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Everything posted by Balschoiw

  1. Dynamite fishing ! First ones to make a rubber ducky addon, an airbed addon and a barbecue place will have huge popularity. I already see poolparties coming along... :pet7:
  2. Balschoiw

    The Bohemia 'Clutter Cutter'?

    I would love such as the Arma 1 grass cutter was not adjustable in size or shape. A scripting command for the editor bound to a freely customizeable trigger that can have all sorts of shapes would perfectly fit for every campsituation I can think of. With the old cutter it sometimes looked odd as for the circular structure you sometimes had unsatisfying results and the work to place a number of them properly was a pita sometimes. Good idea to bind it to a trigger. :pet7:
  3. Balschoiw

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    As far as I remember there even was a funny controversy going on when OFP/OPF was released. Some called it OFP, some OPF. I guess even among the developers there was no coherent standard for the name. :pet7:
  4. Is this thread about specs for Arma 2 or for general hardware talk and issues with Arma 1 ? If it´s about Arma 2 specs all other posts should go to correct sections of the forum. Arma technical issues:Arma troubleshooting General PC issues: General PC discussion Seriously guys, it´s getting very confusing if you post in the wrong places and leads the original thread-intention ad absurdum.
  5. Balschoiw

    Ai thread

    Most of the suggestions already have been made. The thread should be moved/merged with Arma2 Suggestions - AI thread Lately the number of threads is rising and it´s getting confusing if people do not post in the appropriate places.
  6. Balschoiw

    I want HEIGHT

    It´s a matter of mission editing to get this straight. By getting the distance to player(s) via script you can change the unit stance on the fly when the players get into range. This would mean that you can hide the units by having them prone when the player(s) approach and let them stand up and engage once they are near enough for a surprise or trap. All that you object to can be achieved by scripting but it would make it much more easier if the rooftops, balconies, hallways, walls are actually useable for AI for patrol-routes and random moves around the area for simulating watchposts.
  7. Balschoiw

    I want HEIGHT

    It only works for enterable buildings and if there are predefined building positions. Most of the buildings in Arma are not enterable though, or have no predefined building positions. This also accounts for hallways, galleries that are enterable via stairs, balconies that are pure eyecandy only and walls that also have stair or ladder access but have no positons or working roadway mapping to enable AI to move to/on them. Only about 10-20 percent of the Arma buildings are useable for AI because of that. That´s not much and if you ever tried to setup ambushes in narrow city-streets you know that you can hardly make it work properly because of that limitations. I spent quite some time testing that things, even setpos´ing pallettes under balconies to have static guards there, but the model shape does block their sight and they are not even able to engage enemies from a fixed position because of that technical limitation. At least all flat roofs should be prepared for moving AI´s, same with hallways, and big city walls with stair access for having patrolling guards up there. It´s a feature that comes with building design and I hope BIS is putting more effort into it as with Arma where all of those building types were not useable at all for moving AI units as they always wanted to get to the ground first when given a WP on a building roof.
  8. Balschoiw

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Hey Walker...usually a fan of your posts.... Still... This one´s stupid. It´s a fullscale weapon/explosion effect drawn locally as with OFP, Arma. The visuals do not get transferred via web but are enacted locally on the client. Damage date from surrounding obj, buildings, whatever are transferred to client as with Arma. Visualization is done locally on lient. Bandwidth is minimal. Cheers...and pls don´t try to make everything look bad that´s not coming from BIS...
  9. Balschoiw

    I want HEIGHT

    Unfortunally this is untrue (no offence, I really like you) Static shooters on rooftops are possible with scripting, but there is no way apart from a setpos loop to get them going on rooftops or balconies, and it´s really a piece of crap to get this going and look fine. Balconies are totally out of question with Arma I as the building geometry covers them and the AI on balconies can´t even shoot. It simply is impossible because of the hindering geometry of the building. Unless there is/are proper roadway lod for buildings on all elements and stories it won´t work, even with scripting.
  10. Do you really think reviewers jump out of a cake from nowhere ? I know at least, that german Gamestar reviewer Petra has gone through all of the OFP-Arma-hassle and I still remember her sitting on the floor discussing the Arma-version with me. She was into the subject, very objective and I had to agree that the only thing really working in Arma was the editor. The rest was bugged shit. I am not in contact with her right now but I do know that she´s watching the developement of Arma 2 and DR very, very close and if they deliver a review of the preview version that highlights several or numerous bugs within the version, I DO think that the critisism is justified, well based and justified.
  11. Balschoiw

    GAME Development (Texturing)

    I´m not sure but with Maya there is an plugin interface for Vue 7 that let´s you create a landscape in seconds and is fully embedded in Maya for easy use. I assume that it works with Max aswell. It´s fun to use and you get stunning results in minutes. Used it to visualize an architecture preview of a bridge in the real environment. For sure this is more meant for rendering scenes than for live virtual projects but programs like Unity or Quest already come with a landscape designer that is easy to use and customize. In the end it´s a matter of preference but as you have to use a 3D engine anyway I´d give the Windows version of Unity a shot. It´s not as expensive as Quest and the indie version isn´t bad. No realtime shadows and other eyecandy limitations though.
  12. Balschoiw

    I want HEIGHT

    Problem with height in Arma is missing roadway definitions for roofs, balconies, etc. That´s why there was no way to have units patrol rooftops or balconies. They were simply unuseable for moving AI. I hope this detail has been added to Arma 2 but I don´t place my bets on it.
  13. I still guess this is a very valid point: It´s not like software companies don´t go bankrupt these days...
  14. I am ontopic. This thread is about press coverage. If there is a groundbreaking new version what interest does BIS have NOT to hand it out to reviewers ? All I´ve read so far about the new version is hearsay, no solid review, no word from the press, just "I know someone who knows someone, who has a newer build". That´s nothing on my account. The bugs listed by reviewers are nothing that can be fixed in weeks. Just look how long it took BIS to fix Arma bugs. And now there are miracles going on that contradict any kind of gamedeveloping logic and time-schedule and BIS still did not deliver the mystical new build to the ones that can push and advertise their product the best way ? Sorry, but this is absurd.
  15. Damn... This reminds me more and more of the release desaster with Arma 1. There seem to be bugs all over the place, doesn´t look like that can be fixed within that short time, keeping in mind that they should be working on hardware compability and finetuning of Arma 2 already I am sceptical if they should repeat a premature release. The publishers can´t be interested in the drama aswell. I guess they had enough of it with Arma 1. Please BIS: Deliver a program that is worth the money and runs stable, satisfying and optimized. All the reviews I have read so far highlight a number of bugs and gameplay and gamedesign deficits. It really doesn´t sound as if Arma 2 was somewhere near release from a developers viewpoint. Please do not repeat the Arma 1 stunt.
  16. Balschoiw

    The Username Change/Merge Thread

    Send my regards to Placebo.:pet7:
  17. Balschoiw

    The Username Change/Merge Thread

    Can someone (Placebo) with permissions (Placebo) and the needed knowledge (Placebo) reinstall my usertitle: Bavarian battlesmurf or any other title you think that fits (behave Placebo). Thx to anyone (Placebo) who is up for the job.
  18. Don´t care about mechanism, unless it´s not starforce. Restrictive online activation ( only 3 installations possible and such) is nonsense. Also keep in mind that companies sometimes do not exist forever. This could also mean that if BIS for any reason goes bancrupt or is bought by another campany it could mean that you can´t install or play your game anymore. There are really old games that I still play and the comapnies that have made them do not exist anymore. In that case it would leave me with a DVD I paid for but can never again use. Another point are the Up/Downstream problems some may face with automatic versioncheckers that do install updates automatically. The patches get bigger and bigger while in some areas there is no or little bandwidth connections available. Those users are doomed if they have to download huge patches. Just my thoughts.
  19. Balschoiw

    Operation Waste Five minutes in Flash

    The game is made with Unity, a Mac-based game-engine that is now available for Windows aswell. All you have to do is to install the Unity Web Player. The game is in portugese, but only the menus. It´s pretty simple to get into, just hit the big buttons :-)
  20. Balschoiw

    Operation Waste Five minutes in Flash

    How Axe is changing your life I like this one. Women are after you and you can get rid of them with baloons, bananas, and other things on the road. Quite entertaining.
  21. Balschoiw

    What's the best racing sim

    It is an arcade racer. The vehicle handling and driving physics are very dumbed down to make it playable for arcade customers. Read some reviews. I played the demo and imo it is nowhere near a simulation. It´s the same as with Dirt where I didn´t even need the handbrake once and the driving physics where so dumbed down that it was so easy to drive as a bobbycar. Simulation is different. Drive Richard Burns Rally and see what a real simulated car looks like and drives like. The damage system in Grid is visual only mostly. You can still win a race with a totally fuckedup car, don´t know where this should be realistic. There is no pitlane either, neither are there qualifying runs, nor car setups, something that is pretty essential for a sim. There may be no real damage visuals for GTR Evo but under the hood there are the damages and they will directly cause the car to behave different. This goes from the engine, chassis, aerodynamic damages, subsystems to suspension, wheels, etc. You even receive engine damage if you constantly shift to late. In a longer race this will blow up your engine. If you are a hotshot and always stress the brakes by braking to late the brakes will be damaged as well as the tires. If you have a race lasting 50 or 60 rounds on a course with 4 km´s you will not have any control over your car if you don´t drive reasonable or have a good pit-strategy. This is what makes a sim, not some supadupa visual effects of disintegrating car bodyworks that have no or only little effects on a non-existing aracde driving physics system. The AI drivers in grid are a joke at best and are a longterm frustration. I´m playing the GTR series for years now, still playing GT Legends and GTR EVO, siding with Richard Burns, Grand Prix Legends. Those are Sims and that´s why they provide longterm motivation. Once you win a 40 lap race against AI set to 100 percent and with all settings on realistic you know what you have done and you´ll just sit there and enjoy the winners lap. It takes really hard work and concentration to get there, along with a setup that has to be worked out and a good pitlane strategy. This is what makes a sim 100 times more interesting than an arcade racer. I also play arcade racers if I don´t have time to start a fullscale sim-round. I like Burnout paradise, Flatout Full Carnage and some other programs on my comp, but those are really arcade racers that don´t try to make themselves look like halfhearted sims. You shouldn´t mix up things that are really not to be mixed up. I have only driven the R8 on a regular road but imo the car is pretty well made in GTR Evo apart from the sound, that´s also weak in the real car from the inside but still not as weak as in GTR. It may look like a supersportscar from the design but it´s handling and acceleration is not that convincing imo. The R8 has a great handling when driving straight but is reacting very hectic over the front axis when shifting and slowing down. This is depicted very well in the game as well as the drifting that is like turning the car on the spot because of the 4WD. I have driven alot of sportscars in real life already, from Lotus Superseven, all kind of Porsches, AMG Mercedes to oldschool racecars and I never had any motionblur in any of the cars. At speeds of 220-250 you get a narrowed corridor of view but no motionblur. Once you have driven at such speeds more often you get used to it and the fov doesn´t shrink that much anymore. Long post, little essence: Grid is no racesim. Even the producers never claimed so.
  22. Such things are not fixed in weeks. It´s a matter of gameplay design and it looks like they took the OFP, Arma approach again, although it´s completely static and outdated by now. The AI handling of tanks was a letdown in both, OFP and Arma and it looks like it will be in Arma 2 aswell. Hurrah ! Yes, recoil on barrel is already confirmed, but that´s it. The tank itself does not move an inch, nor does it nod. I really thought there would be more movement with the tankhulls in Arma 2, eg. backblast effects, nodding when breaking, suspension, etc. In the preview there is no change to the old system and I don´t think BIS can pull something out of their hat in the last second. Oh my.
  23. My impressions: - Tanks are still acting like moving rocks with no weight or mass effect - No suspension - No backblast on main hull - Ai still skidding and turning to break... - Tanks still sliding Apart from the visual effects and new or polished models there seems to be no improvement at all in the physics and AI compartement of armoured vehicles compared to Arma and to OFP. Congratulations...
  24. Balschoiw

    What's the best racing sim

    What do you mean by "others" ? Right now there are only a few race-simulations competing with GTR Evo: LFS (dated) Rfactor (dated) iracing (expensive) That´s it. Grid, Dirt are funracers and no racesims, not even close. It isn´t ? You´re not driving a comfortable setup for the road but a GT setup for the racetrack. The GT3 series "R16" has no 4WD, but 500 PS on it´s rear wheels. Are you driving with a wheel or gamepad ? Nonsense, the damage model is very complex. Every component of the car can be damaged and it will directly influence the behaviour of the car. Maybe you should turn realism on. :rolleyes: I just had a nice experience when I lost my front spoiler and did a short flight into the air on the "Nordschleife" going uphill with the wind lifting up the car because of the missing spoiler. Those are the moments...:D :confused: What more do you want ?!? It´s a racesim, depicting tracks, cars in an accurate manner. This is no arcade game with unrealistic motionblur. It has features that are unique like the adjustable appendix to curves, adjustable seat, a camera function that is really good and a selection of accurately simulated cars that are fun driving. I like to drive the old BMW. It has no driving aids at all and is a real bitch to master. But it´s terribly funny if you get it going. The reason why you "get no feeling for speed" may be that you are driving on raceways that are not comparable to general roads, apart from sections or city courses in the game that are riven on regular roadways with security measures on their sides. This is no "Crash the car in the city you know" game, but a racesim that is far ahead of the arcade-racers in every way. Maybe the gfx are not so boom-bang, but tbh I even still race with GP legends that is really dated by now but is a masterpiece of racing and the cars are real beasts. In the end that´s what this thread is about: "What´s the best racing sim", not "What´s the best Poo-poo Codemasters arcade nonsense, formerly known as Colin Mc Something or Race driver series."
  25. Balschoiw

    Radio voices and coms?

    Why BIS hasn´t put more effort into a software voice solution is debatable. The current system is outdated imo.