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Everything posted by Bordoy

  1. Bordoy

    Yipeee! German army to lift sex-ban

    It did sound very tasteless and quite idiotic.... Especially in the context it was in. Fear of them, your joking right. I'll only get fear if they were close to trying something on me. Anyway, whats the main reason for the large spread of HIV? Its people doing acts of homosexuals
  2. Bordoy

    Yipeee! German army to lift sex-ban

    And your statement was indeed quite "retarded", if not retarded. Very tasteless and uncalled for. Imagine yourself in a warzone, you haven't seen a woman for months.... EDIT: And no, he might not be homosexual. But I am quite sure he doesn't like people backtalking his countrymen. Countrymen that on top of being homosexual actually serve their country and put their lives on the line. And that's the only thing that should matter, in spite of their sexual preferences. I aint a homophobe, i am against homosexuality though. I wasnt "backtalking" his countrymen. It doesn't matter if he (or she) is from the US, France, Britain, or Laos. But i think its good of them to serve there country, no matter Army, Navy, or Air force.
  3. Bordoy

    Yipeee! German army to lift sex-ban

    hahahahah, french homo's back then you would have been the bitch beware in the showers, they love weak retarded shrimps of your kind If some "guy" tried to get me up the ass i wouldnt lay there or bend there, i would resist with force, even deadly force if necessary. And the police would hear about it as well. weak? I've beaten up a few people retarded? i am going college Shrimp? actually im a human I wasn't laughing cus there french, its because of there well you know. Anyway why would it offend you, your not a homo, are you?
  4. Bordoy

    Yipeee! German army to lift sex-ban

    hahahahah, french homo's the numbers cant be that high, unless everyone in france is an ugly mofo and is desperate, well thats is possible but is it likely?
  5. Bordoy

    Yipeee! German army to lift sex-ban

    They are going to have to start putting that stuff in the coffee, like the British Army did use to, so they don't get erections or sumthing like that.
  6. Bordoy

    I need to buy a new usb card

    same here, i got six and use two. Also i got a USB hub which add another 4.
  7. Bordoy

    Athens Olympics 2004

    LOL Who told you this bullshit? Cant remember but it wasn't started by me, by now though it has probably spread its way to the corners on the UK and might start the cross the North Sea, Channel, and Atlantic.
  8. Bordoy

    Athens Olympics 2004

    Is it true German woman don't shave there armpits? or is that just an English mis-comseption.
  9. Bordoy

    Athens Olympics 2004

    you won euro 2004. dont be selfish, let Iraq win or something.
  10. Bordoy

    Athens Olympics 2004

    Now the judges gave a russian 9.3 even though she did very very good. No wonder the crowd the wistleing and booing. The judges are on drugs.
  11. Bordoy

    Athens Olympics 2004

    USA should of won that, anyone hear the crowd booing the judges and quiet rightly so. an extra 0.100 and USA would of won it, but it was a low score. This is getting like the Eurovision Song contest, a political choosing, nothing to do with performance.
  12. Bordoy

    Burton Company go live

    wrong forum mate, i seen ur post on Project UK forces site and looks interesting.
  13. Bordoy

    Computer Fatigue?

    might be downloading a really large file and he got slow connnection.
  14. Bordoy

    Death Star satellite found

    A long time ago in galaxy very very very very close, well this one to be exact. Saturn could be the moon of Endor?
  15. Bordoy

    US troop removal

    I don't think germany will spend more money on its Military when the US leave. We simply don't have any money to spend! problems with the euro or goverment? Its the people, who want more money for less work, the people that think getting enough money to live very comfy without a job can work. Basically, the Germans are once again not flexible enough to realise that the fat cat times are over. All those people complaining about Hartz IV will ruin the country badly, if they do get their way. If they can get a job at all! i hope they sort there problems out somehow and i hope your ok mate?
  16. Bordoy

    US troop removal

    her?? more like it
  17. Bordoy

    US troop removal

    I don't think germany will spend more money on its Military when the US leave. We simply don't have any money to spend! problems with the euro or goverment?
  18. Bordoy

    US troop removal

    Yeah, lets spend billions every year because of the bogeyman who may never come. That makes sense. The only way to stop war is to be ready for war
  19. Bordoy

    Computer Fatigue?

    you mean in the same context of an athlete running round in circles for 1500m? Then it might happen to a pc but i dnt think it would.
  20. Bordoy

    US troop removal

    The same thing is going to happen in the UK with the closure of an RAF Base with alot of surrounding bussinesses etc
  21. Bordoy

    What Is The World Coming Too

    these is the most stupid thing i've ever heard.
  22. Bordoy

    UK Bing drinking

    i agree with you there mate. i dont binge drink and i never had, well i have once and i was very sick after (one too many) so i wish to forget it.
  23. Bordoy

    Anyone want one?

    Buy your plane Buy a plane above. wheres the FA-18?
  24. Bordoy

    Why can´t I see any US Army Web???

    lol ABC news blocked, Reuters blocked. talk about extreme propaganda. Amnesty International blocked wtf. with all the american sites blocked, i wonder if any other areas were blocked but fear not my friends, the muslim website is blocked.
  25. Bordoy

    Why can´t I see any US Army Web???

    www.goarmy.com doesnt work for me but the other three above do.