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About BabaZed

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  1. BabaZed

    Color depth question

    lol, i bet that .1% has to be Superbikes 2001 the only game ive played that does it, it just won't run in 32bit so i have to keep changing to 16bit everytime i wanna play it. tsk no matter, thanx anyways
  2. BabaZed

    Color depth question

    yes games in general
  3. BabaZed

    Color depth question

    Hi, is there a command you can put in the command line param of a games shortcut to change the color depth from 32bit to 16 bit?. example is the '-window' and '-no splash' command
  4. BabaZed

    Color depth question

    Hi, is there a command you can put in the command line param of a games shortcut to change the color depth from 32bit to 16 bit?. example is the '-window' and '-no splash' command
  5. BabaZed

    What happened

    it was just someone with resistance who decided to host like most 'gamespyers' all he had was a copy of resistance(1.75)? and gamespy with no specialist knowledge, but like i said i've never encountered downloading maps at 1k at a time before, i can go back to OFP 1.46 and download a 1.5 meg map in little under 1 min, with the same gamespyers as above. ********************** o/s Windows 2000 professional VIA motherboard (latest 4in1 adapters) installed pIII gig 256 ram geforce2 3d prophet gts 32mb Soundblasterlive 5.1 512k cable modem (terayon), through ethernet (realtek) 10mbps
  6. BabaZed

    What happened

    i'm not sure if it is the netcode or not, but pings are silly and when you download a map(after assigning) its REAL slow, i downloaded a map the other day on a m-player game in Gayspy (why not the eye?) and it took me about 5 mins to download a 96k map ???? it was going up 1k at a time, and every1 else is saying the same, it aint me cos i'm broadband and can play fine with 30ms ping to most uk servers on the original OFP
  7. BabaZed

    What happened

    i'm not sure if it is the netcode or not, but pings are silly and when you download a map(after assigning) its REAL slow, i downloaded a map the other day on a m-player game in Gayspy (why not the eye?) and it took me about 5 mins to download a 96k map ???? Â it was going up 1k at a time, and every1 else is saying the same, it aint me cos i'm broadband and can play fine with 30ms ping to most uk servers on the original OFP. Also when flying over Lipany look down at the courtyard to the church (the cobbled area) in the center, its mashed, it seems like the tessalation values are wrong, but only from the air can it be seen, which could explain the 'lagginess' of Lipany And no it aint a dodgy server it does it to em all
  8. BabaZed

    Resistance sounds....

    The sounds would be ok if they had just a little more reverb, they sound like your firing in a wooly room with wool in your ears
  9. BabaZed

    Changing sides

    cant you have the civ "join" the resistance with a join&lead waypoint?
  10. BabaZed

    Adding weapons/ammo

    init= this addmagazinecargo["g36mag",10];this addmagazinecargo["flare",4] ps. if "g36mag" dont work try "g36"
  11. BabaZed


    Just put   SetAccTime 0.5   in the activation field of a trigger or seperate script, most useful in camera scripts, a setting of 0.5 is half speed if i remember right Â
  12. i just cant get my outro(win) to work, ive got a trigger setup(west) and a west guy walking into it to test it, its an end#3 trigger type. In the activation field i put []exec outro.sqs but it just thinks its still in the mission so it dumps the cam in the ocean, so i deleted the exec"" command, and it still wont work, end#3 does end it but no outro?? Help please i've nearly finished and this is doin' me nut in
  13. if ya wanna call the group "ateam" then goto the leaders init field and put- ateam = group this, as for making the "group" fire on a target with 'dofire' i dont know, and would like to know myself
  14. Could i put a trigger in the map that- if West is detected then all Russians see civilians as hostiles Is there a command for this? This would make things a whole lot easier for my hostage situation
  15. BabaZed


    Ok right i've done that, i've put the AI up max, but he still only wastes 1 of the hostages, and not even the first one in the list, instead he shoots the one closest to him then stops? This is the list in the activation field- guard1 dotarget hostage1; guard1 dofire hostage1; guard1 dotarget hostage2; guard1 dofire hostage2; ....etc, and the one he shoots is hostage3? every now and then he'll take hostage2 out aswell but it seems he just gets in the way of the fire burst destined for hostage3