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Everything posted by Baphomet
Interesting, but I thought that OFP's FOV was kind of zoomed in a bit much to begin with. Regardless of CQB. It seemed a bit too easy to spot a single guy at many hundreds of meters away. Which in turn made aiming a bit too easy. Inversely, I would like the ability to COMPLETELY DISABLE all scoring records for the duration of a game as an option. I've played with a few people who were just so childish they couldn't get past trying to keep their score high, causing the rest of the team much annoyance in the process. One time I had played with this person and some others and my score was much higher than everyone elses. This one person was the one who drew attention to the fact. Personally I didn't care. However after that he simply would not stop at any cost trying to outdo me, which I didn't mind unless I was on his team. Then blowing up every unused vehicle or complaining about "kill stealing" in the midst of a co-op becomes VERY annoying. I'd be ok with that although I don't see the necessity to jump really. So long as it didn't give way to a new type of gunfighting strategy in which the individual could gain some kind of tactical advantage from jumping and shooting at the same time. Do that, and the ones responsible for it will get firebombed. Take it a step further, add user defined levels of detail for certain circumstances. Including draw distance/detail options for different vehicles. Such as aircraft where one's viewable distance and framerate means a lot more than what detail you can see it at. I'd personally like to see options that go beyond the inconsequential variable LOD we have now. I'm talking serious performance boosters like options to disable textures so you're using flat colors, just the shaders and choices for lower poly models. To me, the graphical transition between air and ground combat does not need to be seamless. I'm not under the pretense that you can do both and have them both look as good and perform well given that the demands for both are different. If you've played or seen A-10 cuba. You know what I mean. It's not pretty, but for people without top of the line machines, it makes usage of aircraft, especially fast moving ones, a much more viable option. As it stands with OFP, it seems to be lacking the ability to better support aircraft. Even with newer computers. I suspect this will get worse with visions of LOMAC dancing in people's heads. Which as far as I know doesn't take into account massive ground battles, more simply dogfighting. If you want to dogfight. Play LOMAC? Aircraft in OFP in my opinion should be functional in large ground support missions. Additionally, allowing planes to be rendered beyond the regular soldier/ground vehicle draw distance would balance the issue of planes being able to see armor before armor/AA can see them. Again, it would look a bit odd. However I imagine it would be a very economical way of keeping performance drain at a minimum while keeping the game balanced. Hell I just want to be able to fly a plane as I should be able to in OFP 2. To hell with how good the visuals are. Seeing more than a few kilometers in front of me without the framerate going into the basement would be nice. some examples 2 3
Able to use Binoculars while "turned out"
Baphomet replied to thetintickid's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - SUGGESTIONS
I think OFP 2 in general should feature more realistic binocular use. Propping your arm against the ground would make it more steady. Trying to view binoculars whilst unbraced makes your visual area shake a bit. This could mean the difference between catching a critical detail off in the distance or not. It's debatable as to whether it's necessary but it's a small thing that could definitely add some dimension to the game. -
Graphics, Explosions, Debre, HUGE HOLES!
Baphomet replied to ShadowGhOsT's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - SUGGESTIONS
I was going to say, yeah. I heard that many arms manufacturers do that. They sort of rig their test subjects with a bit of embellishment to wow potential buyers and press... Apparently that's fairly prevalent in the industry. -
Graphics, Explosions, Debre, HUGE HOLES!
Baphomet replied to ShadowGhOsT's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - SUGGESTIONS
Um... No. You've also got to understand that: 1: OFP2 will focus on much larger terrain scales than any other "FPS" as it's combat simulator. 2: Things like car doors being blown off, are nice aesthetic additions to games like Half-life 2, do nothing more in the end than lend a more hollywood feel to a combat engagement. There's no strategic importance of a car door being blown off as compared to the many other facets of a simulator that must be taken into account before implementing things like that. 3: Battlefield 2 is being marketed to mainstream audiences. These are the same kind of morons who conveniently were unaware of OFP when ghost recon was in it's prime, lauding it for it's unparalelled realism. *cough* eye candy generates more sales when your target audience is about as sophisticated as a ritalin addled 15 year old who's been playing too much Halo. There are many things that set OFP's technical realism above that of any other "FPS" out there. For instance, it's one of the few games to use vection based aiming and ballistics instead of an awful, inaccurate (and horrendously lazy) expanding ring model. It stands to reason that features such as THAT, improving ballistics and simulating the finer details and idiosyncracies of weapon performance and the individuals that handle them should be considered far before considering whether a car door should pop off when it's blown up. Excessive and inevitably meaningless visual effects are nice, they add to the ambience of a game, however when it comes to as technically demanding game as OFP is. They must be prioritized based on their necessity and their impact on performance. In the end. I think it would do the series a huge injustice if it was dominated with such trivial features in place of actual functionality and replayability. In short. I think personally you'll be better off playing BF2 or Soldner. They both seem more like your type of game. -
Yeah... uh. I got a bit too enthusiastic there. Anyhow... With so many good missions out there that require certain addons that aren't so user friendly to customize. It's good to find one that allows for any type of unit combinations you can imagine. Now if only thruyoursternum would do the same for his unscripted war. Â
Where else can you get these? I'm really interested in trying them out.
I LOVE YOU MAN! HAVE MY CHILDREN! PLEASE! OMGFBBQ! Customizability for dynamic missions is nothing short of awesome. I wish more people would do that. Thank you so much for putting that into consideration. Where can I get this?! Â Â Â
Sorry, been out of the loop with this addon for a while. Any progress or even possibility of multiplayer capability? What exactly is released so far?
This is why the addon community in my opinion is going down the tubes.
I found the single player game pretty good as far as your average FPS goes. Better than any other non-realistic FPS out there.
Extremist pizza delivery guy targeted Amsterdam red light district for attack. This pisses me off. People come into your country and then start trying to change things because they don't like it? What's next? Him poisoning pizzas because someone likes sausage on theirs? I'm glad they caught the bastard, but crazy ungrateful immigrants should be deported. If you can't appreciate that you're living in a country where you're not starving or trying to keep from being killed, suck it up and deal with it. I think my country really needs to tighten it's immigration laws so things like this won't happen. Either that or I'm going to have to buy a gun.
You don't really -need- to pep up the sound of a gun, in reality even even a 9mm pistol if you're firing it indoors is bloody loud. Got back from an indoor firing range this evening, and good god. Loud guns. It was odd though. I fired a .45 acp pistol and a beretta 9mm and they both sounded about the same. Just really loud like an ungodly loud pop. The desert eagle .50 that someone was firing four lanes over was so loud that I could feel this kind of vibration of the bass shaking my insides. Very distracting. It was even louder than the guy in the lane next to me firing a .308 rifle. If that's any indication of how loud that thing can be. Still that's the thing though. With good sound processing you could have a gun sound as it should in both indoor and outdoor conditions, near or far. I really think OFP needs this. I'm going to an outdoor range tomorrow, thankfully. I really don't like indoor ranges. I'll take the cold over deafening noise anyday.
These IDs would they be directly related to serial numbers? What if somehow they're stolen from legitimate users? That concept bothers me.
My opinion on the state of internet multiplayer gaming. It's a total writeoff. With the advent of more user friendly games and the popularity that ensued, we've got a problem with cheaters like never before. I don't ever recall having this kind of problem back when my only choice for a semi-realistic FPS was Action Quake 2, or TQ2. Actually I never encountered a cheater then. Keeping anticheat measures from the public is no different in my opinion than simply not doing -anything- about cheating. Cheaters will keep anti-cheat developers in a perpetual cycle of development. It's sad, but personally I sort of sadistically relish cheating in the counterstrike community simply because I hate the game. Played it once, hated and despised it for it's popularity and their fanbase. They get what they deserve. With OFP. It's just sad. But... I think that things can still be done, but unfortunately it requires a more grassroots approach that in these busy times is simply not feasible. Admins who actually take the time to spot and boot cheaters for one. I know it's unreasonable but the human element is something that seems to be lacking from most anticheat discussions on OFP or anywhere else I've seen it. At least you don't have the same problems as those in the Half Life community. It's rampant there. It's too bad OFP isn't more popular ironically enough, then it'd be easier to get LAN events organized. Which are generally safer and more fun.
I don't know if this is really appropriate for this thread. However it's sort of a hypothetical question on policy. I've dared venture into game oriented bulletin boards only a few times, The farcry community message board, planet halflife's, planet AVP's. (Both forumplanet boards. Blegh). Anyhow. I was just wondering, on a more personal level, if say OFP 2 became really successful and drew in a larger fan base than the typical OFP fan. Would the mods be more inclined to deal harshly with the average bulletin board poster on say those -other- gaming boards (most of which I find are less mature and more inclined towards spam than the average OFP board poster). Even if you in practice didn't deal with them harshly, would your concerns about spam and trolling and whatnot be more directed towards the influx of newer bulletin board members?
Eeehh. I really don't think it shreds anything to pieces. They're still willing to perform atrocious acts, they're just a bit more descriminating than the average crazy fundamentalist. Who was it? Tawhid wal Jihad or Ansar al Sunna that executed Shosei Koda? Those groups performing kidnappings and executions are nothing less than terrorist factions in my opinion. Slaughtering captives especially ones so completely irrelevant as some witless japanese tourist (then blaming americans). Seems to me that those groups are fairly enamored with the attention garnered by such gruesome methods of killing.
Personally I'd say least of all OFP glorifies war. Especially with with a lot of the quotes you see when you die. You certainly didn't see any propagandist lies like "Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori" It's sweet and something or other to die for your country. Usually they were satirizing war or simply critical of it. Ghost recon, and their ilk is most definitely edged with all the propaganda of a Jerry Bruckheimer film. For many reasons aside from that, I'm very glad OFP is nowhere near like any of those games. As far as I'm concerned, I wouldn't mind seeing a battle in some anonymous made up nation. That to me is not relevant to combat realism. That's political realism. Â That I could really care less about compared to combat realism. I still think there was one good idea for a list of scenarios where you had to knock off some dictator on an island. Then again I'm totally biased towards a Jagged Alliance2 style OFP campaign because anyone who hasn't played that game has -no- concept. No fricking concept how cool that would be. None, nada none at all! Capturing towns... raising militia... conducting raids! It would be just all too good to be true.
It seems like a good idea to recruit from within the community if the individual is professional enough. As far as the new lead developer goes, I have my concerns. Not that it's unexpected or unrealistic for such a departure to happen. However everyone's different and with handing over responsibility to another you might see that individual's personal views alter the course of the project. It could be a death sentence for the franchise (for me at least) or it could see no real negative impact at all. I'm a picky son of a bitch, so I think any drastic changes that I wasn't expecting might put me off getting it. Those drastic changes however would be more in the area of alterations appealing to the lowest common denominator (pretty much what EA/UBI does). I'll have to wait and see the end result I guess.
The islands weren't bigger than OFP's in Farcry. What with all the mention of "Zoldner"... let's also bear in mind that that game was a flaming piece of crap that had ridiculous hardware requirements for what it offered. If OFP2 was so resource intensive in terms of relative quality as that game I don't think I'd want to play it. I doubt that will be the case though. Zoldner just really seemd highly unoptimized. It didn't even look good, if that's what some of you really want in a game. It had craters, it had houses that could be shot apart, which while admittedly interesting, doesn't make up for the appalling performance of the game.
How about an even better idea... Play Half-life 2! I'm sorry but OFP cannot even come close to touching the kind of experience Half-life 2 can. Likewise for any half-life 2 engine based game attempting to best OFP at what it does.
One key thing I hadn't seen mentioned is -anything- regarding SP2. I've read and heard many many many a complaint about windows SP2 being absolute shite for games in general. Glad to see you might have gotten the problem already sorted, but still... in my humble opinion. Stay awayyyyy from SP2. Like the bloody plague! I wish they had a patch like that for intel chipsets that have problems with SB live cards. That'd be mighty useful.
I enjoyed C&C gold, and the original Red Alert, however at the time I think I was like 15 or 16... To me it seems like every successive game after that has just been rehash. I guess it's good for people who haven't gotten tired of frantic clickfestivals. I'd love to see something blending Wargasm and OFP together. In my opinion that would make for a much more satisfying strategy game. Much less moving your limited POV around and more perspective with which to issue commands more effectively. Especially if you could have multiplay which allowed player controlled roles from Commander down to squad leader, even to grunt.
Sounds to me like this whole campaign in Iraq is likely going to bite the united states in the ass if it turns out that Iran can manage to influence the politics of a recently "democratized" nation. The U.S is complaining about the recalcitrance of that nation's government already, with much ruminating of a possible conflict with them in the indeterminate future.
I was going to say... It seems like an awful lot of work to go to the trouble of making a cheat like that.
I think the very point is the fact that it can be used as a nonlethal device that people are afraid. You see, a weapon like this is significantly less fettered by the same morals that a lethal piece of ordinance would be subject to. So one might contend that it could be ripe for abuse. Conceivably this could be used by uneasy soldiers at every checkpoint resulting in a lot of unwarranted terrorising of innocent commuters, just for the soldier's peace of mind. "Oh I'm sorry your entire family had to experience the sensation of a hot iron slapped to your skin, but we didn't know if you were going to blow us up or attack us... at least you aren't DEAD!" Do you honestly think innocent civilians are going to smile and shrug that off? No, of course not. If anything. A nonlethal weapon like that could possibly do MORE damage to an occupying force's relations with the civilian population if incidents such as that became prevalent.