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Everything posted by B@ZOOkA

  1. B@ZOOkA

    Battletech mod for ofp2

    you can plan..yes ... but how long will it take? 2, maybe 4 months? you can plan the basics.... for example: you can plan a mission concept, but you cant say how (if) you can realize it in opf2... you dont know what scripts it will need and how those scripts will look, you dont know what commands the mission editor will use... and you dont even know if there will be a mission editor in ofp2. thats the problem i see... we have just not enought information about ofp2... this mod could also be for doom 3... you just cant really plan anything specified to ofp2... because you dont know it... those few questions ondrej spanel answered dont really help us i think...
  2. B@ZOOkA

    Battletech mod for ofp2

    lol... i think of planing a mod for ofp 4? anyone want to join my team? ... no really... dont you think its a bit early to think of ofp2? i mean we know almost nothing or even nothing about what and how it will be
  3. B@ZOOkA

    Independence lost lives!

    and what about the other thing you said?
  4. B@ZOOkA

    Independence lost lives!

    and what about the other thing you said?
  5. B@ZOOkA

    Independence lost lives!

    or please give a link where to find it... PLLLZZZZZZ
  6. B@ZOOkA

    Independence lost lives!

    or please give a link where to find it... PLLLZZZZZZ
  7. B@ZOOkA

    Ferret update

    looks great... even with those beta textures... but i think this model is quite easy to model - that doesnt mean you didnt invest a lot of work in it - but it has many flat faces and edges... so you can make a very good looking ferret with a (quite) low number of polys
  8. B@ZOOkA

    Where are the lav's?

    probably when its done which one do you mean? i think there are several in production be different mods.. as far as i know the tales of war one is in a quite late status
  9. B@ZOOkA

    Where are the lav's?

    probably when its done which one do you mean? i think there are several in production be different mods.. as far as i know the tales of war one is in a quite late status
  10. B@ZOOkA

    Zu 23-2

    the retelations mod (sry... dont have their url) is working on this gun... the screens i saw quite long time ago were looking great... if someone knows where to find those screens.. plz post them
  11. B@ZOOkA

    Zu 23-2

    the retelations mod (sry... dont have their url) is working on this gun... the screens i saw quite long time ago were looking great... if someone knows where to find those screens.. plz post them
  12. B@ZOOkA

    F-15e (strike eagle) released.

    WEEEE..... EEEEE....EEEEEE.... HAAAAAAA holy **** what a great stuff congratulations deadsoldier - you won b@zookas price for the best addon of the month Â
  13. B@ZOOkA

    Ofp 2 improvements

    i just read that the biggest german flashpoint site (operatio-flashpoint.de) (which was closed some time ago) will be relaunched on the 1.1.2003. but thats not the point... in a comment, a team member said that "the successor of ofp will come soon" and that they have insider information about it.... what ever it means...
  14. B@ZOOkA

    Ofp 2 improvements

    i just read that the biggest german flashpoint site (operatio-flashpoint.de) (which was closed some time ago) will be relaunched on the 1.1.2003. but thats not the point... in a comment, a team member said that "the successor of ofp will come soon" and that they have insider information about it.... what ever it means...
  15. B@ZOOkA

    Vbs site updated

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (bn880 @ Dec. 06 2002,05:31)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Hit_Sqd_Maximus @ Dec. 04 2002,21<!--emo&)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RalphWiggum @ Dec. 04 2002,01:49)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">i wonder if VBS guys use addons from OFP community.... good to see you back AntiChrist<span id='postcolor'> I hope they get payed for it if they do I think they could legally w/out paying them but still.....<span id='postcolor'> Well I read somewhere that they can not use regular game models because they require more detail or something... (would be better for clients if they could, worse for VBS1 guys) actually there is no Oxygen available to VBS1 clients so far, that I know of.<span id='postcolor'> actually, the new models you can see on the newer vbs1-screens dont really look (much) more detailed than the models in normal ofp or ofp:r ...dont know about the possibility to edit it in oË›
  16. B@ZOOkA

    Super stallion?

    i cant find something on the bas site about it ... i think the super stallion was scorpio's project....
  17. B@ZOOkA

    Vbs site updated

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (FW200 @ Dec. 04 2002,19:23)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Have you seen this yet?? Is the dust from the rotors? <span id='postcolor'> should be no problem to add this by a script.... im sure there has already one been made out there
  18. B@ZOOkA

    Vbs site updated

    upps... just overread the news on the vbs1 site  they give us a small list or at least some information about any addons that will come for vbs1 here it is: Simulation Modules Coalescent Technologies is developing add-on simulation modules for VBS1™ that provide additional behaviors and associated models which are suited for the following special applications: US Marine Corps - This module adds models for current USMC small-unit infantry weapons, current uniforms, MOUT facilities, and many other systems in the Marine Air / Ground Task Force (MAGTF) including the AAV, AV-8B, CH-53E, CH-46E, AH-1Z, UH-1Y, LCAC, LAV, and HMMWV. US Marine Corps Non-Lethal Weapons - This module adds non-lethal weapons, as well as civilians and behaviors, suited for training small unit leaders in decision-making across the spectrum of conflict. US Marine Corps Forward Observer - With this set of behaviors, the FO moves with the maneuver unit that he’s supporting. Rather than training in a static environment, this system allows him to train in supporting the Marines on a fluid battlefield and to improve his coordination of supporting fires. It incorporates target and observation post location, the Call for Fire (CFF), adjustment of fires (mortar, artillery, Naval Surface Fire Support, and Close Air Support), and damage assessment. Law Enforcement - This module, currently in development, provides the weapons, urban terrain, clothing, buildings, non-military vehicles, and behaviors for law enforcement and anti-terrorist scenario-based training. Force Protection - This module will provide scenario-based decision-making training for ship-based or shore facility force protection. Homeland Defense - Currently in development. Model Add-on Packs Coalescent Technologies is developing model add-on packs for VBS1™ that provide additional weapons, vehicles, aircraft, maps, buildings, avatars, weapons.
  19. B@ZOOkA

    Vbs site updated

    @die alive: its only the "core" system they (you) gave us a list of... and they say that there will be addons.... id really like to see a (vehicle-) list of one of those addonpacks... but BIS/Coalescent probably dont even now exactly what will be in the addonpacks...
  20. B@ZOOkA

    Vbs site updated

    dont forget... if you wait too long, ppl will lose interest... and btw: if they waited till now with the release, the graphic engine would be that outdated that they just could restart from the ground on updating the whole engine... there will never be a perfect game without bugs... when bis released flashpoint, ofp was well playable... only the multiplayer was a really big problem at the beginning... but that and many other bugs was patched... just tell me the name of one game that came along without patches after its release
  21. B@ZOOkA

    Vbs site updated

    btw.... did you see that pic? its a normal hind... but wheres the gear? is it up?
  22. i dont know if its allowed to post something about vbs1 in this forum... if its not... just close this topic here is what its about: i just saw at ofp-zone.de that the vbs1 homepage was completly remade (dont know for how long there is that new version of the page online but i never saw it before)... now they give us a lot of new information and some very nice new screens... for example they say that vbs1 will coast 129$...but ill only be possible to buy it for governments.... take a look at their site... the most interesting part for me is the screenshot gallery... they show us new screens of the ch-53 or the harrier... this screen is interesting too... i dont know if i just cant see the gear of the hind or if its up
  23. B@ZOOkA

    2s19 released

    cool stuff... but whos the autor of this addon?
  24. B@ZOOkA


    does anyone have a link of those older screens? cause i personally cant find them anymore... its just to calme down and to get a bit more back on topic
  25. B@ZOOkA


    right... and he already showed us some screens... but that is quite long time ago...dont forget about that...