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Everything posted by Balschoiw

  1. Balschoiw

    Audio Editing Software

    No haia problema
  2. Balschoiw

    Music Recommendations

    Uploaded a fresh track to my MySpace page. Eat this !
  3. Balschoiw

    Audio Editing Software

    I guess this one is currently the best and it supports french language aswell: AT&T TTS
  4. Hi ! Little question. Are we able to embedd sounds into briefing ? Like a narrator reading the briefing or some background music during briefing. Is this possible within the briefing.html files ? If not direct, can a player be embedded to the html file to make it a selfrunner ?
  5. Balschoiw


    AI still could and would be able to react. The only limit is that they have to do it on the spot as their pathfinding is temporarely disabled. So they still could aim, go up and down, shoot and other things. It´s just a matter of proper implementation.
  6. Balschoiw

    Unit can't stand

    setunitpos "DOWN"
  7. Lo Wolfrug ! I have been offering you some spanish and russian and american samples for your pack over at ofpec a while ago. I have already packed them up but I am quite busy right now, so I´m not able to release my Demo mission for now. Well...I could, but it would be not really satisfying for me. If you send me your mailaddy via pm I can send you the link to the soundpack if you´re still interested. All samples come with a explanatory name, so you don´t have to guess your ass off
  8. Balschoiw

    "I think i saw hopper"

    This post actually is my favourite post of the year 2007 concerning Arma and the com. I know it´s 2008 already, but for me it´s better than everything else in the past year. Thank you !
  9. Balschoiw


    I guess it wouldn´t work well if it was permanently embedded by BIS as it would automatically send any vehicle or infantry unit that get on a bridge from one side to another. I guess that makes no sense. The "forced" waypoint type should be useable for mission editors but not be strictly applied by BIS for bridges by default.
  10. Balschoiw


    Not really. This would look strange, as if Suma or Marek would pull some strings and the AI over the bridges No, basically they just should follow a straight line from point 1 to point 2 when using the "forced" waypoint, no matter what height they are at, no matter what obstacles and objects are near. Like drones moving from one point to another without much brain involved.
  11. Balschoiw


    Or simply introduce a new waypoint type "forced" that sends the AI exactly from one point to another without any AI calculations. This means reading out the angle dependancy between first forced waypoint and original position of AI. Detect the heading of AI, force the heading to match the vector to forced waypoint, use speed setting from waypoint and temporarely disable pathfinding routines by forcing the AI to follow an exact path that is calculated between two "forced" waypoints. This would even make it possible to move AI on rooftops, balconies, in hallways, etc. Those things are blocked righ now because of the pathfinding routines. I guess it would be the easiest solution for now.
  12. Balschoiw

    ArmA BHD:MOD

    Had this suspicion aswell with other things they "produced" for the mod. Would be nice if they speak fact. It´s no problem to use work from other games for a mod, but you should be aware of the legal consequences and be honest to the com about it. Just out of curiosity, who has been "making" that models ? LinkerSplit: Ups. Are you going to punish yourself now ?
  13. If you don´t see the logic, you know little about Direct3D programming and channelworks. You´re playing advocate for something you don´t know as you don´t have the insight to Arma source, do you ? For me it is not implemented because they scrapped it for time and money reasons. As for the other things missing aswell. Furthermore I´d suggest you tone down a bit. For you there is absolutely no reason to go rampant and offensive just because you do not agree with someone. If that is your favourite way of "debating" an issue you should better stay away from such discussions. I am in no way attacking BIS so there is no need to by cynical or offensive. If you can´t debate issues in a grown-up manner, you better don´t post at all. Missing tank interiors and working gauges are bad. I´m not even asking for extended features like working render to texture features. It would have been cool to have such, but not even having working interiors is simply lame.
  14. Of course I don´t know the reasons why they haven´t done it, but "Render to texture" is a Direct3D Option that can be implemented. I don´t know the Arma source but I made a realtime 3D project with Quest 3D and had no problems whatsoever to implement a "render to texture" feature for displaying videos on artifical monitors in a factory setup. As Arma is using Direct3D I can´t see why it shouldn´t work here.
  15. I´d suggest you come back to planet earth. Why should I be sorry for something BIS didn´t implement ? I´d say you better pack your tongue elsewhere as I fail to see what you are relating to. Make up your stories, but not with me.
  16. I suggested this feature about 2 years ago and highlighted the use for various means like security monitors, onboard monitors, weapon cams, HUD displays, TV sets, etc, etc. For me it´s a miracle why they haven´t implemented it. The gameplay features would have been countless and the effect would have been very cool and usefull. It would have even allowed the implementation of ingame video-briefings and sat uplinks within vehicles or on military laptops. Sorry to say so, but BIS simply failed here.
  17. Balschoiw

    Trigger help/Switching sides

    Are you sure about that Loyalguard ? I thought that civillians = side empty and not resistance. I´d group the civies with an opfor unit that has probability of presence = 0 This way they will be treated like opfor units. Useage of setcaptive to change the behaviour of bluefor.
  18. Balschoiw

    The Cause Campaign

    @Rejn Sent you some voice samples a month ago or so, but actually never received feedback. Any reason for that ?
  19. Balschoiw

    Ak47 sound ? soundmod ?

    Still...even keeping in mind that he was referring to the supersonic crack, I also think that the firing sound is not right for the AK. FDF comes really close, but from the shooters perspective there should be a bit more "bass" to the fire. The AK from a distance sure sounds like it is in FDF but the sound has more "substance" when you fire the AK. At least that´s how I remember firing the AK.
  20. Balschoiw

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    You will gain no performance boost when using an S-ATA drive compared to an IDE drive as the bottleneck is the USB 2.0 port that only allows theoretical 60 MB/sec. Most of the external frames are made for IDE drives, but there are some for S-ATA drives aswell. As there is no spped advantage with S-ATA drives, I´d go for a regular IDE drive solution.
  21. Balschoiw

    ArmA BHD:MOD

  22. Balschoiw

    2 minute loading time

    With 1.09 patch my Arma started to act weird. I just removed the complete Arma from my harddrive, renamed the user-folders, downloaded the 1.05 patch again as I didn´t have it on my HD anymore (the download of the 1.05 patch alone took ~ 40 hours), reinstalled the program, patched it up to 1.09 only to experience the same weirds behaviour again. When I start Arma, the checkboxes come up and dissapear. Then there is nothing happening for about 2 minutes. No joke. In task manager I see that Arma.exe is running and uses about 30MB space but there is nothing happening onscreen. After 2 or more minutes the loading screen comes up finally and Arma loads. I also found that renaming the profiles in "My data" doesn´t do much for Arma. It simply creates new folders and copies over the content from the renamed folders. Is anyone else experiencing that ? Edit; How can I totally remove everything Arma-related from my computer Even if I remove my userfolders, userdata, etc it still greets me with my username when I start Arma. This is insane. I want to do a totally fresh install of Arma without any registry remains or any userdate that have been saved before.
  23. Balschoiw

    2 minute loading time

    Downloaded and installed new X-Fi driver. No change. Removed 2 files from system 32 and replaced them with openAL files from Arma DVD. Works like a charm. I can´t understand why my soundcard doesn´t work with latest 1.09 OpenAl update, but that´s what it wasted for me. I´m checking wich update had the more recent OpenAL version coming with it as it also worked for me and will install those. Apparently X-Fi under Windows XP doesn´t like 1.09 OpenAL files. At least that´s how it is with my card.
  24. Balschoiw

    ArmA BHD:MOD

    For the risk of sounding like an ass again, but the car wrecks do look much too new for Somalia. The technicals I´ve seen there hardly had 4 tires of the same kind, were mostly rusted beyond believe, origined from the late 70´s to the early 80´s and nowhere looking like the glossy ones you´ve made. They were practically moving wrecks with lots of metalworks done to them, sometimes they had handpainted symbols of the warlords they represented and all of them had in common that they were in terrible shape. For roadblocks they often filled the wrecks with concrete and rubbel and scrap metal to make them more solid and heavy. Additionally most of the roadblocks were boobytrapped, so once you push them aside with a tank they went boom.
  25. Balschoiw

    Aa rockets vs ground

    It was. Dingdong.