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Everything posted by Bonfire

  1. Bonfire

    why did you use your username

    I'm a big AC/DC fan, and the Bon Scott Tribue Box Set (Bon Scott, former lead singer dieing in 1980 by choking on his own vomit) is called Bonfire ....i like AC/DC, i like the name Bonfire....and i've used it for more than a year now
  2. Bonfire

    Redstorm change your avatar, i am gaining wéight

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SpaceAlex @ Feb. 19 2002,17:00)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">There's at least 500 kcal in redstorm's picture. Â <span id='postcolor'> arn't Corn Flakes low in fat ?
  3. Bonfire

    Guba's surprise...

    I can't seem to find the last scud launcher in time to save everon, can anyone give me an approximate location? thanks
  4. Bonfire

    Still on my first campaign

    how does one get that to work exactly? and can General Guba be made a playable character?
  5. Bonfire


    I've read some stuff periviously on Spetsnaz, and the training they go though is unparalelle in its persision and brutality. Russian Prisoners/Crimials are the live Punching bags for these guys, no joke. At one point in the training, your drill sargent will twist your arm behind your back, then someone else will flash a knife at you. then you have to choose one of two extremes, to have your arm broken, or two be cut with a knife. Spetsnaz are the toughest of the tough in my opinion
  6. Bonfire


    I've read some stuff periviously on Spetsnaz, and the training they go though is unparalelle in its persision and brutality. Russian Prisoners/Crimials are the live Punching bags for these guys, no joke. At one point in the training, your drill sargent will twist your arm behind your back, then someone else will flash a knife at you. then you have to choose one of two extremes, to have your arm broken, or two be cut with a knife. Spetsnaz are the toughest of the tough in my opinion
  7. i don't want to get into scripting, but ive noticed that there are some scripting-like commands for the "initalization bar" (for lack of a better description) in the edit unit window. is there a list of commands or such that can work with this?
  8. Bonfire

    its it possible to...

    minimize OFP?
  9. pathfinder is a walk in the park compared to missions further on. when playing difficult missions, the only thing thats important is that YOU, the player, survive
  10. Bonfire

    Is playing OFP depressing?

    i was but a lad in 85, the campage takes place around my 3rd birthday... does it depress me? nope
  11. Bonfire

    What aircraft would be good?

    i think that new planes are not the way to go....i think the secna (sp?) should be modifyed so it can drop bombs and have a gunner out the window:D
  12. Bonfire

    Most Wanted Machinegun

    bah, they all look the same....i'd like to see a good old fashioned Tommy Gun
  13. Bonfire

    Do you use custom faces during MP

    i use a custom face....Sylvester Stallon(SP?) and i'm working on a Hulk Hogan face:D
  14. Bonfire

    Good Ideas for weapons?

    some times far fetched things are fun....nutron bombs for example...although mutli player would lose alot of fun But really i'd like to see smaller arms like Pistols or knifes (as a last resort or tool)
  15. Bonfire

    Good Ideas for weapons?

    some times far fetched things are fun....nutron bombs for example...although mutli player would lose alot of fun But really i'd like to see smaller arms like Pistols or knifes (as a last resort or tool)
  16. Bonfire

    Making Faces

    I want to make myself a custom face. I have a rough idea of hows its done and that the jpg has to be 256x256 in size. but i'm looking for some specific measurements if possible, like how big the front face section has to be etc. thanks in advance. cheers
  17. Bonfire

    Laser and A10

    i've tried to LGB something once, and ended up droping it on myself
  18. Bonfire

    what is your favorite part of ofp

    i like it all...except for scripting