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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Blake

    Campaign Co-Op Working Properly?

    The MP campaign needs a bit of tweaking so that host's machine won't be on it's knees in heavy missions. But other than that it's probably finest feature in ArmA 2, can't wait for user-made campaigns.
  2. That video is a bit of an embarrassment but I found one good thing about it which was dirt thrown off by bullets hitting player's eyes. Other than that it is BF2 all the way, the terrain especially looks terribly artificial.
  3. Blake


    This is probably mentioned in other threads too... I wish there was some way to play campaign as coop on dedicated servers (which would take off CPU load from host player). I mean proper campaign, not just separate missions sliced off from the campaign. Saving campaign progress might be tricky but I hope BIS will find a solution.
  4. That would be great, I've heard some reports that hosting the coop campaign slows down host's computer (even powerful one) quite a bit as it's taking all the burden as the campaign probably is quite more complicated than normal coop mission. Playing it on dedicated server would only slow down the server and let players play the game withou slowdowns. Splitting campaign into separate missions would be one way to play it on dedicated but that is not the same as having proper integrated coop campaign. But then there is the problem of save games, some kind of small interface would be needed to load save games if players dont want to play it all over a gain. A big custom coop campaign with dozen+ player slots is a really heavy load even most poweful multicore CPUs on normal playing-while-hosting method so I hope BIS will take a look on this issue.
  5. Blake

    Online coop campaign?

    Proper plot-driven online co-op campaign is what I've been waiting since Hidden & Dangerous. Finally! Good work BIS!
  6. Blake

    Is Sopwith Camel included?

    Hopefully something else this time, please. Like AN-2 "Colt" for example if something propeller-driven is desired.
  7. Blake

    ArmA II release date discussion thread

    http://www.amazon.de/gp/help/customer/display.html?ie=UTF8&nodeId=3839541 ...for all those who wonder are they able to cancel their order from amazon.de if sudden bankcrupcy or earthquake alters priorities of life.
  8. Blake

    Player representing USMC

    I recall the whining after QG, yes it was indeed bad but in the end the expansion was pretty cheap and contained useful stuff (like quite decent campaign). Anyway RH style would be too much of a throwback so something like the British Army operation would be better suited to the theme.
  9. Blake

    Arma 2 Expansions/DLC

    British Army would be nice too see in future expansion as they are a kind of in-between faction although with strong ties across the Atlantic. The Brits have actually seen combat in a lot of places in the past decades with long traditions in warfare. Naturally the english language in campaign would be beneficial in attracting players and wider customer base. Mods based on German or French armies would probably not be that attractive commercially. Also there would probably be those ridiculous accents as they'd speak in english anyway. So a campaign with Falkland-style setting but with realistic peacekeeping operation as main goal without neglecting action would be very nice. The plot could be something like an aftermath of USMC operations on Chernarus as the US has pulled away because of more intense crisis in mid-east, leaving a mess behind. Then the dark clouds of civil war are looming again in Chernarus and it's up to the British Expeditionary Force stationed there to keep situation under control while disunited EU is fighting in cabinet meetings over the crisis...
  10. Blake

    Player representing USMC

    Naturally it would be refreshing to see Red Hammer-style commercial expansion with campaign, this time possibly made by a Russian team.
  11. Blake

    ArmA II release date discussion thread

    I preordered from amazon.de but the package arrives in Finland "between 4-9 June". I had to pay shipping + VAT so it cost me salty 58 euros in total which is about 25e more than I'd have to pay if I'd order it from play.com (the 26th June english language version). But who cares, I'll hold my thumbs up it arrives no later than friday 5 June!
  12. Blake

    FDF Mod 1.0 for ArmA

    "at" and "that" are removed from finnish voices because they dont fit into way finnish is spoken in arma. Having them missing from FDF_voice.pbo causes no harm even if there's this report of file missing. EDIT: If you are having trouble with ArmA + FDF try the new ArmA v1.15 Public Beta Patch.
  13. Blake

    FDF Mod 1.0 for ArmA

    No conflicting addons except some grenades on some addons that I know of. FDF does not change default ArmA config. CTD or other bugs that few people seem to relate to hardware and driver issues for some reason. Txalo thanks for the report, but that does not tell me anything since im not a coder. The first mission of campaign takes place in United Sahrani so if it works fine you by itself it's pretty strage it does not work otherwise. Try loading united sahrani in editor, the exit the editor to main menu and then start the campaign. Load time should be shorter as the island is already loaded in the editor and see if CTD still appears.
  14. Blake

    FDF Mod 1.0 for ArmA

    Quite strange since there should not be any special 'gimmicks' in mission 6. You could do me a favor by doing the following steps: (this way in XP, pretty similiar in Vista) 1. Go to your "Documents and Settings\YourUserName\Local Settings\Application Data\ArmA" folder. 2. Delete "arma.RPT" file. 3. Start ArmA+FDF 4. Load you Mission 6 savegame 5. After CTD get back to ""Documents and Settings\YourUserName\Local Settings\Application Data\ArmA" 6. Post arma.RPT file found there somewhere I can view it or send to gblake2(at)suomi24.fi.
  15. Blake

    FDF Mod 1.0 for ArmA

    Thanks! It seems there is a way after all, we'll certainly give it a go when patch is done in the future
  16. Blake

    co 5 fdf they came from forest

    Yeah, sorry forgot to update link Thx for heads-up, working now.
  17. co 5 fdf they came from forest Download HERE
  18. Blake

    FDF Mod 1.0 for ArmA

    Known issue listed in the readme. Without setting an identity to characters it randomly puts mixed or english speakers to characters. It looks like to be a ArmA limitation. There is no way that I know of that would fix this issue, sadly. Unlike in OFP in ArmA it seems impossible to put certain voices for certain sides. Only way to avoid this is to use CfgIdentities in description.ext in missions, like most mission makers do I think.
  19. Blake

    FDF Mod 1.0 for ArmA

    QG offered some nice material and starting point especially for the campaign and being the only official expansion for ArmA and it's a purchase I never regretted and was very much worth it's low price tag. Maybe not being as big expansion as OFP:Resistance used to be but good enough and if you like ArmA I don't see why one would not put few euros for it...
  20. Blake

    FDF Mod 1.0 for ArmA

    There's FDF campaign fix non-english ArmA available at fdfmod.org - (direct link). Extract it to "YourArmaDir\FDFmod\Campaigns\" and overwrite existing fdf.pbo. Use latest winrar if file is claimed "corrupted". if you don't want to download the file you may also try to... 1) enable English language from options 2) enable subtitling from options Hopefully this fixes the problem.
  21. Blake

    FDF Mod 1.0 for ArmA

    There certainly are English subtitles. Are you using French language version of Armed Assault and could you verify that other French version users have the same problem? I think the problem may lie in campaign's Stringtable.cvs but I need info on other non-English ArmA version users so a fix could be released.
  22. Blake

    Finnish Defence Forces Mod

    Some new stuff over here: http://www.fdfmod.org/
  23. Blake

    Finnish Defence Forces Mod

    Thanks for the info, Gollum Anyway, some new shit has hit the fan over here:http://www.fdfmod.org/
  24. Blake

    Desperate Measures

    I've got one over here called 'Fulda Gap' which is pretty much like my old Desperate Measures.