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Everything posted by Bart.Jan

  1. Bart.Jan

    Su-25 mission

    I finished it ! I didn't destoyed targets of oportunity but I destroyd LST and saves Levie base. (17min./7400pts)
  2. Of course I have a real name   , but Bart.Jan is satisfactory.
  3. One bug : If I don't reach ambush point and I kill res.leader mission doesn't end with my arrival to camp. Make some trigger in camp that ends mission even player doesn't reach ambush point. BTW: try to learn how to post links in forum. Use http:// button on the top of edit window. Your link should looks like: http://www.geocities.com/diplomacy84/Spetznaz13.zip or download my mission And you could mention me in readme.txt as betatester. edit:some problems with links, it must start with http://
  4. Bart.Jan


    If you want to answer some question just use add reply button (you can find it on top and bottom of page you read). Don't start new topic !
  5. Bart.Jan

    How to manage sea attacks?

    Some tips : -If you want ships to go through narrow parts place there more waypoints that will be navigating them. -For boarding ship: if you don't need to see soldiers boarding ship is better to use init line. Place this line to leaders init box and whole group will be in boat. "_x moveincargo shipName" foreach (units group this) -For disembarking: place unload cargo wp (for ship) and get out wp (for men) to land. Ship is capable partly move from sea.
  6. Bart.Jan

    End mission trigger

    Put enemy=true to On Activation field in enemy wp that moves them to guarding area. Then put this and enemy to condition field of your ending trigger (east not present).
  7. Bart.Jan

    Su-25 mission

    Nice one   even I don't like flying with SU. They always shoot me down   damn bastards!
  8. Bart.Jan

    New rumble rally mission

    It need some unofficial addon .
  9. Bart.Jan

    Just another 2 points

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (themoffster @ April 04 2002,05<!--emo&:0)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I`ve found out that you do "unitname removeaction 0", this removes the action with index = 0. But how do I see what number corresponds to which index value?<span id='postcolor'> This is from official scripting reference : unit addAction action Operand types:   unit: Object   action: Array Compatibility:   Version 1.1 required. Type of returned value:   None Description:   Create an action. Action ID should be returned, but due to bug it is not. To determine action ID use following algorithm: first action added to given vehicle has ID zero, next has ID one, etc. Example:   player addAction ["Hello", "hello.sqs"]
  10. Bart.Jan

    How the....

    Names of weapons and magazines can be found in Unofficial Operation Flashpoint Command Reference Manual Version 1.04 - command addweapon (download this document from second link Big_D posts) And here are names from official upgrades: weapon/magazine Kozlice/KozliceBall KozliceShell  G36a/G36amag  Steyr/SteyrMag  XMS/M4  Bizon/BizonMag  MM1/MM1magazine 6g30/6g30magazine LaserDesignator/LaserDesignator
  11. -Trhee grenades are enought, magazines are more needed. -Give to 2nd specnas similar equipment as 1st one has. -I think it's unusual that two officers alone are going to mission. Usual is sergant or corporal with private. (or officer with private or corporal) -Don't synchronize start of uaz with spacnas arrival to ambush point. Just let uaz start after some period of time so if player loiter and doesn't follow orders uaz reach its base.
  12. Bart.Jan

    2 really simple questions...

    From my Czech-English dictionary : uvozovky " = comma,commas inverted,double glitch,double quote,inverted commas Â
  13. Bart.Jan

    Complicated problem

    Run script after heli is destroyed + few second after it. Heli must be placed on flat ground without near obstacles beacuse of wreck moving. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_dir=getdir helo1 _x=-1.1*sin _dir _y=-1.1*cos _dir fire1 setpos [(getpos helo1 select 0)+_x,(getpos helo1 select 1) +_y,(getpos helo1 select 2) +1] fire2 setpos [(getpos helo1 select 0)+_x,(getpos helo1 select 1) +_y,(getpos helo1 select 2) +1] fire3 setpos [(getpos helo1 select 0)+_x,(getpos helo1 select 1) +_y,(getpos helo1 select 2) +1.3]<span id='postcolor'> If you'll use this, mention me in credists.
  14. Bart.Jan

    Site for recording voices

    http://www.rhetorical.com/cgi-bin/demo1.cgi This adress was posted by someone in some older topics about voices and is working.
  15. Bart.Jan

    2 really simple questions...

    1) fire1 setpos [(getpos helo1 select 0),(getpos helo1 select 1),(getpos helo1 select 2) -1] name without commas 2) I don't know.
  16. make trigger axis a,b = 0 activation : nobody once type : end#1 condition : not (alive nameOfUnit)
  17. Make your short mission litlle bit realistic. -give to specnas binocular instead of nvgoggles. It's a midday mission and they must wait for someone so they must can see if is he coming, if is he only with his bodyguard as intel says and they must scan horizont because of enemy patrols -let resistance leader go by car driven by his bodyguard. It looks better then two resistance sportsmen - and it's more fun to shoot someone in moving car.
  18. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (LauryThorn @ April 03 2002,12:53)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">That "player" refers to player-controlled unit, even if its name is something else, right?<span id='postcolor'> Right
  19. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RalphWiggum @ April 03 2002,11:27)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">hint format["X: %1 \nZ: %2 \nY: %3", getPos this select 0, getPos this select 1, getPos this select 2]<span id='postcolor'> Instad of this in this example put word player.
  20. Place for civilian wp Hold position and he will stay on place. For you team place move wp in loacation of civilian - not join wp. Then make, anywhere on map, trigger with 0,0 axis, activated by nobody once, condition : (player distance civilianName)<5 on activation : [civilianName] join player. Civilian will wait in location and he join your group if you go near to him.
  21. If you are East and you want all West dead make trigger that covers area and set activated by West - not present. Make area of trigger little bit bigger than guarding area because that would work even West run from this area. If you want even all Resistance dead make another trigger with actvated by Resistance -not present and place it to same location as previous trigger. If you want avoid fleeing guarding soldiers place this line to each defending group commander's init line : "_x allowFleeing 0" foreach (units group this) They will fight to death.
  22. Bart.Jan


    If you use action command don't use STR_ACTION_. Just type ap action ["lighton"]. About ligts on/off I tried it and it isn't working. I don't know how to do it. Â
  23. Ending trigger group with civilian (press F2 and drag line from wp to civilian) and set type end#1. About briefing and debriefing check official flashpoint site and download manual.
  24. Bart.Jan

    New mission

    Yes it can be hidden bonus mission.
  25. Bart.Jan

    New mission

    Another idea for your mission : somewhere in abadoned village can be a hidden civilian who can join jour party. When he is in your party he tell you he is good at fixing cars (I mean when car can not start not when it is destroyed) and when you come with him to broken v3s, where you joined with one member of your team, he can fix it (unlock vehicle) and you can add another award for your mission.