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Everything posted by Bordoy

  1. Bordoy

    Best armed forces in the world

    This has a potential flame war labeled all over it. I think this needs closing.
  2. Bordoy

    Cti- worst thing to happen to ofp

    We sometimes play Plane Frenzy on our server, but just for abit of fun. Our server is Seawolves Armed Forces EU2
  3. Well as part of the armored platooon in SWAF: I have to say no, i am quite interested to see how they can make the tanks more realistic or better or sumet like that. As an OFP player: same as above As an UK citizan: same as above As an teenager: same as above As an ........................................(to be concluded)
  4. Bordoy

    Not using islands?

    I Totally agree with that. The islands are great. Note I have edited the mild profanity used in his post, but if you would like to see it then go back a couple of pages.
  5. Bordoy

    Skye virus v3.03!

    Get an abrams then the can't get you.
  6. Bordoy


    Would be good if the BMP had 8 Pk's sticking out of it
  7. Bordoy


    David if you or anyone else from seventh is reading this, i love your music.
  8. I voted for more gunner points. but all are good, but if they improve the AI i hope they dont make so a soldier can gives you a bullet through the head 300m away with an AK (single shot mode, 1shot) edit: maybe less accurate weapons depending on weapon.
  9. Bordoy


    I think thet said they were trying to create mutliple gunner positions. Maybe someone could add something to this?
  10. Bordoy

    Resitance: last mission

    I had a few infantry at airport to kill and 2 groups of spetznas (one near house you start at, and one in middle of desert near hill)
  11. Bordoy

    Completed resistance

    and he changed his last name through the goverment. Victor is THE ONE
  12. Bordoy

    Resistance missions - critics (bad)

    Ok if u was in that situation and the Leader of the resistance, what would you do? remember you are the leader. Would you Surrender, collaberate or resist? If you choose surrender or collaberate you are letting the whole country down and your friends. What is a realistice mission? Company size number of soldiers with air support and reservists? mortar support? you dont have a company size number of soldiers.
  13. Bordoy

    Why dont any peeps play on ofp resistance?

    I use the ingame browser, its easy to use nad can see a load of info about the server.
  14. Bordoy

    F/a-18:oir demo released

    I think you neeed to calm it, lol This is the same company that made F/A-18 Korea. And if you goto support it says "Demo (coming soon)" And to get that video it is actually "A self running replay" so there you go.
  15. Bordoy

    Skye virus 3.0

    That the exact same thing i thought of when i read his post. D.murphy man: They goto manchester nf some of the lads from the Army, at a building which is surrounded by mines, bardbed wire, everything. I wont tell you any more mate incase you rent it, good film. Bit to gory though. I suggest you rent it
  16. Bordoy

    Bomb scare

    There has been a bomb scare in Nottingham, England. There was loads of police and bomb disposal team. i was right near the middle of it, queing to get on bus, and the bus got stuck cus the police blocked off the road and surrounding roads. so i had to walk 2 miles to get to the park & ride. Loads of traffic got stuck, loads of ppl going to Park & ride if they need to get there cus there was no buses.
  17. Bordoy

    Bomb scare

    newbasford  i live in clifton
  18. Bordoy

    Bomb scare

    i live in nottingham and havent herd anything on the news. What time was this ? i'm in nottingham too, as i know about this. it was about 6 o'clock i think but expect me to be about half an hour out probabley. Edit: which part do u live in? btw
  19. Bordoy

    Eu - federation or not federation?

    I'm English (or British, but lets not go there), and i would rather be English then European, and keep the pound and those other things that keep us English/British and independant.
  20. Bordoy

    Ultimate sound

  21. Bordoy

    Eu - federation or not federation?

    i would rather get stronger ties with the USA then with France and Germany. The EU is bad as it is, any stronger ties will make it worst. Many things from Asylum Seekers to Law will be governed by the EU.
  22. Bordoy

    Army/navey  (uk)

    Depends what you want to do.
  23. I have an 128Mb ATI Radeon 9000, and its works like a dream. No problems and i mean no problems.
  24. Bordoy

    Lifeless: the video

    i'm wondering where can i download the lifeless song with video? I did have it on my old pc but after i got a new one i lost it. Please help me. i think i downloaded it off http://www.operation-flashpoint.net/vietnam/ but that site no longer exists (unless it has moved, it was hosted by Seventh).
  25. Bordoy

    Lifeless: the video

    lifeless is a bad ass song