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Everything posted by Balschoiw

  1. Balschoiw

    Appears to be running out of memory

    Just out of curiosity as I have a 256 MB 7600 GT A AGP card here. What setting did you use in Bios ? I set mine to 256 MB aperture size to have access to higher settings in Arma. I´d also like to know in that context what AGP features in BIOS should be disabled/enabled, for example AGP fastwrites, AGP performance control, etc. Don´t mean to hijack the thread, but this bugs me for a while now as I don´t know what the optimum settings for an AGP card and Arma are in BIOS. Most users here have already PCI or SLI, so there isn´t that much info on tuning AGP card specifically in BIOS. Do you have any input there ?
  2. Balschoiw

    Rpg soldiers

    No, it´s unscripted and has to do with the AI embedded routines. They simply use them against infantry if their combatmode and threat situation is telling them that it´s the right thing to do so. I actually remember back with OFP people were asking for this AI feature alot. Anyone who has played OFP CTF´s knows that AT weapons have been in use quite often against infantry and the players wanted this with AI aswell. No matter how hard one tried to get a scripted shot from Ai on infantry, it didn´t really work as the AI only fired on hard targets with AT. Anyway, I guess it´s really realistic that they use them against infantry aswell, as it´s done in real life aswell, and to highlight this, not only from the "bad guys" per definition. I also think that the convention limiting the use of AT weapons is kind of obsolete anyway as it´s simply a tool that kills fast and precise. Noone has objections when a tank flattens a house with fighters in it, but the use of AT weapons against soft targets should be forbidden ? I don´t know where this roots from but imo it makes only little sense. What I would like to see with Arma is a finetuning of the AT useage of AI units. Imo they are using them a tad too often. It should be dependant on various aspects, be it number of enemies in a certain distance to AT unit, be it the chance to hit a lot with one shot because of the density of enemy units in one place, or the use of AT weapons against fortifications or objects between the AT unit and the enemy. Right now they are a bit too triggerhappy with AT. I believe their behaviour has already been changed with one of the Arma patches as they totally freaked out with 1.00 but still BIS could still tone it down a little bit more for my taste. From a mission-editor perspective it would certainly better to limit them to hard targets only as in some missions they end up with no AT ammo when they actually face their hard targets on the spot. They have killed some infantry guys on the way to their target with AT and don´t keep in mind that they are needed later on. This is a bit bad. Ordering them to hold fire does only work up to a point as they will fire ,no matter what, if they feel to do so. An init command that limits them on hard targets only could be helpfull there, but I guess that´s just another of those suggestions that will not be taken into consideration.
  3. Balschoiw

    Hold breath button

    Take it as flat-breathing to keep the aim steady. Holding breath while doing military shooting is not really done irl as your heart will begin to beat faster and influence your aim. Ususally if you aim for a longer time at a target you breathe flat to keep the gun steady and I think that´s what´s simulated in Arma. In an ideal range-situation you fire when you have breathed out or while doing so. Holding the breath may work for a few seconds but then the aim gets shaky. Hardly possible as you can only control your breath impulse up to a certain level. Beyond that level your brain simply does try to breath, no matter if you want that or not. That´s why people drown
  4. Balschoiw

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    Afaik both threads, the "Arma is just... disappointing" and "Arma is just...excellent" will be closed anyway when patch 1.09 will be released and a new set of threads will be opened. I sincerely hope that the 1.09 version allows a more balanced weight in both of the threads.
  5. Balschoiw

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    Because Marek himself promised to do exactly that after the rushed release, don´t you remember ? It´s not our fault that the first release was plagued with bugs all over and they certainly reduced the number of the bugs, but still in key aspects and with key-bugs there hasn´t been real improvment. Keeping in mind that an Arma 2 releasedate in 2008 is as likely as me taking my first steps on the moon at the same time, I´d say it´s more realistic to expect Arma 2 in 2 or 3 years. Marek himself felt sorry for the release. Remember the part where he said: We had to release it now or never because of money issues ? It´s all fine and dandy that they are working on the sequel, but to be honest, first of all they should complete what they have promised to complete, or make an announcement that Arma is not - to - be - fixed because of the nature of Arma itself. Then we can just move on and take it with a big grain of salt next time we hear about a new BIS product. I´m a mission-maker and I hate the Arma bugs as they simply can make missionmaking a real pain in the place where the sun doesn´t shine.
  6. Balschoiw

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    First of all I don´t think it´s ok to degrade the "community" here. By the nature of this board it is a place where owners of Arma and OFP gather. As this is quite a representative average of the gamers as a whole, I don´t think you do the people justice by putting them all into one bowl, just because the outcome of your thread was different than you had previously thought. Comparing a dedicated forum including a grown community with a game developers public forum is comparing apples with stones and therefore not contributing to the issue at hand. Yes, but some more careful thinking from your side could have prevented this first. You can´t blame the community to ask for more, but you can blame yourself for not thinking enough about it before opening the thread, given the current desire for details on the patch. I don´t agree. In fact it was the only perfect consequence he could have chosen given the nature of the issue. I´ll keep it with Raedor now: Cheers.
  7. Balschoiw

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    You´ve made clear that you only wanted to talk about VOIP. If you don´t see the problem arising with this, you´re not realizing how much people are waiting for 1.09 and are extremely interested in the effects of the patch. That´s the main problem, as you just can´t hold a carrot in front of Arma players heads and expect them to follow your given directives while they have so many questions to be answered. As you have seen from the peoples reactions this was simply not the right way to do it. Either you show it all, or nothing at all at this point. People are waiting for 1.09 for quite a while now and impatience comes along with this long waiting-process. You´d need a Mod in your thread 24/7 to sort all those who have more burning questions than the VOIP thing. Either you offer it all, or you just accept that people have problems staying focussed when talking to someone who has the privilege to have access to a patch that they are all waiting for desperately for months now. It seems you can´t understand the reactions your thread caused. Try to see it from the perspective of someone who doesn´t have the chance to playtest 1.09 and has quite a number of questions on his list. Would you be happy to get just a little chunk of info while there are so many unanswered questions and at the same time being told that this a one feature exclusively discussion thread ? Hardly, I´d say.
  8. In Arma things have been a changed. There are no more cameras in the trigger setups, so you have to use camscripts to get it going. There are quite a number of tutorials on camscripting for OFP and you can also unpack some of the official missions to see what you have to do. The original Arma missions also give you a hint on how to use the needed preload patterns for cameras to make them work properly.
  9. Balschoiw

    Some good mods to grab?

    I guess addons or mods are vastly mission dependant or what fits your current likings. I´d say go for the FDF soundmod 1.3, Realistic Ballistics Kegetys Lowplants Genrally for addons that do improve Arma as a whole. Downloading single addon units won´t make much sense as they are hardly ever used in SP or MP missions. As good as they are, people most of the times refuse to install a single addon only to be able to play a single mission.
  10. Balschoiw

    Keep on Truckin - Trailer mod

    It´s been made for Arma and not finished yet, therefore it´s not available for download afaik.
  11. Balschoiw

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    ..and 3, to change the thread title from "Let´s talk about 1.09, improvements and VOIP" when it doesn´t go into the planned direction... I have to say that I didn´t understand how Mods couldn´t see the flaw in this thread and the ironhand they applied to users who are obviously more interested in other improvements than the MP VOIP part was rather a unfortunate decision. 1.09 will be a crucial patch, for BIS , for Arma and the community, that´s why I think that only posts from officials covering the range of changes will be informative and satisfying. If it´s released, the features can be debated to death, but picking one of them and keep it hanging in front of the users noses doesn´t do any good. As much as I appreciated the look on VOIP in 1.09 I guess it´s by the nature of the issue itself, the 1.09 patch, that people will not stop asking for more if they are given the chance to. Quite natural. About the non-disclosure agreement: I definately wondered about that myself as it would be totally opposing former BIS info policies and it´s obvious that only a BIS changelog or announcement can be the source of information we are all waiting for so much. As much as I appreciate the effort the outcome was very predictable.
  12. Balschoiw

    Sahrani electrical grids

    Excellent. You should sell this one to BIS. It would somehow extend and complete their ambience.
  13. Balschoiw

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Thought about sharing this experience I had today. I got up early at 5.00 am to finish some stuff and started my comp. It started and booted up and while doing so, the speaker crackled and it rebooted again. This kept going and I eventually managed to get into windows where I was able to work for a while. Then, bang, rebooting again. I was seriously worried as all temps seemed to be ok. So my 1st guess was, Power box defunct. I pulled my comp from under the table, openened the case, unstripped the motherboard and hardware and replaced the power box with another one I had. After reconnecting all the stuff, testing. Same problem. Doh. My 2nd guess, short circuit in hardware. Unplugged all peripherals one by one, booting, no effect, still the same trouble. In the end I had already removed my motherboard from the case and had it plain on the table with nothing in it. No Ram, no external connectors, no hd, just connected to the powerbox and to the case switches to turn it on and off. No effect, still the same problem. Ok, at this point I removed the CPU heatsink and cleaned the CPU, put fresh thermal grease on it and remounted it. Even dissasembled the CPU cooler itself and cleaned it. You guessed it, same problem. I seriously was running out of options and I thought: Ok, either the CPU has fried or motherboard has deceased. Both options made me shiver as this would mean a lot of money to spend as I basically had to buy a new computer because of the components. At one point the system totally failed. No beep, nothing, just fans working but no output whatsoever. My girlfriend called me at that point and I was already painting dramatic pictures of doom, horror and lots of money... I mean, I had the Mobo in front of me with no RAM, no Gfx card, nothing attached, nada and it still didn´t even make a beep while running. What would you think other than exitus and byebye ? After some crazy scientist thinking I exchanged the reset button with the power button on the mobo and the board reacted, not for long, but still. I was like "Huh?" Finally I removed the reset plug from the mobo and it started. I still was sceptical and reattached some peripherals (mobo still on my desk and not in the case) and it ran fine. I connected the drives and it booted. In the end I connected a voltmeter to the reset switch and it showed me that the damn 5 Cent thing has gone to trigger-heaven and has a shortcut that causes it to "flicker" all the time. So basically my computer got rebooted all the time because of that defunctinioning switch, that off course works when pressed, but also "works" when not pressed on it´s own. This operation has cost me 4 hours and lead me through some serious valleys. So... If anyone should have a frantic rebooting computer that does this by surprise more and more, you´d better check your reset-switch first Sideeffect: The comp is now perfectly clean again, has fresh heatlube on all components a fresh BIOS, all fans cleaned BUT no reset button anymore...for now...
  14. Balschoiw

    Let's talk about VOIP in 1.09

    Whatever. Thx for sharing. Maybe you shouldn´t post something like that if you don´t plan to do so.
  15. Balschoiw

    Let's talk about VOIP in 1.09

    1. Have the texture loading issues been adressed ? 2. Has pathfinding for AI been improved ? (shaking units, AI crossing bridges) As much as I can understand your passion for the VOIP thing, I´m still more interested in the technical bugs that we have to live with since day 1 of Arma. So maybe you could give us a little prospect of what has been fixed of the major Arma bugs that still plague the game in numbers.
  16. Balschoiw

    Group link 2 help

    Read the ReadMe that came with Grouplink2. All your questions are answered there very detailed and indepth.
  17. I´m using a trigger covering a camp area. It´s basically supposed to detect if any of that units from Independant side is hit or killed and should start a script if that´s the case. The trigger should be deleted though if another trigger is fired prior it. I´m a bit stuck here as using {_x addeventhandler ["killed", {[_this select 0, _this select 1] exec "reinforcements.sqs"}]} foreach thislist in OnActivation of the trigger will immedeately fire the script. How can I setup the trigger that it only fires the reinforcements script when a unit is killed or hit in that trigger-range ?
  18. I blame it on sleep-deficit Works like a charm now, don´t know why I couldn´t get it to work last night.
  19. Balschoiw

    Which pbo do i have to open to find the faces?

    Go to your Arma installation folder, get into the AddOns folder and extract characters.pbo with Armed Assault PBO Unpacker Once extracted they are in the hhl subfolder and can be viewed with texview2 or you install the plugin for Photoshop Kegetys released.
  20. Balschoiw

    Need help on a shop name!?

    Digital Oasis
  21. Balschoiw


    More details available ? Like: Sample format, description.ext entries, how you call the sound ? You shouldn´t be surprised if noone answers your request if you offer that little detail. Samples for speech useage should be: - 16bit, 44KHz, mono, preferable ogg format and saved with constant bitrate. Arma doesn´t play sounds with a variable bitrate, so make sure you save the sounds with CBR
  22. Balschoiw

    CiA co-op night

    No. You had plenty of chances. Bye.
  23. Balschoiw

    Arma mission makers, how much do you play?

    I don´t know how it´s about the rest of the ME guys, but for me the current status of Arma is somewhat like "keeping me hanging in the air" while doing work on the campaign. For example I use the sandbag fix addon to make them actually useable for AI while I do know that with 1.09 it will be fixed. Right now I have it as an addon in my missions. Same goes for convoy routes, AI crossing bridges, etc, etc. I simply don´t know if the things I do right now won´t be obsolete when the new patch arrives. You know what I mean ? I do workarounds for that LITTLE flaws in Arma and I don´t know if the things will still work once 1.09 will arrive. This is what bugs me a bit. It´s like running after something but you´re not sure if it won´t be turning out very different with another patch. I hate it, to be honest. I guess I´m almost finished now with the first part of the campa and I will try to find some betatesters for what I have up to now. Working on it for about 1 year already it should be good enough to thrill someone else but me I still need to send OTK team my russian sample wishes for the missions at hand to get it going, but technically they are done. Still, after playtesting the missions about a hundred times I am still not sure if they are balanced enough, tight, atmospheric enough, playable and whatnot. I have released quite a bunch of MP missions for OFP, some weird, some better, some strange, etc. But with my first release for Arma I´m serving myself a hard time. I just want to do it perfect. Not some hillbilly campaign OFP style, but some real masterpiece that has it all basically. I want to show BIS what potential the engine really has and what they could have offered the single-player in Arma. this is why I spend so much time playing my own missions, over and over again while adding details like dynamic combat ambience, voices, dynamic AI patterns,EFX, self-created soundtrack, etc, etc. I tend to get lost on the way sometimes, but the Exodus campaign is something that I really put my heart into, as I want to show everyone what I think a good campaign should look like. There are a lot of Arma obstacles in the way and the unprecise AI doesn´t make things easier, but workaround after workaround I get closer to the goal. I´m sorry I don´t find the time to play with my fellow and dear comrades in the CiA clan right now. It´s a shame I can´t even join the newly introduced CiA Arma coop nights, neither have I produced any coop mission for Arma yet. I feel sorry for that, but to be honest, I didn´t even try to play MP with my crappy ISDN connection. I guess I will simply lag out to Nephilim. I feel sorry about this. All my dear comrades, I hope you can understand my dilemma. Priority number one for me right now is the SP campaign. If this is done I will try to join my clan for MP Arma, while I´m afraid that it won´t be playable for me with my crappy connection ( I don´t have any alternative, but I´m thinking about bombing some offices ). For now I will write the script for OTK to produce the sounds in russian language and then move on and pm some editing guys to betatest the first missions while still playing them to death on my own It´s not that ME guys don´t play. For me that´s not the case at least. I´ve been playing OFP coop in the CiA clan for nearly a decade, but Arma is just a different kind of ship.
  24. Balschoiw

    Useful site...

    I guess it has been mentioned sometimes. Still, more in a context with an alternative approach for speech-creation for Arma 2 as the way it´s implemented in Arma 1 is choopy and surreal at times. Anyway, imo the results still sound "robotic" in some ways. With a decent sound-proggie, some pitching and effects you can record multiple speakers on your own with better results.
  25. Balschoiw

    I cannot find my mission folder

    User missions are stored in: documents@settings/yourwindowsusername/owndata/armaotherprofiles/armausername Don´t know the right path for english Windows but search for ArmaOtherProfiles and you´ll find the path.