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Everything posted by Balschoiw

  1. Balschoiw

    Civilians in Cars

    Tested. Doesn´t work.
  2. Balschoiw

    Lost-World Returns

    If this is of help for the mod: You can export objects with animations from maya with tools like Polytrans. This way you get a 3ds model with animations that has been produced in Maya. I had to do this while working on an interactive presentation for Quest3D that also only accepts 3ds objects and animations. If you have problems send me a pm. Polytrans There should be an x-exporter for both, Maya and 3dMax, and x-files can be imported in Polytrans aswell. Still, you can´t export skinned objects from Maya via x-exporter, so the skinning has to be done in 3DMax. Check out the x-exporter here
  3. Balschoiw

    Civilians in Cars

    The setfriend command is tricky imo as for example changing the value for the civies will ultimately result in Bluefor or Opfor units attacking every empty object or vehicle on the map as side = empty = civillian The result while testing this was definately an eye opener Edit: ...and I don´t think that changing the likings will influence the Ai FSM that is responsible for bailing out.
  4. Balschoiw

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    Raptor <- still here ? Your bulb is still lit Now run for it, will you ?
  5. Balschoiw

    Civilians in Cars

    It´s not really scripting to use some code in the init line of a unit or OnActivation of a tigger. This has been very common with OFP aswell. Arma has a lot more added commands than OFP had and gives us indeed very much more flexibility in editing, but you have to learn to make use of those and stop living in the past. On other issues you have no problem complaining about the OFP-style system, like hitpoint-system, armor, etc, but here you complain about improvements that came along with an extended engine and new scripting and editing possibilities that you certainly have to learn if you want to make use of them. It´s called evolution and that´s what you are constantly calling for. Your used way of making things work may not be working with Arma anymore because of other new features that got added to Arma to improve the product (additional scripting commands, FSM´s, etc...) but then it´s up to you to get used to it and learn that stuff and quit the "OFP was so much better" thing. What a loss..... I guess if you set up a poll to determine how many players liked to have the old triggercam back, you´d realize that this old system has already bored hundreds of players to death when they were forced to watch constantly zooming in and circling cameras for multiplayer or singleplayer intros. This may have been the latest fashion 5 years ago, but it´s simply boring today. Camscripting is very simple if you got it rolling once and there are numerous tutorials out there that will feed your hunger anytime. Join the evolution vilas and stop complaining about things that have got so obsolete over the years that I am really happy they got removed.
  6. Balschoiw

    Civilians in Cars

    Don´t want to sound arrogant, but actually you can do everything you just posted in Arma. no problem no problem, group bandit with unit civie side that has probability of presence set to 0 then use policemansname doTarget banditname disableAI "Autotarget" should do the trick Using disableAI "Move" will do the trick here No problem at all. Group the civies to friendly unit that has probability of presence set to 0 See above use setvelocity. Would be kind of surreal anyway to have live targets, no ? disableAI "Move" You can´t blame BIS for your lack of editing knowledge. If you got such burning questions I guess you will be helped in no time in the editing section of this forum. If you do not ask questions, you will get no answers, still this doesn´t make your points valid as there is a solution for all the posted situations...
  7. Balschoiw

    Civilians in Cars

    Most likely, but that would mean that you have to attach a custom FSM file to your mission. You can´t access FSM´s from Arma on the fly afaik.
  8. Balschoiw

    Civilians in Cars

    "Careless" in OFP was " I am a complete idiot, pls shoot me" In Arma it´s more natural, e.g. soldiers shoot back if shot upon and civillians will flee if there is a danger for their life. I don´t see that as a flaw, but an improvement.
  9. Balschoiw

    Civilians in Cars

    Yep, if you ever tried to send a civillian in a vehicle to a checkpoint you can see that they even bail out if they just see any military units.
  10. Balschoiw

    Civilians in Cars

    From lots of testing I guess I can say that there is simply no solution to this as the behaviour is configured in the civilian FSM file that can´t be overriden by any things you could do in the editor. Edit: Just read that maybe it will force them to keep inside the vehicle if you lock the vehicle. I´m not sure if it works though as I haven´t tested it. I somewhat missed that easy approach... Update: Tested with locked vehicle. Doesn´t work.
  11. Balschoiw

    Lost-World Returns

    It would really be a big shame if you had to move on to another engine just because you are not given the chance to implement your own animations into the game. I remember Marek praising the active community that kept OFP alive that long and they certainly also took benefit from the community work. For me it´s hard to understand why they do not even communicate with you anymore. You have all of my support.
  12. Balschoiw

    weird error after the update

    Missing Rifles Problem
  13. Balschoiw

    weird error after the update

    First of all: Doubled threads are a no-no here. The one in Troubleshooting should have already been enough. Second: A quick search of the troubleshooting section of the Arma Biki would have shown you this: Missing Rifles Problem
  14. Balschoiw


    No, you can´t. It´s one copy per play. Understandable I guess.
  15. Balschoiw

    Finish  ARMA 1 first

    To be honest I respect every point mentioned here on why Arma is/was flawed when released, but today, almost a year after it´s release there are still so many flaws/bugs in it that it´s really, really hard to create missions that do work without interference of one of the numerous bugs. There have been fixes, but the list is still very long and what dissapoints me most is the attitude of BIS. First they apologize for the rushed release and promise to fix Arma, now we have learned that they are working hard on Arma 2 and will not fix some of the most annoying bugs. To be honest the changelog for the upcoming 1.09 patch doesn´t impress me much right now as it doesn´t list any needed changes to AI, pathfinding and vehicle control or gfx-update for foliage. There a technical issues with Arma that do not get adressed. I´m wondering why I have to set "render frames ahead" manually to 0 in my driver settings to have no lag while playing Arma. This is something almost every Arma user has to do and is doing, so there has to be something wrong with the program itself. While I did accept the fact that it was rushed and all that, but they should be coming up with some real solutions now and not postpone the bugfixing for Arma to Arma 2. That´s just no fair game and doesn´t help to improve the BIS - community relations at all. People expect Arma to be fixed. They payed for it and now it looks like they are left with an incomplete and bugged product while BIS moves on to Arma 2. That´s why I feel uncomfortable with BIS right now. You shouldn´t make promises you don´t keep. Btw, the suggestions section for Arma 2 is quite funny imo. There was such a section for Arma and it had almost the same set of suggestions for Arma as we see today in the new section for Arma 2. What we have learned from Arma 1 suggestions thread is that it had almost the same effect as the addons request thread for Arma. You can spend quite some time posting ideas and all but in the end almost none of them will be taken to the game. Keeping in mind that Arma 2 is supposed to be released in 2008, I´m not holding my breath right now and I can already see another post by Maruk telling us that the timeframe for the release was too tight and that´s why there are problems... Still, I hope this is not going to happen, but imo BIS has lost a big chunk of their reputation by now with the handling of Arma and the aftermath of its release. My 2 cent.
  16. Balschoiw

    Band Of Brothers Mod

    I think this thread is amusing Keep it up Well, than you have been lied to. Do you have any release schedule for the mod btw ?
  17. Balschoiw

    force Music on ??

    Nonsense. If player has disabled music in his options you can´t change that by 0 fademusic 1 in a trigger, script or whatever.... Would have been nice if you tested it before posting here. Avoids confusion...
  18. Balschoiw


    By default all SF units, Spetsnaz and engineers can remove them, but you can script the action for every infantry unit available. What do you mean by "destroyed" ? Did they dissapear, blow up or simply got useless ? Using setdammage 1 does nothing to the mines, so I´m a bit sceptical there. Could be that the ammo is a vehicle class ?
  19. Balschoiw

    Discussion: Elecricity

    No biggie. Simply setpos some nice fires into it when they get destroyed. Should do the trick.
  20. Balschoiw

    bigfoot killer nic M1

    I´d actually say that Escobar has a bigfoot killer sig Hard NOT to see that Dwarden
  21. Balschoiw

    Mouse/Kb Flight controls would be better if..

    Suma: Among other flaws this is one of the biggest letdowns for me with Arma.
  22. Balschoiw

    Community Sound Mod - idea

    No. As I already posted this won´t work as Arma´s sound engine does not support it as the emitter (weapon, vehicle, whatever) is considered as a single speaker without stereo attributes. Even if the sound would play, it would be undirected and most likely get wrecked when the sound-engine calculations for distance and direction plus object obstruction kick in. If you look at the way sounds are implemented in Arma you can see that no object-emitted sound is stereo as the engine just does not support it.
  23. Balschoiw

    Community Sound Mod - idea

    No, but Arma only handles sounds from emissive objects correct with 16 bit mono sounds as the sound is emitted undirected from the object or vehicle or weapon. Even if there would be agreement on a common line of sounds, which I seriously doubt, you would have to ask for permission from the respective mod-creators first and thinking about the different settings they all have, I wouldn´t place my bets that they will allow you to use that sounds as I can already see the complaints coming in that nitpick about this and that sound and would leave the original mod-creators defending their specific settings over and over again. It´s basically like mixing up single addons from different addon-makers for a mod. The look will always be a little different for models created by different modellers and the overall look of a mod compiled from single addons done by different people will not look consistent.
  24. Balschoiw

    Any chance of an updated 1.09 Changelog?

    Oh my... There are so many bugs-issues that are not going to be adressed even if a lot of Arma owners voted for them. Seing that the changelog is still the same as it was a while ago, I´m dropping my hopes already that we´ll get a working AI anytime with Arma. There´s already been posts that state that BIS is seeking solutions for Arma 2 on bugs and flaws that are in Arma 1. This tells me that patch support will be limited with Arma 1 and some of the most annoying bugs/flaws/gameplay issues will not be adressed with Arma 1.
  25. Balschoiw


    Yes. You can create mines on the fly. Only problem is that any heavier vehicles used to lay mines will also detonate them if they are created too close. You can also use waypoints to have engineers lay mines and play an animation with the laying process to make it look real. Additionally you can add a mine eacht time one is placed, so you have sort of neverending ammo for the engineer. I´ve played around with this a while ago and I found no way to detonate them remotely. No, every infantry unit can do this. Deactivate Mine Yes. Setup little triggers where you want the AP´s to be, activation Anybody and camcreate handgrenade east when the trigger is fired.