop a stand alone game with BIS. (They got the man power. What are the take on helicopter guys doing now? and I sure a few people from Carrier Command can move over to the DayZ team since the game is final) If they can keep a fan base for DayZ and have a team lead by rocket making a stand alone. They should be pretty gold. This is all speculation and it will probably be wrong. But BIS has the chance to make a bit of cash now with DayZ. Lets see where this goes.
  13. cozza

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    if the cut out takistan map is for this ARC DLC. Why did they need to make it? From what it seems is that its exactly the same. We already have the Takistan map. and it was bigger. Unless its a way for people who didn't buy OA to play on the Takistan map. (But that's stupid because ACR requires Combined Operations to work) So I don't see why they have done the cutout Takistan map.
  14. cozza

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    I hope so. But looking at this screenshot http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/243720_10150921995246017_1300156644_o.jpg Those are just the Chedaki units for Arma 2. but who knows, maybe they will have thermal maps like the units in OA.
  15. cozza

    Development Blog & Reveals

    dont forget the spiders ;)
  16. cozza

    Vehicle Quality

    AAW ASLAV's had the ability for the driver to look through the periscope straight ahead, front left and front right. Just had to press i think it was 7,8,9 on the numpad.
  17. cozza

    Arma Memes...

    http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v93/Batdog/TakeOnHelicopters.jpg ;):p Found a quote from Marek in the 10 years of Flashpoint developer blog http://www.bistudio.com/english/company/developers-blog/233-from-flashpoint-to-arma
  18. cozza

    Wildfire in Colorado (US)

    Its not advisable to stay and defend your home in the case of a fire. Its a hard decision to make, but you gotta choose to leave and take the chance and hope the house will not burn, or you can stay and protect it and possibly die. and its not an easy decision to make, I have had to leave home 3 times because of bushfire's only a few kilometers from me. I left thinking it might be the last time I would see my house. Luckily the winds changed and the fire moved away. But if it didn't, the house probably would of burnt down. combustible material pelham is pretty much everything made of organic material. The radiant heat is just unimaginable. It turns green grass dead, and it will combust. Healthy green trees will dry up, and it will combust. Unless you live in a large area resembling mars, or have a very big supply of water and a means of getting allot of it around your house (a garden hose and sprinkler wont work. Need a fire hose or a helicopter water bomber) all that organic material will dry up and it will burn.
  19. sweet. Cant wait to give these a try. Go hooning around Chernarus :cool: I have a VX S in RL. (With some fully sik subwoofers aswell mate :p )
  20. cozza

    Canadian Politics Thread

    ummmmmm Stephen Harper sucks? :confused: All I really pick up from the Canucks from erepublik
  21. cozza

    Canadian Politics Thread

    I like where this thread is heading :p Is Saddam Hussein from Iran (or Iraq. Same thing) still trying to take over Canada? :p
  22. cozza

    BIS Games actors quiz

    didn't the person that does Gastovski do the voice of one of the prisoner's in that POW escape game for the xbox (God I cant remember the name. Its years old)
  23. cozza

    BIS Games actors quiz

    WTF is this? Its just some Israeli song.
  24. cozza

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I think I'm in love. :o