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Everything posted by Bagel
Evis, I am not sure what you on about , to be honest I have not tried to take control of any squad other than my own. This is a CE issue, maybe Spinor can answer. Version 1.70 is complete, with a host of new features: Full intel , full cross border ops, new group management system and some tweaks to the hearts and minds model. I have also removed the mortar and F4 addons in order to keep the mission more universal, i.e. only CE and Nampack required. 1.70 is now fully integrated into CE1.22 and therefore I will release it as soon as Spinor releases the CE patch, which is in the next couple of days I believe. I am busy with the firebase feature which needs to be managed if you want full artillery coverage over the Ia_Drang valley, hopefully this will be done and released with 1.80 at the same time as the CE update (no presuure Spinor!!! Bagel
Thanks for your interest and feedback. In 1.70 the intel model is that for a cost you can get information in any of the four areas, i.e. the location of up to three vc units will be marked on the map, there is a chance that the information is incorrect or you might get no intel for your spend , depending on the H&M score in the region. If it is high the chances that you will get anything is limited. You can also spend resoures to get the number of VC in each region, but this will be an estimate and randomly inflated or minimized. You will now no longer get the cycle update of all this info, and you will never actually get to see the actual H&M scores in the future versions, you can't measure hearts and minds, you can however experience the results thereof !!! Out by the weekend. Cya Bagel
I see the WW2 team has shut down, I am trying to fing a copy or link to download the WW2 Armour pack. Anyone know ehre to find a copy or wroking link?? (the pack contains Sherman,Tiger,Stuart,Wirbelwind etc) Thanks Bagel
The sh2 symbol is actually the destination of the VC squad the op has spotted, it plots both the location of the cadre as well as its destination, I have been meaning to change the symbol, will do in 1.70. Should have made this clearer up frony, it was in for testing purpose, maybe it has a permanent place.
The troop load for the narines is for the helicopters. To me , the helo's are a fundamental part of this game and I am trying to make them the central troop transport method, hence the lack of trucks and the like. The marines also need to be reinforced at the barracks at the main base, then heli transported to wherever, although I start the marines in the m113's. What are your views on the pilot management system as opposed to the helicopter management i.e. the five crews as opposed to five helicopters? Thanks for the help Bagel
Good news, for the uninformed (me ) , could you confirm the process as I am clueless on the save game issue, never used it. 1. Ingame you esc and save using OFP interface 2. Back into game and save using CE interface Done saving. to load: 1. Load up OFP Res 2. load up mission where ?( is this now in the missions folder or still in the mission editor mission folder) Sorry about being such a pain but you can save me a lot of time!! TOD Version 1.70 will be posted by the weekend: New: Cross border raids Proper intel model New group management system to fix group max crash Thanks, and gimme more feedback !!!!! Bagel
I am using dynamically created groups and using the dynamically assigned group names to issue commands to the groups. As I understand it once a group is created it is never removed and as a result I run into a problem after I reach the 63 group limit, although I will never have that many active groups in game, these are small squads and they get wiped out often. My question is how do I recycle the empty groups, I can't get their ID because their is not unit in it, using the group command. Is there a way to manage these groups without units in them, or even simpler is there a way to remove empty groups from the game and thus free up the 63 limit. Thanks Bagel
Right now that's the only option I can see i.e. create an array with all the names of groups , count their contents and if zero use them as the next assigned group and recycle them that way. Kinda tedious and long , I am hoping to find a simple way of deleting group names from the active list of 63 max. Thanks Bagel
Thanks Chill, went ovet to COC ( I am a big fan) and had a look. It looks fantastic, I will try it out tonite. Itis, however not quite what I want, the enemystack is large scale confrontation management and very elaborate and I will certainly use it, especially in a WWII setting. For my purposes, I have small squads of VC infiltrating an area and all i require is a simple method to manage groups i.e. ideally to remove created groups that are now empty or second prize a simple method to recycle. Enemy stack looks good, will delve into it asap. Bagel
RYU , does this work with Tour of duty , i.e. are all the TOD variables in the AI engine saved, I am not so sure. I would think that all the CE and Mission.SQM data is saved but what about TOD variables , and there are plenty. Question: when you go back into a saved game are the number of VC and the H&M scores for the regions the same as when you saved ? Thanks for helping! Bagel
Evis is quite correct about the pink team, and that is exactly what will be in the game. It is not working in 1.66 , but is in 1.70, which will be release when the new CE is released (no pressure Spinor hehe !!! In 1.70 you will be able to purchase trucks, tanks and apc's at the new Marine base. The artillery model will be corrected and you will need to create "fire support bases" to cover the whole map. I am tweaking the intel section at the moment, where in exchange for resources you can get info about VC numbers and positions.Up to now the luxury of free ,correct intel has been a debug issue, in future you will pay for it and the accuracy will depend on the hearts and minds of the informants! Glad to hear you are enjoying the game, in respect of the game saving thing, I have not got a clue on how to save the Tour of Duty variables when the game is saved, I play for an hour or two, freeze the game "Esc" and come back later. If someone could help I would be very gratefull, I am too busy with the good stuff ( cross border raids etc) to divert enegry to something I know nothing about !! Sorry. Bagel
Having read all the posts on this subject, I cannot find a definitive answer. My question is simple, how do I create a unit without having a group already in existence. I am working on a dynamic vietnam campaign and want to create new groups of VC when certain conditions are met. right now I can only createunit when I have an existing unit on the map already, then createunit joins the existing group. I have tried using the init field in createunit with no success, any definitive answer with actual code sample would be appreciated, not just conceptual guessing as I have seemed to find in my searching. Thanks
Me again , sorry RYU , you need to download the USmarine symbol set from the chain of command site in order to get the required markers.
Hello Ryu1985, Glad to hear you enjoy the mission. I have been trying to get the air support issue set in my mind,so thanks for the input. You will see in V1.66 that I have opted for pilot management as opposed to heli management. You can now purchse any heli from the special>harware menu and assign any of the five crews as you see fit. My thoughts are the more flexible the better the tactical play of the game, I don't want to prescribe too much in respect of hardware. Lets me know what you think, I am allways open to good input. BTW, when Spinor releases the new CE I will include a dedicated pink team in the support menu, as he has revamped the support section in sumthang really good !!!!
I am actually waiting for Spinor to release his new CE engine, upgraded for onmapsingleclick command, however here is a version 1.66 in the mean time . New Marine base at FB Falcon, including a platoon of marines and an M60 tank squad. Improved Airmobile ops sequence for LZ You now have 5 air crews at your disposal, you can mount them into any chopper, the hardware purchase and the subsequent mounting now works , thanks again to Spinor. Enjoy, but expect good things when the new CE is released, by then I would have completed the INTEL section as well as the cross border ops. Bagel http://mysite.mweb.co.za/residents/nagelj/files/tourofduty1_66.zip
Thanks Captian, Spinor has soilved the problem for me, it was a CE issue. I will be posting TOD V1_7 in the next dy or two with all fixed an ready to hunt them cong ! Bagel
In version 1_6 I can't get my pilot crews to mount newly creted (createvehicle) choppers. Anyone got an answer or solution ? Thanks Bagel PS I just assumed it could be done, maybe missing something here.
Words fails me ...... Apologies abound , found some bugs in v1.6, here is new url http://mysite.mweb.co.za/residents/nagelj/files/tourofduty1_6.zip cya
Another thing, I don't have a clue where t start to implement a savegame facility, maybe someone would like to give it a bash or point me in the right direction. Evis is right, the four rectangle triggers are the four regions , however it is envisaged that in the end game you will not need to know the regions , but view the map a one, the current intel by region is a luxury ! Intel will be much harder to come by in the future versions, right now only for testing and control. Bagel
Here is the latest version : http://mysite.mweb.co.za/residents/nagelj/files/tourofduty1_6.zip New: This is now the IaDrang valley, welcome to Nam!! I have been bug hunting through the code and have streamlined the game, markers and coding etc. It seems to run fine , although a bit slower on the IaDrang map. Had my first game on this vesion just an hour ago, thanks to all the input, it plays reakky well. Let me know. I have changed the manangement of helicopters to rather management of pilots, you now get four Huey pilot and three crews (2 pilots). How you assign them is up to you. In the troop loading special menu, the troops will load to whatever the four huey pilots are in, so keep them in Hueys i would suggest. If a huey pilot is killed he is auto replaced at a cost of 3, so look after them. For the crews , you can now purchase any of the SEB helis from the special menus, costing about 6 to 8 each, they appear outside the new hangar at the airfield. You can also replace lost crew from the menus as well. This has worked well I think, adding better playability, flexibility and more tactical options, let me know. I even had a pilot rescue in the game just played ! Next on the menu is intel refinement and cross border raids, so give me them ideas, thanks to EBud for input on these issues. I have label areas in the tour.sqs file for those who want to delve into the code. Bagel
Here is version 1.5 New: Helicopter replacement after being shot down ("air" squad) Please give feedback on anyissues , bugs, recommendations, improvements etc http://mysite.mweb.co.za/residents/nagelj/files/tourofdutyv1_5.zip Bagel
Here is new version 1.4 http://mysite.mweb.co.za/residents/nagelj/files/tourofdutyv1_4.zip New: US reinforcements now constitute a proper squad, not just eight riflemen, i.e. include mg, medic etc (applicable to SF as well) When more than 25 VC/NVA are present in a region at the same time, they are all ordered to attack the US base. You now have a gunship (ACA) with your OH recon, you also now have the opportunity to buy another ACA or replace one if lost in the special menus, under HARDWARE > RECON I have include four sections into each platoon, instead of three. Thanks again spinor. Captian , send me as much as you got, and I would love to code your VC ai !! [email protected] Bagel
You are most welcome to use any part of this mission, the common objective here is great OFP missions. If i can help in any way, give me a shout. Hello Spinor, here is the situation: It seems that when I reach more than 100 markers , it interferes with COC, as you know my mission used plenty markers too, and I have cut them to the bone, re-use them etc. What happens is if I add any more markers to the game, when I click on a unit and give it a waypoint it will not recieve it and the marker does not change to a WP marker. If I go and remove one or two of my newly created markers it then works ? I am getting two type of crashes at the moment, the main one is a total crash to windows. Now that you mentio it, this is happening since I have been trying to recreate wiped out squads using : ?(alive (leader sectiona1)): goto "sq1" "sebnam_acofficer" createunit [getpos baseflag,sectiona1] #sq1 ?(alive (leader sectiona2)): goto "sq2" "sebnam_acofficer" createunit [getpos baseflag,sectiona2] #sq2 ?(alive (leader sectiona3)): goto "sq3" "sebnam_acofficer" createunit [getpos baseflag,sectiona3] #sq3 etc etc This does work and a new squad is created back at base, so I am not sure if it is this, but the game crashes and I can't seem to link it to a given event, it seems radom, as if a variable reaches a parameter and then bombs ?? Here is the latest version : http://mysite.mweb.co.za/residents/nagelj/files/tourofdutyv1_3.zip New: Wiped out units are recreated back at base with one officer, get them over to the barracks for reinforcements Added new M113 squad and a re-supply,fuel,ammo convoy. NVA fixed and squad creation now includes heavy weapons. Heli's are automatically refueled and repaired when back at base. Thanks for the interest. Bagel
Thanks for the feedback guys, the challenge here is to get a balance between the forces, too many US and no VC appear, too little and you are all over the place. In my latest version I have included another M113 squad, and am toying with the idea of a ARVN platoon/Co. The problem I am having at the moment is that I am running out of markers, is there a way to increase the possible number in a game. As you can see, this mission uses plenty markers as the backbone of the game.At 100 at the moment. Right now I am busy with trying to get a squad that is wiped out to re-appear at base so you can reinforce it at the barracks. I have it working but the games is crashing out to windows once in a while, I need to sort this bug out. I think the problem is an incompatibility with Chain of Command. Spinor showed me where to edit a COC file and this might be causing another bug. Getting a squad to reappear is not the issue , getting COC to reintergrate it is. Just to give a better picture, each regions H&M starts at 20 points, i.e. a 20% chance that a new VC mission will be initiated in the next cycle, set at about 2 minutes, this setting can be changed to slow the game down if you wish (tour.sqs). Everytime a VC squad reaches the vill 5 more points are added to the H&M score for the region, thereby increasing activity in the next cycle for that region. That squad is then reassigned to another vill in that region. When the region H&M reaches 65 the NVA get involved and start sending in heavily armed squad to predefined areas on the map, this is only now working correctly and I will be posting TOD V1.3 later today. I am a little too close to the game to judge the balance, as I understand the engine, with the current US forces I kick major butt and never get close to a NVA mission. To answer some questions : The engine is working, I have spent hours tracking a VC squad as a VC, follow them through their total mission, the only real issue now is to get the balance right, i.e. the number of US forces, time allocated to a cycle, the number of % points given to a region H&M once a VC squad gets there, the number of negative H&M points given to a region when US kill VC, These are the main drivers in this mission. "Just an example, I had one of the ground recon teams watching a village, when some VC decided to nose around. I then had to decide where to shift the forces from to deal with the new threat. I already had one airassault going on, so I decided that I could send in a couple truckloads of troops to take care of this. On the way, they were ambushed and all truck drivers killed. Then the recon team was spotted and needed extraction. Then by the time the extraction ship made it to the recon team, 1/2 of them were dead. I totally forgot about the airstrikes and artillary fire which could have given them more time." EBud Man, this is why i like this so far, every game is different and open to your own strategy. I agree it is cumbersome at time, that is why I have tried to use as many "special" options in COC to lighten the click load. COC is awesome and as it is refined so will this be.Having said that, once you are into the swing of thing in TOD and the initial learning curve flattens out, it is really enjoyable and much less hectic, still with replayability. What I do to sometimes lighten the load is send a delta squad to the barracks, they then get reinforced to 8 members, then deploy them by parachute "special" menu and you have an Alpha reaction force. I have added a fuel, ammo and repair truck, I have also set that whenever the helo's return to base that get refueled and repaired to full status. After the new squad bug is sorted, I want to work on the intel side of things. I originally wanted a US H&M driven mainly by death of US soldiers, ran into a problem that when I try to count total US on map, if troop in helo thay are not counted, I will get around this by doing a sum of all "count units". Once again I am fresh outa markers !!! After intel is sorted, I want to implement a counts that check to see if the ratio of VC to US in a region is greater than say 2 to 1 , then order the entire VC/NVA contingent in that area to do a base attack on the US. I didn't use the SEBNAM mortar fo two reasons, primarily because it is created with sandbags in the field, not good, and secondly operated by one soldier, also not too good in my view.There is nothing wrong with the ones used mind you , good addon job. Under they special menus , there is an ammo box drop option, this sends the supply helo to the point clicked on the map and it drops a SEB ammo crate and returns. Also on the list is VC missions not only being H&M, but including mine laying and sniper missions. I have a version of TOD for the Ia_drang map and will post today. The H&M score in a region can go above 100 right now, I will cap it, but this has no effect on play per se,as I take a random number between 0 and 100 and compare it to the H&M score, so in effect anything over 100 is 100. Please keep the feedback coming in and thanks to the guys who have contibuted already. Bagel