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Blink Dog

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Everything posted by Blink Dog

  1. Blink Dog

    Infantry weapon of the century

    Okay Last Century: The maxim machine gun. Changed how we fight wars. This Century: Not invented or used yet.
  2. Blink Dog

    Infantry weapon of the century

    which Century? This one or the last?
  3. Blink Dog

    Retextured guerillas released!

    Excellent work. I love the mismatch uniforms. Any plans for some Resistance vehicles to go with these guys?
  4. Blink Dog

    Will aae.msi or installers kill ofp?

    Just stick to .zip files, it is easier and doesn't leave stuff all over your harddrive.
  5. Blink Dog

    The fall of souli

    And such discussions have benn started in other threads and flame wars have started
  6. Blink Dog

    The fall of souli

    well the bit about turks raping "Aryan" greeks.
  7. Blink Dog

    The fall of souli

    I can see a flame war rising from this thread.
  8. Blink Dog

    WrpTool has been released!

    Fubar : If you are new to island making it would be hard for me to say personally which is better. Myself I am an old Wrpedit user and I find Visitors interface to be too alien for me. I also found the Manual more limited and less informative. I prefer Wrptool myself, it is closer to Wrpedit which I'm used to. If you like the same type of interface as most 3D programs however, like Oxy or 3D Studio Max, then go with Visitor.
  9. Blink Dog

    WrpTool has been released!

    When you Unpbo your files they should all go into a common folder. I have a folder called "Unpbo'd PBO's" where unpbo'd versions of cain, able, O etc go. It is just a simple matter of pointing to wrptool which master folder, in my case Unpbo'd pbo, to look in. It should be noted if you have custom textures, models or anyhting else in your island pbo you should also have a copy of this island pbo in this folder as well. The program will only look for files where you tell it to. So far I have been using this program and my productivity and level of workmanship have gone up. I would highly recommend anyone who was really adjusted to using wrpedit like myself or anyone having a really hard time with visitor to use this tool. I should be posting some pics and possibly a movie to show the improvements I have been able to make.
  10. Blink Dog

    Marlins win!

    It would have been the Cubs if Kegetys had not interfered.
  11. Blink Dog

    The m2/m3 bradley

    Rough idea when this BAS tank pack will be released? ie soon, next Eon? next year? Any features planned?
  12. Blink Dog

    The Iraq Thread 2

    The biggest difference between the Iraq situation and North Korea is that Iraq did not have the support of a regional superpower like China. If the United States was to do anything to North Korea you can bet that China would get involved somehow. Iraq did not have this option. it is safe to assume that every country but the poorest ones like Albania and Somalia have some sort of nuclear weapons research program, either for offencive purposes (like India and Pakistan) or defensive purposes ie how to counter them like Canada, Sweden and Japan.
  13. Blink Dog

    Animation request!!

    Well most modern laws and other AT weapons won't arm until the missle has traveled a certain distance, I think for the Carl Gustav this is 30m. This also has the disadvantage of creating a minimal range for your weapon too. Standing and firing a Law is easy, usually thats the position you are in when entrenched. With the Carl Gustav (really a recoiless rifle) the loader hugs you before firing since the muzzle blast is quite over whelming.
  14. Blink Dog

    Animation request!!

    Just like kooky said, you do have to take extra care when firing from the prone position and in general I would have to say it is ill advised. A standing position would be nice too.
  15. Blink Dog

    Red Hammer Studios

    Sorry all this talk of we will release soon and this is all that has to be done got me off on a tangent. But there is more to the release to addons than people think.
  16. Blink Dog

    Red Hammer Studios

    These movies go to show the intricate politics that go on when an addon is going to be released, Machiavelli would be proud of us. Heck when Northstar releases an addon we do everything to foil each others plans.
  17. Blink Dog

    Red Hammer Studios

    lol Sorry for going offtopic but how do you save movies like yours? I made one but how do you save it. goto http://www.fanta.dk/ they should have an option to make and send movies. just type in what you want the sub titles to be and send to self. Then copy paste your link onto the post here. you get to preview before you are done.
  18. Blink Dog

    Red Hammer Studios

    Love the imac referance, pure genius!
  19. Blink Dog

    Red Hammer Studios

    So who are you in with Sigma the Pax Suomi Hextaverate or the Elvis/Maoist Industral complex? I'm guessing the EMI since it is taking so long to release this addon.
  20. Blink Dog

    Red Hammer Studios

    Well you weren't doing the pushups in the Tim Hortons, but I needed to show how physically overpowering you are. Me though I needed to show that I'm a player in the ofp community thats why I have the henchmen. The dialogue however is what actually was transcribed, I omitted the parts where Sigma was verbally harassing the poor girl behind the counter at the Tim Hotons.
  21. Blink Dog

    Red Hammer Studios

    This sums up a discussion Sigma and I had over coffee at Tim Hortons one night. Hint ( Sig is the one doing push ups). http://www.fanta.dk/showmov....F9D81E4
  22. Blink Dog

    Usmc lav 25

    No lag either but I'm running slightly above the average: P4 2.4 1 GB ddr333 gf fx5200 128mb vid ram My settings are max detail level, 2500 view distance, normal terrain detail and all options like blood etc enabled. I would suggest if you are having probs to download the latest drivers for your vid card and direct x9.0b. and run ofp 1.94.
  23. Oh yeah look at me I'm Powerslide I can get liqoured and operate a snowmobile when ever I want Wooohoo! This is the type of crap i have to put up with, while he's out running over wildlife with his Bombardier death machine I have to wait on a few buildings having texture paths swapped and added to a config file. Thats right I'm the bitter alcoholic island maker for the team.
  24. Blink Dog

    Wanted: scavenger mod

    What kind of cookie? oreo? animal cracker?
  25. Blink Dog

    Csla 2 news

    Personally I would like to see everything you mentioned in the way of vehicles. That PT 76 looks grand.