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Everything posted by BigQEd

  1. BigQEd

    Why people don't make maps with g36?

    We use them on FragHaus in HIGH NOON, CTF HUNT II and DESERT RUMBLE.
  2. BigQEd

    Config.bin modifications

    Yes the Messages are correct in version 1.46. If a player is using any type of program that alters the config.bin it will announce it. Satchels or A-Lone-Wolf or any other. *****VERY IMPORTANT***** EVERYONE beware.... When you update your servers to 1.46 MAKE SURE you have the 1.46 config.bin and other files on the server. DO NOT just put the 1.46 Stand Alone server program in on top of other installed versions (i.e. 1.45). This WILL definitely cause mass confusion as well as many problems with clients and false detections of altered configs. (YOU MUST DO A COMPLETE 1.46 INSTALL... Then add the 1.46 Stand Alone server). It does a comparison with Server vs. Client and if they are differnet it announces what in the config is different. AWESOME... it DOES work.
  3. BigQEd

    Linux Dedicated Server WHEN AND WHERE

    Linux port is definitely needed for atleast Dedicated Servers. I know if it was available we would have 'no less' than 5 servers running at all times. We could also possibly have much LARGER capacity due to the fact that Linux handles CPU much better. We run 4+ HL engine servers on one box with no trouble on Linux.
  4. BigQEd

    1.46 released.

    For FAST USA Download 1.46 is mirrored at FragHaus: 1.46 Full Patch 1.46 Stand Alone Server
  5. BigQEd

    Config.bin modifications

    placebo... it's happening all over sadly. Here is another Anyway to setup rules to really go by on this forum? You guys NEED to be more Nazi... Fascist (that was from what Dave said in another topic)
  6. BigQEd

    56k modem

    We have quite a few that play on our servers with little problem. They don't 'seem' to lag the server any and you really don't hear them complaining. Matter of fact one of the better players on our server runs 56K Dialup. He is a little bit slower than most on downloading new missions. However, he does beat some of the Cable players when downloading missions too. So I would say it depends on where you are and how good your ISP is and lastly how good the OFP Server is your connecting to.
  7. Honestly overall DSL is a much more stable connection. Cable can be really fast or it can be as slow as 56k depending on your area and provider. Not good to generalize. The issue of the topic is one of Netcode issues and Serverside issues. We at FragHaus have noticed that 1.45 is causing server issues and will actually crash a server if you set the MaxSend too high (like about 256) on somewhat intense missions. So with that it means that if your server is not quite up to par you may run into client drops... (I recommend no less than a 1.4 Ghz) Suggestion: Run servers only on 'High-End' systems with 1.45 or go back to 1.42 until this is resolved with a new patch. For Clients... try a different server and see if that helps.
  8. BigQEd

    Who here would buy future games from b.i.s.

    I am sure my post pertained to the topic and was meant to be constructive as well as informative. It was my opinion and wishes on the subject at hand.
  9. BigQEd

    Request for a moderator?

    Not play 'Big Boss' Kamai... I am trying to stop this non-sense of off-category posting. Let's all get back to the game and make it better.
  10. BigQEd

    I agree with kamai!

    Kamai... stop the non-sense guy. This is not a joke... Please stop with senseless posts. We have enough to filter through as it is guy.
  11. BigQEd

    Who here would buy future games from b.i.s.

    It really depends on your server and Net connection as to when the lag comes in. At FragHaus we see the lag at between 26-40 players with our newest server (AMD XP 2000, 1GB DDR Ram, and 15000 RPM SCSI HD) depending on the mission. So there are limitations without a doubt with the Netcode (after all it is based on DirectPlay). In the 1.45 release the Netcode is not better IMO... but worse due to added overhead. All in all I think BIS is doing a great job... and soon they will do totally new Netcode of their own instead of M$ DirectPlay. So hang tight and this game will rock. I am personally looking forward to 100 player playable missions ALL OUT WAR! At that point OFP will rule the FPS/VR/Stradegy world...
  12. BigQEd

    Enough is enough

    You guys realize at this point it does not matter who agrees with who... Stop Posting Non-sense that is not constructive towards this game. THIS IS NOT THE PLACE!
  13. BigQEd

    I agree with kamai!

    You guys realize at this point it does not matter who agrees with who... Stop Posting Non-sense that is not constructive towards this game.
  14. BigQEd

    Request for a moderator?

    You guys realize at this point it does not matter who agrees with who... Stop Posting Non-sense that is not constructive towards this game. THIS IS NOT THE PLACE!
  15. BigQEd

    Config.bin modifications

    Kegetys... Not true. I have made MODs without using .cpps. The information is out there already to make MODs. CLOSE the bin now and make it unaccessible. It is no longer needed. Maybe BIS could release the information needed for future changes in some sort of SDK. However, do not EXPECT it. It is their product and their code. You as well as all other MODers are but leeches on their coding. No one in these forums needs to believe they are above others. We do nothing elite... BIS are the elite ones.
  16. BigQEd

    Config.bin modifications

    FYI: .cpp and direct access to the config.bin is not required for ADDONs. This can all be done via a .pbo that is placed in the ADDON directory. I have made .pbo ADDONs I know it's not that difficult. Most people should know this. So those that keep claiming they have to have access to the .cpp/bin are simply wanting to change the ORIGINAL game which should not be allowed in anyway. It leaves room for cheats. Want a different feeling game then play on a MODed server. We made a server that has ADDONs just for this reason.
  17. BigQEd

    Config.bin modifications

    HAHA!!! Gimbal... that is truly a FUNNY idea. I wanna see it in action. On the main issue: BIS has to stop the ability to hook in with the .cpp someway. Or they will need to notify the server that the .cpp is being used with a possible option to kick modified .cpps. Those are the options. BIS, Suma, Maruk... if you NEED anything. ANY Assistance let me know. I will do all I can to help stop this. We definitely need a balance. Open Sourcing this stuff like Lone Wolf has apparently done is not good. It truly opens the door for all sorts of cheats.
  18. BigQEd

    Band of comrades soviet coop 'campaign'

    Blake! Awesome JOB on those Missions guy. I did alter them (to support more players)... however I also gave credit to you for the original if you look in the notes!
  19. BigQEd

    Dedicated Server Hosting

    FragHaus supports OFP hosting! It is one of the more expensive games but only because BIS needs to fix the way OFP utilizes system and bandwidth resources. As they do the prices will fall. www.fraghaus.com Just send me an email...
  20. BigQEd

    Dedicated server

    Curious... does anyone have all the commands that can be used in the UserInfo.cfg ?
  21. BigQEd

    Would you be wilingly to pay 100$ for vbs?

    Unbelievable how dumb some people are! People... OFP is the game of the YEAR! And you are going to rip them off? Come on... grow up kiddies.
  22. BigQEd

    Would you be wilingly to pay 100$ for vbs?

    Unbelievable how dumb some people are! People... OFP is the game of the YEAR! And you are going to rip them off? Come on... grow up kiddies.
  23. Actually... you should not be accessing the CONFIG.BIN in anyway. So Satchels and other MODs that mess with the CONFIG.BIN/CONFIG.CPP should be considered a cheat... and announced it to the server. Unbelieve the HOLE in that thing... ARGH! Direct access to weapon settings.
  24. BigQEd

    Best Voice Communications

    Ok Snake... I apologize and will not post any further on the subject. However, since Mal has continued after your post I hope you keep to what you stated. Please close this topic as it seems to have gone way off course.
  25. BigQEd


    Mal... stop man. You are unbelievable. I showed you in the other forum the proof that you do not have these connections. You work for a little computer store guy... and aren't old enough to even grow a beard... I seen your pic. Your a kid... playing with daddy's money. I just wish you would stop fabricating all this stuff... it will do you no good. Malboeuf should be closed... constant stories on this board are totally distracting and childish.