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Everything posted by Balschoiw

  1. Balschoiw

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    I own 2 USB hardrives for 4 years now. One is a regular IDE HD with 200 Gigs that has been placed into a USB casing. I have changed the casing once as someone stepped on the plug and it broke. The price for a casing is about 15 - 20 Euro. I once had problems with it when I simply pulled the cord from the USB socket instead of removing the USB device from the tray first. The drive lost it´s internal structure dossier and was not recognized by computer anymore. I managed to backup the data though and reformatted it. It was a user error as it´s advised to remove the drive from the tray first and then disconnect it. Since then I got no more problems at all and I´m moving around the drive quite often. Downside of this external HD format is that it needs an extra power supply that has to be taken with the HD. That´s why I bought my 2nd USB drive that is a 2.5´´ drive in a leather wallet. Capacity is 250 GB. It´s a Notebook HD that´s why the size is smaller. The size is not the only benefit. It also needs no external power, so you just connect the USB wire to 2 computer USB ports and it will take the power from there. There were one - port solutions when those small HD´s came up but there were problems with computers not being able to provide enough power on one USB port, so most the manufacturers switched to the 2 Port solution. I had no problems whatsoever with the HD and I really like it as it´s very small in size and needs no extra power-box. The Leather wallet it came with allows you to put it into your jacket and take it with you wherever you like. I use it quite often to transport large datafiles and make backups. Since I own the mobile HD´s I hardly ever burn CD´s anymore.
  2. Balschoiw

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.09

    Minor one, but pretty funny: The russian AT mines have their safety pin still in when put
  3. Balschoiw

    2 minute loading time

    Thank you very much !
  4. Balschoiw

    2 minute loading time

    New X-Fi driver installed, same result Version numbers: wrap_oal.dll Version OpenAl32.dll Version 6.14.357.22 X-Fi drivers Version Help !
  5. Balschoiw

    2 minute loading time

    Ok...I´m downloading the latest drivers for my X-Fi and I´m pretty confident this will fix the issue. The thing is...I am sensitive about changing the soundcard driver as it was working pretty good for me, so I didn´t see the need to upgrade it. Especially with creative products you have to be carefull. Anyway, for me it makes sense now. 1.09 patch updated OpenAl and my soundcard was/is still using old OpenAl. That has to be the reason why there was that time-delay instantly after installing 1.09 patch. *rant on* I am really getting sick of downloading patches with my crappy connection with 8kb/s down"stream". The Arma 1.05 patch took me the whole weekend and this soundcard drivers will take me another 2 hours. I just wished developers would be more wary about filesizes and economic packaging when producing patches and drivers. It´s a real mess to download that big packages with a slow internet connection. And before you ask: No, I don´t have the chance to get a better connection here. No cable, no wireless, no antenna, no satellite. I´m practically living in a bunker...internet wise... *rant off* Anyway. I´ll report back tomorrow...if the download isn´t corrupt...
  6. Balschoiw

    Get Ready to dump your LCD screen

    Hmm...why don´t they transform the salt and water from the eye into energy with a reactive component in the lens ? Would make sense to me and would explain red eyes in the morning after a trip to Mars or Venus
  7. If your crashes are a result of "overfilling" the gfx card memory, then yes, it can help avoiding crashes.
  8. Balschoiw

    2 minute loading time

    Sickboy you´re my hero of the day. I tried to run Arma with the -dsound parameter and it immedeately started. The sound is wrecked though. I´m going to find new OpenAL version and hope this fixes it. My RPT look like this btw: I guess the last entries are because of the -dsound startup. Edit: Just donwloaded the latest OpenAl drivers and installed them. No luck so far. Now I´m downloading the latest X-Fi drivers and will uninstall/reinstall the soundcard.
  9. Balschoiw

    2 minute loading time

    Installed Arma on a different hd, still the same issue. I don´t know what the comp is waiting for when starting Arma, There is almost no CPU load, the memory consumption is at 30 MB for Arma and no HD activity. It looks like it´s checking or waiting for something. OS is WinXP SP2. I haven´t installed any driver updates or anything like that. My next step will be to remove DirectX and reinstall it. It´s really odd as the issue came exactly with patch 1.09 and now even 1.00 Arma has this 2 minutes when I start it. So either there is an issue with the copy-protection update or any of the changed libraries causes it.
  10. Balschoiw

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.09

    Just select "special: none" in their unit setup or use setpos to have them start at specific locations. That´s not a bug, it´s the way it works. Seems to work for me. I don´t know what you´re doing wrong. Arma is no puzzle-game. there are quite a bunch of community weapon addons out. Why not try your luck there ?
  11. Balschoiw

    2 minute loading time

    Yes. Never happened before. Once I updated to 1.09 the problem arose. Since then even a total reinstall didn´t fix it. I´m having O&O Defrag installed and it keeps the drives defragged at all times automatically once per week. The PC doesn´t have any issues with all the other games and programs I have installed and running. I never had this problem with Arma before, only when I installed 1.09 it began. Edit: Uninstalled Arma, removed every profile I could find anywhere on my harddrives, ran a registry cleaning, rebooted, again ran a registry cleaning. Installed Arma 1.00 and i get the 2 minute lag again. This is incredible !!! Although I have cleaned EVERYTHING Arma related from my comp it still greets me with my username in Arma. I´m about to give up and throw it into the trash.
  12. Balschoiw

    AI pilots flying into mountains.

    I have a mission setup where a helo is on seek&destroy in a valley-like area and it crashes everytime even if it´s speed is set to slow. The AI just cant make it. Period.
  13. Balschoiw

    Audio Editing Software

    There are programs that have some kind of "karaoke" feature to separate music from lyrics, but the results are not really satisfying. As the voice usually is "stored" in the centre channel for stereo recordings there is a method to get rid of the voice by inverting the right channel of a track and add it to the left channel. This way all centre voice will be deleted. The result depends on the initial musicfile. Chorus for example is mostly recorded in full stereo, so this will not be removed but only the centre lead voice. You can try your luck with Blaze Audio Vocal Reducer or RipEditBurn that also has a voice removal feature. Most of the time you will end up manually editing the samples and adjusting the equalizer to edit out the voice. Results depend on source file. Another comfortable method is to get your hands on a 5.1 DVD audio recording. Mostly the centre channel contains only the voice/sing track and by muting it or cleaning the centre channel you almost instantly get rid of the lead vocals.
  14. Balschoiw

    Cameras Remove Frame

    Insert showCinemaBorder false at the start of your camscript
  15. Balschoiw

    War against terror

    I guess you just disqualified yourself from any reasonable debate from this point on. Do you actually know what the chechnya conflict is about and that there were already thousands of civillians killed by the russians ? Who´s the terrorist now ? Edit: You may want to google for Anna Politkovskaya and her reports from Chechnya or any of the 11 or 12 journalists that have been critizising Putin and have been killed by "unknown" killers. Oksana Chelysheva´s report from November 2007: Chechnya Bleeds
  16. Balschoiw


    ummm...now you got me interested. I´m a fan of "bad" movies.
  17. Balschoiw

    War against terror

    No. I dont feel like starting a discussion from Adam and Eve again and again and again. In the end I found out that it´s always a waste of time as some people simply do believe what they want to believe or are told to believe. If the US were so motivated to get those responsible for 9/11 (which I doubt btw, as they would loose their top-enemy number one and couldn´t justify their policy anymore) they certainly would be operating in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan as these are the places where AQ is financed and helped. Taleban and AQ are two completely different pairs of shoes.
  18. Balschoiw

    Aa rockets vs ground

    The Abrams is a very bad example as it´s using a gas turbine that naturally causes much higher temperatures in it´s exhaust fumes. Modern MBT´s cool their exhaust fumes, either by pumping them through a watercanister or mixing it up with cooled air from an aggregate. This way the exhaust fumes are brought to the temperature of the surrounding area. To stealthen the heat signature of a tank there are several common ways: - Use paint or surface material that absorbes and emitts heat differently in patterns over the tank, this way the infrared sillouette and the heat signature gets disrupted and it´s hard to spot tanks - Cool exhaust fumes, that´s almost standard with most of the tanks that are in use today (exception gas-turbine) - Active countermeasures like infrared searchlights, smoke grenades that produce high temperature sparkles, and finally directable shotgun-ammunition that actively can take out incoming missiles Unless all that gets implemented in Arma I´m happy that currently there´s a reasonable distinction between air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles, not even keeping in mind that the warhead built to destroy an airframe is different than a warhead to destroy a tank. You could also end up firing an AA missile to a ground target without any significant damage done to the tank because of the AA warhead´s nature.
  19. Balschoiw

    Ai faces

    No, umless you pack them into an addon and distribute it along with the mission.
  20. Balschoiw

    War against terror

    I guess this sentence alone pretty much sums up your knowledge on international affairs and terrorism.
  21. Balschoiw

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Set the Command Rate option to 1T now. I can´t measure the performance gain right now as I don´t have a conclusive Benchmark running but it seems to be a tad faster. It runs stable without hickups. Thx for the tip !
  22. Balschoiw


    Warning. Spoiler ahead. Excerpt from the movie:
  23. Balschoiw

    Question concerning dofire

    A barrel is no valid target for AI. You can use unitname1 fire "M4AIM" where you replace the "M4AIM" with your respective Muzzlename of the weapon used by your unit but the fire will be undirected and even if you let your unit target the barrel first the unit will fire into the air only with this command. One way to achieve what you want is to use the setfriend command as objects are empty side and empty side = civillian. So if you set civillians hostile to your units side it will be attacked. Unfortunally this will change the status of all custom placed map object at once, so if you got more empty objects placed around they will all get attacked once the setfriend status is changed.
  24. Balschoiw

    Make them open/close doors?

    place the fire, and put: this inflame true in it´s init line. And once for all: Use the search function of the forum, we´re not here to be your personal supporters of your laziness and furthermore there is a habit here to say "Thank you" if someone spent some time answering your problem.
  25. Balschoiw

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Yes, that´s one thing I´m also surprised about. It´s very overclocking friendly and stable for me. I´ve read that some have/had issues with the board, but I actually never had such. The only thing I really miss is the Dual channel support, but apart from that the board works really well. There were issues when I didn´t have the 120mm fan in the side of the case, but since I installed it there to get airflow over RAM and to fill up the case with fresh air, I never had any problems anymore. I also attached a little 40mm fan to the chipset and all worries were gone. The board also has a nifty feature, It doesn´t lock up once the settings made it crash. It reverts to standard settings on its own and lets you access the BIOS again without any manual operations. I will try your tip with the Command Rate option and report back. Cheers !