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Everything posted by Baphomet

  1. Baphomet


    GAME 2 needs JIP, at least as an optional feature, it also needs a savegame feature for multiplayer. Saving an MP co-op game seems like a very very fundamental and obvious choice in my opinion.
  2. Baphomet

    OFP 2 Merchandising

    Make flashpoint shirts. Make them look cool. (not blatant walking advertisements). I don't want to look like a tool. Subtle hints to existing players should be the focus. I want a bloody "FIA" shirt! Make them in various colors. Brown, tan, olive... I happen to like earth tones! Make them various sizes. I wear a small. I'm not 300 pounds. One size does not bloody-well fit all.
  3. I'm not sure I like the idea of an inevitable victory for one side though. I hope BIS includes a lot of features to change or tweak the overall variables of the game you play so it's modifiable.
  4. Baphomet

    OFP2 system specs.... speculation

    While I will buy Game 2 and Armed Assault as soon as they come out. I'll probably really not start playing them until perhaps six or so months, or at least when the next leap in pc technology occurs if it's within the time frame of game 2's release. I'm glad I waited a little while after OFP was released to buy a pc, because technology had gotten a bit better, and my pc was more capable. I want a bit of longevity to my new flashpoint experience. If my current machine doesn't cut it. I'll just hang in there a few months until some better technology comes out and drop a wad on a smoking Game 2 machine.
  5. Â Â Â YES! YES! This is wicked. This will increase the singleplayer/co-op replay value a hundred fold. Now the only thing that would be the icing on the cake is a battlemaker, in which you can specify allied and enemy resources, select specific or optional areas of interest for both sides to fight over, select a general set of ai profiles to guide the overall motives of each side. Hopefully you get the idea. For example, it would be nothing short of the greatest thing ever, to have a battle editor that could possibly recreate a Jagged Alliance type scenario. Just set up basic basic perameters of the mission, resources available, etc and let the ai do the rest. That would be tremendously awesome. Of course, the mercs being blufor wouldn't necessarily need to be controlled by any higher-ai than the player since it's mostly squad based. However watching an ai commander respond to the actions of the player and execute plans accordingly, attempting to flush the player out or pin them down and kill them. Would be excellent. I'm more interested in seeing better stealth elements, and more realistic sensory limitations to facilitate more guerilla type strategies on the player's part.
  6. Baphomet

    Sweetest .22 since the G22

    Later this summer. A local gun store is getting a shipment of these. I'm a huge rimfire enthusiast and I have to say after having the run of a wide assortment of .22 caliber rifles. I must say, this is the most eyecatching since the G22. Since the Evolution .22 stock isn't easily available in Canada here. This is just... huge. It satisfies all my urges for an assault rifle style .22 rifle... that's nonrestricted (and with a unit-cost of under 1000 dollars). It's as sexy to me as an SL8, only moreso, because it's a .22, with the option to install a lower mil-spec rail and you know what that means? I can install a lovely foregrip . I can't think of anything more wonderful on a pistol grip .22 rifle. It's going to be my birthday present to myself. I can't wait to take one out and get a few gophers. I also can't wait to scare all the cottage people who live a few miles down from all the farms I go shooting on.
  7. Baphomet

    Sell ARAS online

    First of all. I treasure my OFP/Red Hammer/Resistance cds. They get first rate care and real estate on my computer desk, and the boxes they came in. They're memrobilia to me. They remind me of happy times when I first bought my older PC (with the express purpose of playing OFP). I also prefer having something tangible in my hand that I can install at any time. I have problems with this digital distribution format. Especially now with the advent of DRM and Valves much-loathed (by me!!! ) Steam. Â I will -not- purchase anything that forces me to connect to a server for two reasons, one being that if I ever buy software and that company goes out of business and their authentication server goes down. My CD or copy of the game that I purchased electronically. Is useless. It's out of print. Instantly. Secondly. I'm forced to have an internet connection to even play the game offline. This is an unacceptable inconvenience. So, if buying the game online or even in a store precluded such a thing. I simply would boycott it. I boycotted HL2 for the same reason. I'd be very disappointed if I had to for AA, but I would. Without question. So in short. I prefer to have something tangible to show for my expendatures. Especially if it's something important to me. Â I really hope BIS doesn't resort to installing resource stealing software that must run on top of the game already. AA looks intensive enough as it is.
  8. Baphomet

    Armed Assault Anticheats!!!

    I don't support any counter cheat measure that causes lag. Period. Or at least one that can't be disabled so that people who don't have to worry about cheaters (me). Can play with less lag than those who have to.
  9. Baphomet

    Melee Weapons?

    ... Die. That is the absolute LAST thing the game needs. Realistically speaking. Since this -is- going to be a realistic game. Stabbing someone would take up far too much time to be useful. It's not like in the... game... you mentioned. Where you just circlestrafe like a moron cycling through an animation of some hand "waving" a knife that has in no way any relevance to actually stabbing someone in real life. More. Giving them minor fleshwounds and aggravating them.
  10. Baphomet

    better Weapons sounds

    I have been saying this! TOO RIGHT! A good sound engine that modulates the sound would be far better and more versatile than clogging up your memory with multiple soundfiles. Another problem that will inevitably addressed as games get more advanced is the fact that when a gun fires, there is more than just one sound. It's many. You can still hear the sound of a bullet firing from a far distance as a pop, but still get the full effect of the supersonic "hiss or roar" as the sound waves hit something, like a line of buildings, or a wall of trees. Which sort of contradicts combining the two into a single sound file that plays at the same volume regardless of distance. Furthermore, when you shoot directly at the ground, or in the air. Typically the sound is much less pronounced. One thing that contributes to the overall carry of firearm noise is that supersonic roar of sound hitting nearby objects. If you're shooting straight up. You get the bang... or pop, and then nothing. That doesn't carry nearly as far as the soundwaves are muffled prematurely, or simply dissipate into the atmosphere with nothing to hit. I know because I've been downrange a few times when people have fired and heard it firsthand... Â
  11. Baphomet

    Armed Assault - should the name be changed?

    I think Armed Assault is fine. OFP to me was never so much a game as a generic combat simulator. The name doesn't need to be flashy. Furthermore. I like the idea of being able to mention "AA" and have some moron say "Adurrrr. Y'mean America's Army!"" and I can say "No why would I mention a piece of shit game like that?! Do I look retarded? Why would I be playing that?!" That's just me though. Same with when BIS was also known by the RPG-types as Black Isle Studios. I used to pull that shit with them too. Now I just laugh at them and conveniently mention that Black Isle Studios went under.... Just to put a little extra stank on it.
  12. Baphomet

    BIS open letter to community

    I swear I saw an advert in 1998 or so, for a game that resembled OFP. I think it was a two page spread in Maximum PC. I remember seeing that and my eyes just boggled. My mind raced at the possibilities. A few years and I looked and wondered, I never heard word nor wind of it until I noticed in PC gamer they had mentioned something about a game similar in description to the advert I saw in that magazine oh so long ago. I still aim to find that magazine and cut out that ad. As it's an important piece of gaming history to me. Still. What a long crazy ride it's been. Regardless of the name or publisher. I always felt pretty sure that BIS would try to do right by the game. Although the allure of money and the threat of a large developer trying to buy up the rights loomed in my head. I always remained hopeful. So far, the game looks amazing. I'm fixing to buy a new pc for it as well when it's released.
  13. Baphomet

    Helicopter-plane-Tank-ship MODUL

    Either way, the choppers in OFP, although great for the time really need to be updated for this next game. I'm hoping at least. They're basically hover cars. You can't strafe, you can't fly in a circular pattern. I could pull off landings and maneuvers in certain helo simulators that I wish I could pull off in OFP. On top of that, the whole stiff hovercar physics made it far too easy to aim and saturate a small area with ffar. Which got old really quick. I had to start disabling them from MP games because of it.
  14. Baphomet

    Iron sights

    Fuck that. Have you ever tried to draw a bead on something with iron sights?? It's not done in half a bloody second. Not if you want to hit something at least. I'm sick of snap shots with 300m accuracy. I want human inefficiency taken into greater account. Try shooting prairie dogs with a .22 at 60 yards with iron sights, that's about the equivalent to shooting at a person at about 250-300, and I gaurantee you, you don't just sling it up to your shoulder and crack off a single shot in the course of a second. I don't want OFP2 gameplay to be the equivalent to a bunch of rifle slinging Bob Munden wannabees. BHD's weapon handling and ballistics were so revoltingly basic that I grew bored of it halfway through the first mission I played. I'm sick of state of the art graphics accompanying weapons that are functionally about as sophisticated as the one's found in doom or wolfenstein. Furthermore, 3d ironsights are useless unless it's accompanied by a weapon handling system that supports user input on actually sighting the weapon, instead of the game simply perfectly aligning them for you. Anything less and it's simply pointless aesthetics.
  15. Baphomet

    Official Release Of OFPSentry Anti Cheat System

    Sounds like it would add to the overall lag of the game. But that's like any anti cheat software. Personally I don't think that's an acceptable sacrifice in my opinion. I'd rather play with people I trust.
  16. Baphomet


    I still think the choppers should be able to maneuver the way a real chopper can. In OFP the ability to fly sideways was grossly lacking. It was like a slow pathetic crawl. Certain choppers should be able to perform the same aerobatic maneuvers that their real life counterparts can, instead of driving more like hover cars. I don't condone the idea of having them fly like they do in that BF mod, or in Soldner where it's easy to crash them. However in OFP it was far too easy to aim indirect fire, fixed weapons like rockets with pinpoint accuracy. For the most part, the helo shouldn't be capable of sniping with ffars since they're so ridiculously stable and precise with small movements.
  17. Baphomet

    Idea of inaccurate fire.

    Your post makes no sense. And there's a perfect correlation between, realistic gameplay and firearms, being as the gameplay in OFP precludes the use of supposedly realistic firearms. Secondly. Your optics don't mean anything if they aren't zeroed properly. Iron sights would be better than a scope if it wasn't calibrated. That's an absurd argument. Furthermore, America's army doesn't do firing a 5.56mm round any justice. I've shot an SL-8 and I can tell you. Even though the gun is ridiculously accurate in controlled conditions, trying to keep your eye perfectly level with the optics when you fire it is damned hard. I personally couldn't do it. I had to shoot, reposition sight, aim, shoot. The recoil isn't bad but it still makes precise shots impossible unless you took your time. That's what I want in OFP. Not flying over your target's head off the hip. Like... 25 yard possible effectiveness from off the hip. And anything else pretty much luck or requiring careful aim. Supressing fire in OFP should mean exactly what it does in combat, insofar as a spontaneous eruption of gunfire, it serves to force your opponent to take cover out of fear of getting hit, since if you could hit them so easily right off the bat. They'd be dead already.
  18. Baphomet

    Idea of inaccurate fire.

    The closer the ballistics and weapon-handling in OFP 2 is to handling a weapon in real life. The better. For me that is the ultimate goal. That -is- what I find enjoyable. I find realism increases the intensity of a firefight by many orders of magnitude simply because you know so much hangs in the balance. If I wanted to play Unreal or Quake, I can already. I don't want to be able to make 200m shots off the hip. OFP's ballistics/weapon handling may not be realistic, but consider how old the game is and consider what was available, (and still is) for other games. The framework is there, it just needs to be improved. Furthermore, the AI needs to be tweaked so it can't cheat. Honestly. Sure making the AI smarter would help too, but that goes hand in hand with not allowing it to shoot you through an opaque sprite that you can't see through but they can. That just drives me nuts in OFP. Try using a pistol at anything more than 25 yards. Even at that. It's just ridiculous how hard it is to hit things. Furthermore you have to consider the ballistics and weapon handling system. Skill with guns I'd say is knowing how your particular gun fires, and estimating windage. Lining up your sights properly so -you- know generally where the bullet is going to go. THAT'S what I want in the game. I'm going to assume that in brothers in arms they used a shitty expanding ring system or just some system in which the weapon had a high dispersion just to simulate both the accuracy of the gun and the average success a person has handling it. Which is dumb. That results in a large cone of fire in which a random vector is chosen. It's stupid. Which is why I want realistic handling simulated. By doing that the actual accuracy of the gun can be preserved and it's up to -you- to make the bullets go where you want them to by operating your weapon properly. This happens a lot with real guns depending on the circumstances. I can't tell you how many times I've lined up a shot with a 9mm or a .45 and I know where I want it to go and when I fire, the bullet just fucks off, I know it's because I personally suck at firing pistols, and sorry to let you in on a little secret, so do many people. They're shit-hard things to fire. Even with my .22 with a heavy match barrel and a 9x scope. It still fucks off sometimes and it's so heavy there is no recoil at all. Simply because the bullet is so light and even the slightest movement can deviate a bullet, even the force of an undisciplined trigger-pull. That's pretty realistic. But it's all in how it's simulated. There's a good way, and a lazy way.
  19. Baphomet

    IGN previewnothing new

    Sounds like Codpiecemasters is going to release a bastardized sequel to OFP that will likely feature elements that are looked upon more favorably by the general public. Read: morons. Maybe they made some undesirable demands of BIS about where the development of the game was going? Maybe BIS told them what they could do with that and it resulted in the departure. I'm thinking. Expanding ring ballistics... faster movement to facilitate strafing... you know. Pretty much just taking the idea of IGI 2 or Soldner and making it a bit more retard-friendly and slapping the name OFP 2 on it. They said they wouldn't. However it makes -no- sense whatsoever that they'd drop BIS who has made a hyper realistic training tool, a proven team that can make a realistic war sim, thinking they could do better themselves. I'd be -very- surprised if my predictions weren't at least partially accurate.
  20. Baphomet


    This isn't unreal. Thank goodness. I don't ever want it to be either.
  21. Baphomet

    Idea of inaccurate fire.

    That would be directly relative to exertion. Really. It's the same idea. During periods of fear and duress your heart rate increases your breathing may become more labored, you may become a bit shaky. I think that would be a reasonable idea permitted that such a function was coded elegantly enough that it didn't take more than it's fair share of cpu time. This would be in my opinion scaled based on the skill of the unit. Navy Seals/Spetznaz would certainly be harder to crack than an uninitiated conscript. This would definitely add a whole new range of options for mission designers that want to add more or less strategic depth and to their mission. It could be modified to higher levels to play as ill equipped civilian militia, or a cold calculating steel nerved operative that may or may not even crack under pressure at all. It's actually a pretty good idea.
  22. Baphomet


    It <IS> lame, and that`s the purpose of this thread...... You didn`t get the part with the "finesse" Btw, I can`t detonate grenades in-flight in ofp... Although there was a bunch of H&K addons, I wanted OICW in ofp2 because: 1. It`s "scifi looking halo gun" which is lame I admit... 2. It has nice optics, grenades, and so on (technical issues) Baphomet, you never dreamed about it? I don`t belive you Yes. I missed the part about finesse. Yes, when I first saw the gun I thought. "Wow. That's big and cool, and it's two guns in one". But I was like 14 or something when I first saw it. I'm in my 20's now." Now I'm like: "Oh look, it's a big bulky black dildo that probably drains batteries like no tomorrow". Airburst ammo is a cool idea. Doesn't that static offshot of the OICW do that though? Firing an underslung grenade at the speed of a slow bullet, with the perceived power of a 40mm grenade just pisses me off. I tried the HK pack's OICW and it was just a rigged version of the m203. It just made it easier for lazy bums to hang explosive shots at longer distances. So... I have enough of a problem with how easy it is to law things...
  23. Baphomet

    Idea of inaccurate fire.

    Yeah, the whole "recoil that falls neatly back into place every time straight up and down" really needs to go. What needs to be simulated is the fact that there's a virtual human with virtual arms and virtual imperfections when handling weapons at play. The idea of shooting anything at a significant range "off-the-hip" for example from the default OFP weapon view. As opposed to iron sights, is just insane. So I'd propose, as before, simulating the handling of the weapon right up to the point where the gun is leveled and you look through your iron sights, instead of this light speed "press V for instant accuracy" type deal. Unfortunately. The FDF method of recoil, where the gun falling back down below the reticle is flawed and if you crouch and shoot at the same time the gun will remain immobile except for the up/down movement of the player shifting positions, so it's like the gun has -no- recoil at all... So, it's something to hope that OFP2 will have spent just as much time fleshing out the weapons and ballistics as they have the graphics... Having discovered that. I shudder to think if it's been abused in multiplay on the internet.
  24. Baphomet

    OFP2 Shots on ofp.info!

    I agree, but the lowest common denominator disagrees with this viewpoint. Unfortunately, they're in the majority. At any rate. I'm assuming the OFP ish looking screenshots are for flashpoint for the Xbox. I honestly can't tell which is for which except for those kind of clues. The only thing I can say is. I really hope BIS hasn't forgotten about it's PC using base. The day BIS starts catering more to console ports and less to their PC games is pretty much the day I start to lose interest in PC gaming altogether. Or at least. Lose interest in ever buying another PC in order to play newer games. Because really I believe deep down a game like ofp on a console is just a joke. All the companies that made games I liked either were swallowed up by corporate goons who sold their licences short for a bigger share of the retard market. *coughBethesdacoughcoughcoughfuckyouzenimaxcoughcoughcoughburninhellcoughcoughfuckyouforru iningfallout3cough* Or simply faded into obscurity. Like Sir Tech and their excellent Jagged Alliance series. Of course now that hack Ruskie company is dilligently at work destroying once more another treasured game series from my youth. So... yeah. Don't blow it BIS. The only up side to this is I'd have more money to buy firearms and stocks/accessories. But It'd hurt being looked over for the drooling console crowd who all of a sudden acts like OFP is the greatest thing ever, when it's been great for four years already.
  25. Baphomet


    The OICW is shite, there's nothing about the gun that exemplifies finesse at all. It was a bulky heavy, high maintenance gun with a complicated fire control system, which is the only thing that makes the gun even remotely unique. The only thing really different about the XM-8 is the fact that it looks like something out of a sci fi movie. Of course since the transition to refitting the military to a gun that fires an entirely new cartrige would be costly and largely ineffective versus the price paid. They rightfully dumped it's ass. I'm assuming Funnyguy1 is just looking for some scifi looking halo gun that shoots 40mm grenades at a high velocity. Which is kinda lame, since you could do that already in ofp. And to be honest. It's not all that cool.