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Everything posted by Balschoiw

  1. Balschoiw

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    New weapontrailer for FN SCAR (SOF Combat Assault Rifle) in OFP 2 released. View it online or download it here Cheers.
  2. Balschoiw

    Radovan Karadzic sacked

    I´m fully with you Hoot on the matter of guilt, factions, the nationalistic tendencies and all that. I´m aware of the problems and inconsitancies that arose before, during and after the conflict, but there are some people who that load of extraguilt on their shoulders and of them without any doubt is Karadzic. The reason why the NATO got involved imo is that Yugoslavia is on the european landmass not far away from core european members that were very worried about the negative sideeffects of a war at their borders. Quite natural if you ask me. The washy ROE´s that were in place when the first forces deployed and did their service there have been a result of this. I´ve been there with an expeditionary commando before the Bundewehr actually deployed there and if I have learned one thing it was that noone was free of guilt down there. Noone. But this actually doesn´t matter if you are part of a peace-enforcing or peacekeeping force as you simply have to stand between the factions and keep them from killing each other. The rest is not the business of soldiers with a mandate. This war actually was much more than just ethnics fighting each other. Russia was involved, the NATO, on serb side the Chetniks tooted their ultranationalist visions with weaposn, etc, etc. Anyway, in any conflict there are the "highlites" of cruelty and the ones responsible for it. And one of the highlights certainly is and was Karadzic. Therefore imho opinion it´s a good thing that he finally got caught and will be taken to justice.
  3. Balschoiw

    Radovan Karadzic sacked

    I´m not aware that Bush, etc are guilty of ethnic cleansing. Spokesperson, if you got nothing to say on the topic just p**** off. I´m tired of your hijacking of threads and I´m tired to read your brainwashed propaganda bullshit. Why don´t you just go to a "long live communism" forum and try to revive the old spirit there ? Up to some point your presence here at the forums was interesting, but now you simply act like an outdated parrot who wants to rewrite history. Please do that elsewhere and try to respect the initial theme of a thread. If you can´t do that, just stay away.
  4. Balschoiw

    International Politics Thread

    It has already been confirmed by US officials that Iran is nowhere near building a nuke but Israel seem to have a "it´s now or never" ideology when it comes to bombing Iran. They have conducted extensive military maneuvers this year. The purpose of this maneuvers was to practise bomb runs on nuclear facilities in Iran. The outcome of such operations is questionable at least as Israel simply doesn´t have the capacities to bomb all strategic targets successfully. A ground campaign against Iran is out of question as it simply can´t be won right now. You can only hope that the US and coalition forces are out of Iraq by the time the attack will take place as the reaction from Iran will be to sack some there. I guess people underestimate the Iran military-wise and that will be a major problem. Iran is currently equipping with russian 9K331-Tor M1 to be able to react to missile threats and has upgraded their stock of general AA defenses. The outcome of an israeli strike on Iran is very questionable in this context. The iranians know what to expect, where to expect it and the timeline seems to be set also if you read israelian media that all toot the upcoming war for weeks now. If Israel goes on a unilateral attack run with dubious outcome they will only fuel the fire even more and support for Israel on the international stage will go lowlevel. Apart from that they put the western nations and africa at risk of being cut from ressources and only strengthen Russia´s influence in the region even more. So in the end it will be be a failure as the Lebanon campaign was with the difference that they will set free radiation in large amounts this time and only strengthen the support of iranian people for their weirdo leader who then can say that he was right about the imperialist invaders. Maybe spokesperson then can grab a job in Iran which would be the only positive effect of such campaign. Israel´s current way of dealing with their local problems (the problems they create themselves by building walls and fences on soil that is not theirs) is very remarkable... Israeli soldier shoots Palestinian prisoner with rubber coated steel projectile into his foot on purpose
  5. Balschoiw

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    Over the years of playing on the CiA coop server we usually had around 10 - 20 people playing and that´s quite a good number to have coordinated coops running imo. So far the limit doesn´t seem to be unreasonable for me keeping in mind the data traffic that´s caused by all the dynamics that come with OFP 2. I´m at least very curious on the final of OFP 2. So far it looks very promising to me. Btw, Arma has been ranked 2nd on the "Most buggiest game when released" - list only topped by Gothic 3. List has been conducted by readers of pc games germany. *Dang* Picture too big by 3kb...
  6. Balschoiw

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    From what I´ve read OFP 2 will have 700 different type of models for vehicles, units and weapons.
  7. Balschoiw

    Built in Revives in ArmA 2!?

    If it doesn´t make any sense for you, simply go away. Easy as that. As for the discussion, if we have a revive system there will be no limb-system, right ? Would be kind of funny to see how splashed apart units are stiched back together on the fly by a field medic I´d say if revive is implemented it simply has to be implemented as reasonable as possible. Any large caliber hits on a body or bomb drop on top of their head should send the player to Nirvana, no matter what. It would be so stupid to have a revive feature that is always available, no matter what killed the character. Imho they have to restrict this feature for small arms fire and rifles, but nothing bigger. It would be so ridiculous to see one getting shot at with a 120mm heat round just to be reanimated soon after. When I think about it there are 1000 different kind of deaths that would look so ridiculous if revived. Just think about helo-crahes, troops run over by tanks, flying troops that are hit by RPG, or soldiers that get a LGB on their helmet. What would that look like ?!? You have a village that is partly turned to dust and a soldier that wipes of the dust from his uniform and walks straight out of the ruins ? Come on... BIS should make a difference between dead and dead. Noone can revive a road-pizza. Unless they´re going for a comical shooter they better think twice on how to implement such before people fall of the chair backwards because of the laughter.
  8. Balschoiw

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    I guess those are the numbers for the consoles. The numbers surfaced on a console page first. There will be more indepth info available on the PC multiplayer part when E3 is over and codies forum moderator will have a talk with the developers on this very aspect of OFP 2.
  9. Balschoiw

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    It will turn out during the campaign that the chinese aggression is not supported by chinese government and the chinese attack is coordinated and staged by a man with different interests. Does Guba ring a bell ? Looks like they are taking a similar approach. As for russia not being able to interfere. There can be a lot of reasons for this. Maybe russia is bound in another conflict, maybe the US have a rapid deployment force near and russia has not. We´re talking about a campaign covering 6 days, that´s not much in military terms of planning, deploying and responding. As for japan fighting against chinese forces. This would be a rather stupid thing to do for the Japanese. I guess we will not see japanese forces in a standalone conflict anytime soon as it is with germany. History is still a burden on their shoulders. For sure I´d like to see another plot, covering different forces and I´m also tired of playing the US troops over and over again, but I guess that´s a decision of marketing and selling the product.
  10. Balschoiw

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    Some new pictures that surfaced on E3: OFP 2 render 1 OFP 2 render 2 OFP 2 render 3 OFP 2 render 4 Nice eyecandy, not more not less for now.
  11. My opinion: - try to get in contact with original author - if you get no feedback after predefined interval give respective credits in readme and missiontitle and do not replace any custom mission authors ressources within the mission that point to the original creator. If you do all that I can´t see what should be going wrong if the original author has left the community or is not available for some other reason.
  12. Balschoiw

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    Ok, will try to contact her tomorrow.
  13. Balschoiw

    Ka50 Blackshark

    First time I sat in a russian Lomac cockpit and klicked all that funky switches I had no idea about and couldn´t read the writings I felt like a little boy with a shiny and fascinating new toy. Same goes for flying the Kamov in OFP for the first time. What a blast. In Arma it has un fortunally been stripped down and lost lots of it´s "feel" and function. I hope in Arma 2 it gets back on stage and will shine brighter than ever. Imo it´s a fantastic piece of flying.
  14. Balschoiw

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    "if AI works as demonstrated" in my book sounds like she has seen it in action and furthermore there is a developer report on a AI vs AI situation in woods that he describes, so I guess she´s seen it in action. If it is a real matter of concern I can call her for more details.
  15. Balschoiw

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    I read a german report yesterday that was done by Petra Schmitz, who accompanied my Arma beta test for a german magazine before Arma was released.She´s an oldschool OFP fan and certainly no bunnyhop lover. They have been at the developement site of Dragon rising and from what she writes the WIP she has seen (read live OFP2 footage ingame) she was very much impressed by the AI, the gfx and the surrounding and the level of detail the realistic models, weapons and vehicles have. Sure it´s still wip but AI seeking cover, AI avoiding your line of fire and getting into cover to get itself into a good attacking position doesn´t sound to bad for me. This is far more than Arma or OFP ever provided and is the crucial part of a follow-up to OFP. If the AI is able to behave under the umbrella of military education and the human will to survive it will be a blast, no matter if the the gfx are supashiny. I don´t get the "editor" - deal here in this thread aswell as it´s been stated from the beginning of the OFP 2 project that the editor will be a main part of the game as Codemasters have seen how much potential a game with a good editor has as the community keeps the product alive and lively over years if they receive sufficient editing ressources. I´ve collected and summed up some of the things stated in the article : - Campaign covering 6 days. 3 or 4 missions for each day. Campaign will be fought from US perspective - Environment completely destructable (trees, houses, etc where houses have different predefined stages of destruction) The buildings, structure, environment that has once been destroyed will remain destroyed throughout the campaign. - dynamic weather is influencing ground and soil. If it rains the soil gets muddy and this is depicted on gear, vehicles and characters. - halfway dynamic campaign with sidemissions affecting the campaign and enemy strength (btw the Arma sidemissions didn´t really have an effect on the main missions, unlike Resistance where the missions did have an effect.) - Strategic view to command units - Circle menu (like R6) to command troops in FPV - AI behaviour patterns affected by terrain, movement, noise - damage system: If you bleed you will bleed to death if you don´t get patched up. Blood will be slowly soaking through your uniform. Damage dependant on caliber and type of weapon you get shot at with; Limb system. Personal words from the reviewer on the game: She shivered when she had seen the AI in action as it seems to act almost lifelike, she shivered when she had seen the detailed models that even offer variants of certain vehicles to make it look and work authentic. If you understand german you can read the preview here: Petra Schmitz on Dragon Rising Cheers
  16. Balschoiw

    Built in Revives in ArmA 2!?

    I´m also not very happy about the "revive" option. What sense does this make in an "as close as it can get" - military simulator ? Even if a soldier is revived in real life it certainly doesn´t mean that he can jump on his feet, grab a gun and fight on. So it´s simply unrealistic nonsense to have such in a game that claims to be close to real life and adverts itself as a close to reality gaming experience. For me Arma was the first step into the direction of an arcadish game to get more mainstream customers and Arma 2 seems to be the next. The one-mission-one-life was a very refreshing thing for me when OFP was released and still is as it makes people act more carefull. If they get killed they have to watch the rest of the show from gulls perspective. Fair enough for me. Why they plan to implement something like an unrealistic revive-feature is beyond my understanding but as it seems the Arma community is already very different to the OFP community when it comes to aspects like this, so it´s the mainstream that BIS places their focus on. Not my kind of game then.
  17. Balschoiw

    Ai thread

    Use formation "None" and they will be just where you placed them. No big trick. It´s been like that since OFP 1.00.
  18. Balschoiw

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    I´d say it´s best to keep it with the old OFP - forum saying: "Patience is a virtue" Right now everything is possible. Total hit, total desaster or something in between. At this point it´s fishing in the dark by all who participate in this debate about a game that has never been screened live.
  19. Balschoiw

    What's in it for China?

    Uranium, gold, copper, diamonds and all other valuable metals you can think of. In fact the african continent is very rich judged by it´s ressources. If there were no dictators like Mugabe and other guys of his kind the people in africa could live prosperity if they get a grip on exploiting the ressources for the better of the resident people. Unfortunally the interests of other countries are supporting dictators like Mugabe as the big players only want to have acess to ressources for the lowest price and therefore they indirectly support the dictators to keep the people low. There are examples of countries in africa that are on a good way for their own people and not the better of foreign companies. Mosambique may be the best example for this. After endless wars they managed (with the help of the UN) to get things going and today 80 percent of the children are visiting a school as they have realized that education is the longterm key to developement and success. They are very aware of the ressources they have and are very cautios with exploiting them. There is a huge potential there as they have almost everything from coal to titan but are only exporting raw material to produce alluminium so far. If they keep going like that you will see a country within africa that is seeking a step-by-step developement for the better of it´s own people and not for the profits of foreign countries.
  20. Balschoiw

    What's in it for China?

    As with other african countries china is about to secure ressources for the next decades by supporting countries with military xports or boosting infrastructure in countries of their interest to get exclusive contracts. Still this isn´t something new as they just have learned this lessons from all the other big players who did/do this for decades already and still do. France delivering a nuclear power plant to Lybia is one of the most prominent examples of the last years.
  21. Balschoiw

    Search for a best memory handling

    @SpaceReverend Try to use the old maxmem command in the shortcut to Arma. it solved all my CTD´s and the game runs smoother than with 1.14 default memory handling.
  22. Balschoiw

    Patch 1.14 Troubleshooting

    I guess for shadows it´s that way because calculations are transferred to GPU when set on High while they are conducted with CPU when using lower settings.
  23. Balschoiw

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    Just for the record. Covert ops doesn´t mean that such are always conducted during nighttime. Covert ops can also be performed during bright daylight by infiltration and/or merging with or along the enemy or using camouflage, cutting of communications by sabotaging relays and blocking radiotraffic and cellphone signals before actually conducting the main part of the operation.
  24. Balschoiw


    Here you go: Arma Animations
  25. Balschoiw

    Patch 1.14 Troubleshooting

    Vilas have you tried using the maxmem command and set the textures and shaders to high ? If not, try it. It fixed my LOD issues. Sounds absurd, but it worked that way.