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Everything posted by cozza

  1. cozza

    Hitler? who is that?

    Well if you live u city folk (Looks at OzAnzac and ThirtyG ) live where I live I could bascilay take a Kanga to school. So fucking muchof them its not funny. My farm in the morning is full of kangas. [ontopic]Maybe the 2096 of them where younger than 6 [/ontopic]
  2. cozza

    Night battles / equipment

    You my friend hant used Wargames 4. NVG's in that arnt fuzzy Anyway what are LightAmps. Anypics around
  3. cozza

    Ouija board

    Mine was weird. Amy wanter to have sex with me 14 times I'll post the convo sepretly on my website in a Text doccument for people who want to read.
  4. cozza

    How about a forum night?

    god damn 3 in the Morning thank god for Skool hilidays. Just to folks I'll just sleep on the Comp chair. I do it all the time.
  5. cozza

    How about a forum night?

    god damn 3 in the Morning thank god for Skool hilidays. Just to folks I'll just sleep on the Comp chair. I do it all the time.
  6. cozza

    How about a forum night?

    dat dosnt work for me So I'll just use the comp clock. Hope it works.
  7. cozza

    How about a forum night?

    dat dosnt work for me So I'll just use the comp clock. Hope it works.
  8. cozza

    How about a forum night?

    So can a smart person tell me wat time that is in Australia. I hate Time zones Anyway I'll be there. Kill me some Mods *Locks and loads the keyboards*
  9. cozza

    How about a forum night?

    So can a smart person tell me wat time that is in Australia. I hate Time zones Anyway I'll be there. Kill me some Mods *Locks and loads the keyboards*
  10. cozza


    Great lossing people like flys. First Earl and now Ralph *batdog crys* So is anyone filling the Mods job *Batdogs looks at himself:p*
  11. cozza

    Vote for a custom face!

    I had to vote Mr T. Albert you crazy fool. This is a good idea Too bad I cant make faces.
  12. cozza

    Ofp 2 slogan

    ^^^ That was a good movie. But I think it was a American uit being over run in Vietnam
  13. cozza

    Real life photography/photo editing

    What. no Sir Robins....mmmmmm....not as good as I think it is. His running away and buggiring off..etc etc. Anyway nice pics all GGA.
  14. cozza

    How old r u?

    You'll post here again. Everyone does. Exept who has been banned
  15. cozza

    How about a forum night?

    Now we see who is the biggest Simpson fan on the board. Damn. I missed the forums night. *Batdog hangs himself*
  16. cozza

    How about a forum night?

    Now we see who is the biggest Simpson fan on the board. Damn. I missed the forums night. *Batdog hangs himself*
  17. cozza

    Vip awards

    Ahhh someone put down Suma as the quikist HAHAHA *Batdog laugh more* Owww funny. Man his little aviator bar would be full if he had a VIP avator and a maker one as well. *Batdog laught more*
  18. cozza

    Ofp 2 slogan

    OFP2: A army of many same as the US army's "A army of one" or OFP2: a army of one.....two or more if Multiplaying
  19. cozza

    Change soldier on gun

    Ohhhnooo a XM8
  20. cozza

    Vip awards

    Congrats all. keep going. Next year. I'm going for it. VIP 2004 batdog. Well Hellfish 6 didnt get best Mod. *Batdog sad *
  21. cozza

    Night raiders - the return of guba

    @MSMS_KDXer- agree with u on that man. Love the atmosphere and the takeoff. *Kiss's Winters* Havnt seen the Outro. Havnt got that far. Got to the convoy and wasting alot of ammo detroying the last scud and returing to base and crash Great job
  22. cozza

    Night raiders - the return of guba

    Looks nice. Hope it as good as the other mission's. Downloading now.
  23. cozza

    Need help from bas !!!!

    new animation. Have a look in the config.cpp and find the answer. Living hell in there. Cant find anything.
  24. cozza

    Projekt: big boat

    whoops I'm bad wrong boat name i said but here the download http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?showthis=1967 In the middle of the page.
  25. cozza

    Projekt: big boat

    no..... i dont. but i'll try and find the link to the addon.