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Everything posted by Baphomet
Apparently I'm india but hrm. I don't know how to post the thing properly. Â Again for the highschool quiz. Big surprise. I was an: Outsider. That's generally true though. I never really related to anyone or anything in school at all.
Hm... well this might be a somewhat non-sequitir interjection given the current subject on the origins of suicide bombers. However I think any chance at all of peace or amicable co-existence between the Palestinians and the Israelis is utterly shot to hell now. I think it was in very poor taste for Sharon to support the blowing up of a wheelchair ridden man, regardless of his position politically. As a nation I think Israel despite them being embroiled in such a conflict should be held to higher standards militarily than terrorist cels such as Hamas. They're no better than they are, flying about in their gunships blasting away killing the odd civilian here and there, especially at crippled old men. I'm pretty sure they could have figured out a different way of capturing/dealing with him. In a way that would be more dignified for the reputation of the country. The only difference between terror and war is a moral one in my opinion, and they've crossed it with this act. Perhaps others, but I'm not terribly aware of Israel's policies in this conflict. I did hear rumors about Israeli soldiers forcefully delegating Palestinians to conduct "on-the-spot" inspections of suspected bomb sites however. As far as I'm concerned, Israel shit the bed on this one. Big time!
I thought this was "Axis of weasels" The "Axis of evil's" less dangerous brother. Now that you've mentioned that. It reminds me of how much of a dickhead president Bush is. Not to mention the way that arse tried to snub us Canadians for not invading Iraq. Implying that we were somehow not against "terror" because we weren't going along with the popular notion at the time, yet we were getting shot at/blown-up, in Afghanistan. We did our duty but in our way. Not his. Yeah. What a dink. That just reminds me of some highschool clique that tries to austricize someone for not moving with the crowd.
That actually makes more sense if you think about it. At a younger age they're more likely to get all that out of their system (partying, idiotic binging) without running a risk of being legally able to jump into a car and run some old bag lady crossing a street; all whilst in a drunken stupor. Then again I did quite a bit of drinking at 15 and by 18 had more than enough of it, the same went for many of my friends and a relative of mine who is close in age. I was probably stupid to be doing all that to begin with, but kids at that age will drink whether or not it's illegal. I think the responsibility to deal with awful case of rot-gut the next morning after a night of heavy drinking is a more realistic responsibilty for a 15/16 year old than getting into an automobile that weighs a quarter of a ton that is capable of killing someone. Anyhow. As far as the whole military thing goes. Yeah. It sucks for those guys, but eh. It's their sandbox. Their rules unfortunately. To he honest, a drinking age set at 21 is quite ridiculous. That's my opinion though. That's very true. I'm reasonably intelligent, however I can't memorize many things worth a fiddlers, not to mention that I've never really had much focused ambition. So needless to say. I did awfully in school except for anything related to literature or languages. I did well in those regardless of whether I tried or not. Which leads me to believe that some people just have certain innate or unconsciously cultivated aptitudes in certain areas. Some have more of these than others. Any kind of certification on paper means absolutely nothing in the context of whether someone is a responsible person when it comes to drinking OR driving. My uncle who graduated at the top five percent of all his university classes (which would imply that he is to a certain degree, intelligent) is a terrible driver. Absolutely horrendous. Â Not to mention that alcoholics and abusive drinkers can come from all walks of life be they rich or poor, educated or uneducated.
Before anyone gets all gestapo on my arse I -did- search using the keywords "sunglasses and glasses and spectacles". I didn't come up with anything satisfactory. Anyhow. I'm just wondering if anyone has made any custom sunglasses or spectacles for OFP as of late. I'm really hankering for a good old-fashioned pair of circa 80's aviator glasses for my OFP guy.
Flashpoint is still Flashpoint. Only OFP2 could outdo OFP in my mind.
I wish I had Inquisitor's PC... It's a magic machine.
Any chance of making some taunting\celebratory\cheering type animations? Â
I think I saw it in BAS' DERAD thread regarding the SR-25 and it's performance. I'm assuming it has to do with some vague intuitive technique of determining the effects of wind on a bullet... but what does Kentucky have to do with it?
Wow. Did your squad try to kill you because of it? Are only the vehicle burning scripts replaced in this update?
Heh. Sounds like I had the right idea then.
Let's just agree that OFP is the king of the hill, and hopefully shall be for some time. Other games sometimes can be pleasant diversions, but OFP is always the one I come back to. Have done so for nearly three years now.
Interesting! Thanks for the reply. I was beginning to wonder if anyone was going to. I finally find out who initially piqued my curiousity too. Courtesy of Miles Teg. So in the context of this quoted post, "Kentucky windage" would be referring to the altered aiming technique required to competently use the SR-25 with it's altered zeroing. Makes sense now. Thanks again.
Hm. I was under the impression somehow that the Resistance side was going to be just sort of slapped in the middle as a baseless faction. If not. Then I guess that makes sense.
While intentions may be the best in the world for peacekeeping. I'm really glad I'm not doing it. The idea of being shot/attacked out of nowhere would probably drive me absolutely nuts. I'd also be scared to death if it was indeed very plausible. Someone mentioned Chechnya somewhere back there. Could anyone tell me what the whole deal with them and the Russians are? To my knowledge it was something about them wanting to cede or break apart from the Russian federation or something. The problem with something like that (if that indeed is the case) is asking where you draw the line between a poorly armed undermanned milita/army and a terrorist cel? I think that would be largely subject to interpretation. However civilian targets in any military campaign is essentially terrorism. There are exceptions however. I saw this one thing on the history channel about this secret plan that (Churchill?) made on the contingency that Germany did in fact successfully invade Great Britian. Select operatives were bred from each small village and would carry out covert sabotage operations to discourage and harry the invaders. One of these things involved killing anyone (civilian or not) who was in a position of power that aided and abetted the enemy. In that context I do not believe that to be terrorism. It's certainly not one of the more honorable facets of war. Still. Small units that are inadequately equipped to fight a conventional (relatively balanced) war. Must resort to guerilla tactics. Again, however this shouldn't involve killing utterly innocent people such as blowing up trains or bombing civilian buildings. In the context of fighting for freedom, your cause has no credibility if you're trying to free yourself from so-called oppression when you have no problem doing some form of oppression yourself. I feel bad for Radnik if he does live over there. Thing is though. Kosovo refugees of which some live in my neighborhood, have gotten something of a bad rap around here since many of the young men seem to cause trouble, picking fights with people, engaging in acts of vandalism. Suspected drug dealing. Where I live it's a relatively nice quiet neighborhood as far as much as one in an urbanized environment can be. This behavior really disturbs and distresses the residents here. While I know some families from Kosovo whom are our neighbors who are very decent friendly people. I can see how someone would be quick to judge the people there because of the bad ones. It's not right, however it is easy for some.
Looks really good. Although because of that it seems like it'd give even newer computers a run for their money in terms of decent performance. I'd enjoy it if OFP looked like that, but it's certainly not essential to make a game enjoyable. Besides, in a year this game will look old anyhow. I'd go with the expandability and replayability of OFP any day if it came to a choice. Looks neat. Still. I'm not a huge fan of UBI soft. Gauranteed the guns all use that rotten expanding ring system. I personally can't wait until Rv6: athena sword comes out... So I can steal the sounds like I did from Rv6.
Indeed. Ofp > every other wannabe OFP game. If you've seen other screens of Soldner you'd notice it's got some pretty weird features. Like guys with goalie masks and what appeared to be jackbooted neo SS types. To me it looks like a bastardization of OFP for the CS demographic.
Jesus fuck. I blame Bush for starting this up. Fascist bullshit. I swear, the more things like this seem to get out of hand the more I think of that John Titor guy (pseudonym for a supposed time-traveling crackpot) who said sometime in 2008 or so, a war will break out between the U.S government and it's own population.
If they ever refine the technology and develop a huge database of translated neural signals, perhaps the CIA would take interest in this. Which is kind of a scary thought to be honest. I'm assuming the logistical problem of making translation universal to every unique person would be quite significant. So perhaps it's not that feasible. Yes. It'd help the handicapped which is a good thing. However I could so totally see something like that if it were pratical, get abused. Say goodbye to our legal system. Yeah. Not so feasible insofar as the meditative discipline you'd have to possess to stay totally focused and not say/think to say something irrelevant or dangerous. I could so totally see a bunch of riggers/drillers engaging in a lot of "industry talk" while operating equipment that was thought controlled and the translation computer clicking and grinding away going "Does not compute! Does not compute!"
Just a random question, but is there any plans in the future from you Karillion or perhaps one of the more skilled mini-modders out there to make an RTS in which the AI makes more use of infantry? It's all fun to blow away vehicles and there are a lot of cool features in RTS that I'd hate to part with, but I kind of miss having good old fashioned man to man gun battles. BTW: I'm really looking forward to seeing 3-way when it's released. A question though, Either east/west can't cap territories after they're command vehicle is destroyed. Is there any plans to incorporate a timer or something that perhaps the last remaining faction must hold out for before they win so that it's not just ronin taking potshots at the last remaining side until they're toast?
I have a decrypted 1.90 cpp from A-lone wolf's site. However I was wondering if I use that for my singleplayer mod, will I lose the changes that 1.96 adds? If so, can I find a copy of it decrpyted somewhere? I want to do a general sound/unit tweak in preparation to play the red hammer campaign again so I get my own customized experience. I want to add/replace some new weapons. Give officers pistols. Maybe change some units if it's possible without editing the campaign itself. If I have to do that... It'll be a last resort since it's so time consuming.
Changes lost if i use a 1.90 cpp for sp mod?
Baphomet replied to Baphomet's topic in OFP : CONFIGS & SCRIPTING
Ohh. Ok. I was wondering what the current .bin version OFP was using. That's useful info. Thanks for the reply. -
I've got another question. Primarily to the person(s) who were charged with the duty of engineering the radio voices for FDF. I am interested in making my own voice pack using my own voice and those of my friends for our personal use, just for the fun of it. I was wondering if I could get any info on what was used/how to process the voices so they sounded remotely similar to that of the OFP radio voices in terms of how they sound.
I always wondered if pilots actually carried those weapons. Interesting. Those pilots look like they could eat wooden chairs for breakfast.