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Everything posted by cozza

  1. cozza

    Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) Discussion

    mmmm I have some problems with Australia's new Anti-Terrorism act. http://www.attorneygeneral.gov.au/Mediareleases/Pages/2014/ThirdQuarter/23September2014Counter-TerrorismLegislationAmendmentForeignFightersBill.aspx I have a feeling its kinda illegal to charge someone based on assumption. I mean, I know what the law is going for. Who would travel to Iraq and Syria now if your not going for humanitarian or journalistic work. But I don't like how its seems your guilty before proven innocent.
  2. cozza

    China-Hongkong Protests

    damn west. don't screw up China. We in Australia have some pretty good trade going there. (or did. I forgot what the situation is atm)
  3. Just make a TV ad with a former standover man/Murderer/guy who chopped his ears off telling you to not do it Pretty simple message.
  4. What useless junk. I find just putting on a condom a pretty big mood killer but I do it anyway. If I had to pull out my phone and make her do paperwork aswell I'd be sleeping alone. Also since its a phone app does that mean theres a share with facebook button :p
  5. cozza

    Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) Discussion

    wouldn't be the first time radical Islamist's have attacked Australian interests or people. 2 Bali bombings Embassy in Jakarta Just it was never in Australia. Lucky the police caught those guys up in Sydney. Wonder how many more are in Australia I do have the feeling we will be entering into a ground conflict sometime in the near future.
  6. http://www.news.com.au/finance/business/steamowner-valve-taken-to-court-by-accc-over-alleged-violations/story-fnkgdftz-1227041421564 "Steam-owner Valve taken to court by ACCC over alleged violations" Thoughts? Didn't Germany do this aswell awhile back
  7. cozza

    ACCC Is Suing Valve

  8. cozza

    Ukraine General

    Wonder what the turks will think of arming the Kurds
  9. cozza

    Ukraine General

    why didnt they colour in Kalingrad?
  10. cozza

    Verisimilitude of Arma 3

    i think what his trying to say is its not a true simulator in terms like DCS for planes/Helicopter or Steel Beasts for Tanks but a simpler version is added for combined arms gameplay.
  11. cozza

    Ukraine General

    we had lax gun laws route down here. A few public shootings and a very brutal shooting spree and that was the end of guns in Australia. Too bad criminals and anyone can still get guns.I got offered to a 9mm pistol once. My friend has a bloody hand grenade. I don't know how he got it but he brought it to my place one day when we got drunk............................Great combo. Explosives and alcohol. :rolleyes:
  12. cozza

    Next DLC and Expansion Speculation

    Wonder if the setting will be Basta Island? http://www.bistudio.com/index.php/english/company/developers-blog/233-from-flashpoint-to-arma Supposed to be in Game 2 (Which became Arma2) with Chernarus, Takistan. There was also a forum post somewhere (I cant find it) with a very basic height map of it and a description of its a jungle type island. I don't know how much development went into but they could dust it off for Arma 3 exspansion.
  13. cozza

    Israel General

    yeps. looks super humanitarian to me. Writing that on the walls of a girls high school in gaza.
  14. cozza

    Ukraine General

    20,000 dosn't seem like allot for an invasion.
  15. cozza

    Next DLC and Expansion Speculation

    Its the tea house in the Yu Yuans gardens in Shanghai. Was there a few months ago.
  16. cozza

    Israel General

    I wouldn't go bomb the shit outta thems for starters. That's just gonna cause more rocket attacks in the future. 2012 gaza conflict was to stop Rocket attacks and that did fuck all, because 2 years later the same is happening again. So Israel needs to seriously rethink how they handle there retaliations, because probably in 2 years you will be in this mess again. So don't tell me what would I do, because you guys in Israel are seriously doing fuck all about it either.
  17. cozza

    Israel General

    atm it seems safer to be in hamas than it is to be a civilian in Gaza. ohhh look. The situation just got more worse :p
  18. cozza

    Israel General

    http://www.news.com.au/world/middle-east/missing-israeli-soldier-hadar-goldin-confirmed-dead-as-netanyahu-talks-tough-on-gaza-campaign/story-fnh81ifq-1227011654188 That solves that mystery.
  19. cozza

    Ukraine General

    It was homosexuals trying to blame Russia. See, Putin was right to ban them. :p
  20. cozza

    pizza for MRE coming?

    well the US soldiers need there vegetables :p
  21. cozza

    Ukraine General

    http://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/rebel-leader-gives-bizarre-account-of-plane-crash/story-fnizu68q-1226994524959 Hope someone shoots him. Serious I do.
  22. cozza

    Patch 1.24 (Bootcamp Update) Feedback

    maybe you can tell people what the problems are? What problems do you have? Are you running any mods? if your running mods/Addons? disable them and check again.
  23. cozza

    Marines test new beach assault vehicle

    what the hell is that thing?
  24. cozza

    Ukraine General

    Why the fuck would Ukraine shot down the plane? Flying across Ukraine from the west. Do Pro-Russian separatists have transport planes? My guess..............no. Is anyone supporting the separatists west of Ukraine? again. Probably no. Sorry. But blaming Ukraine doesn't make sense. Its down right retarded. Best thing Putin can do, is shut up.