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Everything posted by Brent

  1. Hey all, I'm in the process of creating a new Coop w/TVT insurgency/domination/mso style mission and would like to know what the community would like to see more of. Favorite type of objectives, ideas for new objectives, challenges, etc. Open to all ideas and thoughts. Current features: Capture and upgrade to better base locations gaining new transportation features in the process. IE secure X location, X location then converts to your new spawn location as well as providing new vehicles/armor/boats/etc. This may only be a one time event. (Blufor) Towns have some civilian population left. Not all of them are friendly or welcoming of the USA. Virtual Ammo Box - Customize uniform and weapons, disguise as civilians, and save loadouts for quick reequipping.(credit/link coming) Playable Insurgent/Opfor slots(small number). Ambush/IED playstyle encouraged. Insurgent/Opfor only teleport system(located only in Opfor spawn) to predetermined hot spots. For those times when you don't have time to waste setting up IEDs/ambushes on Blufor players. Classic clear the city objectives mixed with capture items, towers, locations. Ideas and features coming soon/in the works: Occupiable bases(camps) Civilian casualty system which rewards US soldiers for minimizing civilian death. Helicopter crash site protection objective(dynamic in location). Steal and retrieve a specific enemy vehicle(nod to operation caged bear) objective Objectives that if controlled may give advantages(spawning in additional squads, artillery guns, ..) Secondary objectives that can yield rewards for succeeding(new vehicles/guns at base) FLIR equipped helicopter(NV/infrared on helicopters with ability to trasnsmit to ground forces in real time). Script/addon by MarKer. Link. Unknown if this will stay in the mission. Safe zones/Anti TK spawns Thanks
  2. Opfor/insurgents already have a few slots in the work so far. AI should be patrol with UPSMON already, or are you refering to random locations? I've just finished the first rough version of the helicopter crash, and I'm working now on a few occupiable team bases(good launch spots for opfor players to control, good LZ's + FOBS for blufor to operate from). The overall goal is to provide quite a bit of playtime with several different styles of progressing missions. As far as tactics, resupply, etc. I may be able to work a bit of that in after I get the objectives flowing/operating smoothly. Tactically I'm trying to make the mission difficult enough that you will need to work as a team and can't rambo your way into things very often. Limiting vehicles with guns, grenade launchers, and attack aircraft should help here. Air evac will be mostly player driven, with missions, that if successfully carried out by Blufor, will add additional means of air transport. Prior to the siege of the airport, blufor will be entirely ground based. Occupying the airfield will establish your base and add one transport MH9. I'm limiting the initial amount of air transport in hopes of encouraging ground vehicle usage for the second objective(Agia). Ideally this will give opfor incentive to plant IEDs, set up ambushes, etc. After this objective, I'd like to keep the battles focused, but not quite as linear(ie occupation of the occupiable team bases in addition to a few live objectives). I do plan to add some sort of artillery and IED scripts if I can find/think of any(still a lot of weapons/bombs/etc yet to be released in the game). What are you meaning when by "dynamic idea of a map" exactly? My idea of it may greatly differ from yours.
  3. First few objectives are in the mission, it's rough, but quite playable. I host it on my server for testing periodically on weeknights and weekends(west coast USA// -8GMT). Stop by and see if you can't find something that's buggered or that you'd like in it. Server name: "TFZ Public testing, Redding, CA" ...or something like that. Search Redding, CA in host name and it'll be the only one, heh. Contact brentk4tw@gmail.com
  4. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?151635-New-insurgency-MSO-style-mission%28w-insur-slots%29-What-would-you-like-to-see-in-it I also started this thread thinking that may be the more appropriate forum. Anyway I posted what I think was a better/updated of version of my work in progress/ideas last night. Still very interested in hearing more. I'm currently still working on the exact "flow" of the mission(starting point + initial objectives) whilst still tinkering with scripts, traps, etc. I'll probably start out linear(to encourage more engaging battles) and then widen the scope slightly. Still deciding on that. Again any and all ideas are welcome, and they do not have to be directly related to previous insurgency maps(using features from MSO, Domination, etc). The overall goal is a coop / tvt(3-5 insurgent playable) that's fun, somewhat dynamic, and not the same from city to city, all the while keeping a bit of challenge and foresight into how you secure those objectives.
  5. Hey all, I posted a similar thread in the multiplayer forum, but I feel like this is the better area for such a post. I'm looking for some input and any ideas you might have for a mission that mostly resembles the coop play of MSO, insurgency, domination, air cav, etc, and has a few enemy(insurgent) slots to keep things a bit more interesting. Obviously the idea isn't ground breaking, but I'd like to create a mission with multiple objectives types. Here are some highlights... Current ideas/features: Towns have some civilian population left. Not all of them are friendly or welcoming of the USA(suicide bombers). Will attempt to create a system which rewards US soldiers for minimizing civilian casualties. Playable Insurgent/Opfor slots(small number) Insurgent/Opfor only teleport system(located only in Opfor spawn) to predetermined hot spots. For those times when you don't have time to waste setting up IEDs/ambushes on Blufor players. Capture and upgrade to better base locations, gaining new transportation modes. IE secure X location, X location then converts to your new spawn location as well as providing new vehicles/armor/boats/etc. This may only be a one time event. (Blufor) Classic clear the city objectives. Crash site protection objective. Steal and retrieve a specific enemy vehicle(nod to operation caged bear) objective Objectives that if controlled may give advantages(spawning in additional squads, artillery guns, ..) Safe zones/Anti TK spawns Would love to hear any additional thoughts or ideas. Thanks!
  6. Insurgency is typically about the ammo caches, however I'm only loosely basing this on the overall insurgency idea/style(amongst others). I'm planning on having several different objective types. Opfor//insurgents have a teleport system in place(currently one way from their base to specific towns). Still not sure what the total number of blufor/opfor will be yet Civilians are populated in towns, and some are not welcoming of blufor(suicide bombers). I plan to integrate some sort of system which would make blufor want to keep them alive, not sure what the reward/punishment will be for doing so quite yet. I'm also looking at using a progression method for blufor. Example: blufor starts out with minimal vehicles, must assault and capture airport. Capturing airport would move spawn point, base, unlock additional vehicles etc. Essentially you establish and capture a base for operations and progress from there.
  7. Everyone turns into a seagull in the middle of the ocean regardless of what they were doing. Any attempts to respawn have no effect. Leaving the lobby/game and joining again also spawns you as a seagull. I've seen it happen mid game and immediately after creating/launching a new mission.
  8. Brent

    COOP 22 Operation Caged Bear

    This mission is a lot of fun! Would love to see more towns to attack or have objectives at...can't wait for the next release. Great job
  9. Hello all, After several unsuccessful searches on the matter I've turned up empty handed, so here I am posting a new thread. I've seen a few threads with similar questions, but the answers seemed to be speculation at best - I would love for an official response but a quote, citation, or reliable link would also be great. Basically I'm trying to decide if I should wait for the Steam release or buy Arma II via a European digital download based on the criteria and questions posted below. Game pricing, obtaining hard copy of the game, biases for/against Steam or other distributors are all of no relevance to this particular thread and I would greatly appreciate if they were discussed elsewhere. Thanks Onto the questions: My fear, and first point in question, is that the Steam version of Arma may not be able to join/play with non steam versions of the game, ie Steam won't be able to play with the DE version. In a more interrogative form; can the Steam 'version' be played online/multiplayer with all other versions of Arma? In addition, will I have to be connected to steam to get Arma running if only to use the map editor or to play the single player campaign? And lastly, how are updates and custom additions(such as maps/addons) worked when the game is purchased through Steam? Does Steam automatically update the game for me, or will I be allowed to do so manually? I often enjoyed testing out the latest beta patch versions in Arma I and would like to continue doing so if the chance comes up for Arma II. As for the mods, maps, and other addons; how will Steam treat these?(will it allow for them even?) Cant wait to start playing and thanks again, -Brent