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Everything posted by Balschoiw

  1. Balschoiw

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Sure. And we will get Arma 2 in 2010 or so then. Especially smart idea.
  2. Balschoiw

    This is the real war game

    Wish granted. Arma 2 on Xbox 360
  3. Balschoiw

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Or... they just release a demo... Good to know that they will have a demo before release. Something that was missing with Arma 1. Looks like they have a nice list of features in the game, we´ll see how it will work in action. I´m open minded towards OFP DR, if it´s good I will get it. No need for projected rivalery from my side. It´s stupid anyway. If the game is a failure from my personal perspective, it´s one more on the list that didn´t fulfill the expectations. Still, we as users can only benefit.
  4. Balschoiw

    new idea for immersion

    Spot on. Does it contribute to overall gameplay of a Milsim ? You could also demand a torture-feature, a deportation feature a rape feature, a suicide feature, a burn-down-the-village feature... Still, does it contribute to "game"-play ? I´d like to have a limited friendly-fire feature at times but I can surely live without it anytime.
  5. I´m not sure if I´ve leaning myself too far out of the window, but aren´t there indications that the dynamic conversation segment will have a realime text-to-speech engine embedded ? This would be awesome as this would mean that mission editors do not have to record voice-samples anymore but can use the inbuilt text-to-speech engine. If this is true, I´m going to do a middle-high jump in pink panties. The tankslides still look very stupid though. No mass, no weight and the AI still slides them to loose speed. Nah, not nice. Edit: Sometimes I think that a simple "Yes", "No" from a developer would really be an addition to all the feature discussions going on. Expectations (I don´t exclude myself there) sometimes simply go through the roof about Arma2 features. A simple statement would bring clarity and base discussions on solid ground.
  6. Balschoiw

    Which faction doyou think is next?

    Hello ?!? No more bloody politics here in this thread please. Anyone who comes up with with another political message will have to play OFP-unpatched, naked in the bohemian woods. What´s up with Placebo and the unschedulled update ? Guys at BIS are playing the old "patience is a virtue" game. Oh well..so be it...patience is a virtue...
  7. Balschoiw

    support elements

    BIS keeps a tradition of having every unit playable in SP and MP. There never was a limitation for some units, so why should they introduce one for Arma 2 ? Nonsense.
  8. Balschoiw

    Mission ideas

    We have no idea what the BIS campaign(s) will look like, so there´s little to discuss for us unfortunally. I guess input for certain missions is a bit late I´m afraid as the plot for the campaign hould be already fixed by now and most likely the campaign is already in the works if not more. You still can do such missions once the game gets released.
  9. Balschoiw

    Enter/Exit Vehicles animations.

    This would include moveable doors and afaik Arma 2 will not have such.
  10. Balschoiw

    draw distance KEYBOARD command

    Thank god there´s "setviewdistance 2000" for MP maps A performance monitor within Arma 2 that automatically adjusts viewdistance and LOD corrseponding to FPS would be a geeky thing but I guess I could also ask my computer to make me a sandwich with the same result as asking BIS about such. I´d be happy if we get back controls of the visual compartement as we had with OFP launcher where you could finetune it to death. Arma was a bit limited in that aspect imo.
  11. Ah I see you are part of the BIS team. The word "Beta" may ring a bell in your upper compartement. It´s meant to find bugs and fix them before the product gets released. A proper base is what a game needs, not some "I want this, I want that" that is totally irrelevant for the basic gameplay. And the base for a proper game is "AI, playability, physics and hardware compability".
  12. Balschoiw

    Psychology of killing.

    Hi ! Digging up yearold threads is like talking to a mummy from a crypt
  13. This is something that can be done via editing and I think that it would be hindering for mission editing to have such by default as in most missions it would be rather hindering than contributing. I guess there are things on the list with a higher priority than that. To be honest I guess people already get lost in details right now while we all haven´t played the game up to now. My biggest concerns are still AI, playability, physics and hardware compability. The rest is the extra sugar I can worry about once the game blasts me into my chair with version 1.0.
  14. I don´t think that buildings per se are partly destructable. I guess non enterable buildings are not partly destroyable. Wouldn´t make much sense as they have no interiors. So texture lightning as shown on the pic ( as I assume ) will simply end when the building completely collapses and that´s it. Maybe they added another texture stage that turns off the illuminated texture when the building akes damage but I wouldn´t place my bets on it.
  15. Looks like emissive textures in the windows as with live 3d lights the surrounding area would be illuminated aswell. Another indicator that it´s a texture is that the streetlamp in front of the building is not illuminated. Good for atmosphere though.
  16. Balschoiw

    Earth Hour 2009

    Statistics are flexible and google can be used to prove almost everything. Judging the effects of global warming imo only works when looking at the complete picture. Sealevels and temperatures are on the rise as a result of altering seastreams that are influenced by changed winds that are a result of global warming. Glaciers are melting in recordtime, permafrost areas are turning into mudareas and in arctic regions people are buying agricultural equipment because the ice is melting away and allows them to farm in some regions. The global warming may not be totally human-made but for sure the human pollution is the biggest non-natural influence on the ecosystem and devastating a complete planet is not really smart, even financially-wise. The costs of the pollution will oneday come back on everybody for profits that are made right now. Just look at the Canadian Oil-sand industry that pops up right now. They catapulted Canada among the biggest polluters of the world in just a few years for the profit of the usual oil-companies that exploit and pollute a region for some decades and leave burnt ground when they leave. As long as profit is the number 1 priority on the world we will in the end kill ourselves. Imo we need more pirates !
  17. Balschoiw

    Game physics

    With OFP I had no problem with the static tank behaviour when driving or firing but today I have a problem with it as I think that the weight and mass of a tank is best demonstrated with the movement it makes. In the videos of Arma 2 I´ve seen the tanks are still riding the ground like rollerskates. Tanks have a mass, a big one and this should be reflected ingame imho. It looks a bit absurd that the environment is so well done but when a tank rolls in, comes to a flat stop from a speed of 50 without any movement, fires it´s gun (k the gun is moving at least), but the tankhull is not moving a centimeter, neither does it show any traces of backblast it looks like a year 2002 game. Sorry, explosions may be nice eyecandy, but a tank should at least somewhat behave like a tank today. They would look much more impressive ( as they are in reality) if theie movement and mass system would get a realistic overhaul. Please do not miss out such details, they are impressive and certainly much more realistic than the skater-tank.
  18. Balschoiw

    Adjustable Play-Speed of Animations

    Oh yes...the weight...asked for since OFP
  19. Balschoiw

    Earth Hour 2009

    1. I´ll tell anyone to grow up who´s fuelling or starting a discussion that´s filled with onesided hypocracy theories without backup. That´s my link to reality. 2. I assume myself as a moderately educated and world-prooven 37 year (duh) old guy, who´s reading alot, who´s been into all that conspiracy books, who´s received "banned" books from friends and all that. In the end it was just a juvenile behaviour as most of the books were simply idiotic and farfetched only serving some hungry minds who wanted to see the reality different, with more background. Funnily enough you´ll sooner or later find that there is no such thing as banned books in germany. If you´re 18 you can buy them or order them abroad if they are not sold in germany. Easy as that. All that big myth about banned books is simply nonsense. Most of them are porno-books that were put on the index more than 30 years ago. Go guess, no political content there. The rest is nazi shit and communist weirdo-punk. Go figure...no big loss. You can even go to a library and read "Mein Kampf" if you want to. You can´t buy it because Bavaria owns the copyright and doesn´t print it. That´s all the story about it. We don´t live in the 20´s or 30´s anymore. If there´s that big conspiracy going on it´s happening right in front of your eyes. Noone needs to cover it up as people are simply too lazy to do anything against such things. Fastfood, television and cheap gasoline, that´s what´s important today. Today there are more whistelblowers than secrets and everyone wants to toot everything instantly on Youtube and Twitter. Really ? Where is your freedom of speech limited ? Have you been to a country where wearing a T-shirt get´s you into serious trouble. Noone here cares about such. Go to the USA and wear a Osama bin Laden T-Shirt and we´ll see where you end. You can wear a RAF T-Shirt here without any hassle. We´re all fed well here in germany so unless you got experiences in other countries that make you value our system it´s better to be a bit more relaxed. Go to egypt and post some governmet critical comments on the i-net and *bang* you´re gone, go to russia and post some kremlin-criticism and *bang* you´re dead. Wake up, we´re living in a country with a working jurisdiction where civil rights are indeed held up high. That´s of course not the resul of the last 20 years policy but still an outcome of the post-nazi era where people where gassed for opposition. Spineless politicians ? I agree totally, but the nature of the professionalized political democracy simply leads to this in the longrun. Pity, but true.
  20. Balschoiw

    BI press release Re: OFP title and development

    Oh shit ! Apart from what Llauma says I´m no *cough* meatball yet . Nice try Spaceman Spiff !
  21. Nice video. Still, tanks firing look like poo-poo imo. No real backblast on tanks and the smoke looks still too OFP´ish for a 2009 game.
  22. Balschoiw

    BI press release Re: OFP title and development

    Would be really interesting to know as the prominent members back then were really just a handfull. Can´t someone just ask him ?
  23. Balschoiw

    Earth Hour 2009

    Grow up. List of books banned by governments I´d like to know which specifical books you got your knowledge from ? A list please.
  24. Balschoiw

    release date?

    To be honest I´d wait for a playable demo of both games and then decide if you will buy OFP DR or Arma 2. Right now there´s a lot of hype going on with both games but as I´m quite sceptical when it comes to hypes I´ll wait for a demo before I hit the "buy now" button.
  25. Balschoiw

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    It´s a variant of the engine used in Colin McRae: DiRT™ and Race Driver: GRID™ that both won awards. An engine itself hardly ever wins an award, but the games that base on an engine do.