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Everything posted by An-225

  1. An-225

    Tribute to bohemia & arma2

    Actually, this is a very relevant and real question. You have stated, that ArmA 2 has just come out, and with it, it has brought numerous improvements and new features. The logical question is, if ArmA 2 is this good (granted I haven't played it, but it looks to be a splendid improvement over ArmA), what will ArmA 3 be like?
  2. So it does seem like the animations are still there, but the .cfg hasn't been set up properly to allow the opening ramp? Hopefully this can get added back in with a patch so that it can be mission-making standard and we don't have to rely on add-ons to use the ramp.
  3. As far as I can see, the C-130 has a complete cargo bay ready to go. There is still a substantial amount of the time before the game is released in the rest of the world. Even if you can't load cargo or walk while it is moving, an opening ramp and a mesh that allows you to access the cargo bay would be brilliant, provided you spawn inside the cargo bay when getting out. I think its still quite possible, again, the cargo bay is there on the Herky bird, the animation must still be there. I don't know about the V-22.
  4. Is it just me...or are those folded propellers and wings on the V-22s at the stern of the ship?
  5. An-225

    Aircraft Carrier

    I call it an aircraft carrier, because the majority of the public do not know what an Amphibious Assault Ship is.
  6. An-225

    Aircraft Carrier

    That would make no sense, we've seen campaign footage that takes place on the aircraft carrier. It should be there.
  7. I concur, options for: Throttle Up Throttle Down Throttle Up Incremental Throttle Down Incremental Would be brilliant, and they would appeal to those who like the arcade thrust control and those who dislike it...
  8. An-225

    ArmA II - missing features, why?

    Hopefully in future patches they can add the C-130's ramp back in (the animation must still be there?). It makes no sense to have an Mi-24 with opening doors, but the C-130 and V-22, which are dedicated cargo carriers, cannot open their ramps.
  9. An-225

    ArmA II - missing features, why?

    I certainly hope they don't underestimate and undervalue opening doors and being able to move inside a vehicle. Even if you cannot move around while the plane or helo is in motion, simply being able to walk around the cargo bay would be useful, especially in CASEVAC, where you could use the fuselage as a makeshift shield while you revive someone inside.
  10. An-225

    ArmA II - missing features, why?

    Can you actually get inside the Hind? There would be little point to having opening doors otherwise. Thank you for the image Topper Harley, I've been waiting to see something like that. I would rather my cargo waits for me to open the doors rather than just spawning outside the helo.
  11. An-225

    ArmA II - missing features, why?

    I hope we can open the cargo bay doors in the 505 Games version...the C-130 is from VBS 2, there is no reason it should remain shut, especially considering that the Mi-24, an attack helicopter, not a dedicated cargo plane, can open its doors.
  12. An-225

    ArmA II - missing features, why?

    I seem to recall hearing that countermeasures were added to aircraft. I also remember seeing in the Track IR 5 video, that you could open the doors on the Mi-24 Hind. Surely you can do the same on the C-130 and V-22, and if so, can you move inside the cargo bay when it is parked?
  13. An-225

    What helicopter is this?

    I wonder if the BRDM has any NBC capabilities, or any of the BTRs used in the cleanup for that matter. The Mi-6 is a somewhat obscure helicopter, probably due to its limited service, Chernobyl can pretty much sum up its service actually. There are also several Mi-26s and Mi-8s lying around that area.
  14. An-225

    What helicopter is this?

    As stated above, it is the Mi-6 Hook. The wings, I'm guessing, were used to provide extra lift for the helicopter. Rather like the Hind, I do not believe the Mi-6 could hover. The Mi-6 is highly outdated (so if you intend to ask for one of these for ArmA 2, ask for an Mi-26!), and the Mi-26 is far more capable, with a max payload of 20,000 kg compared to the Mi-6's 12,000 kg. Some impressive images you've found, note the BRDM in the first image.
  15. Yes, it is possible to create, literally any mission you like using this mission editor. I prefer smaller missions too, I think its far too unrealistic to capture an island in one day.
  16. An-225

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    If you mean DR's storyline is stupid, then I concur. The Russians asking the Americans for help?
  17. An-225

    ArmA II's infinite land

    I don't see any need to worry about getting lost while outside the real map - turn to a bearing of 1-8-0 and head to the sea and then turn to 0-9-0 and ingress when you hit the coast. I hated getting lost out at sea in ArmA, because there was no way you could return to the island.
  18. An-225

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    There's an overreaction if I have ever seen one. AVIBIRD, he stated his opinion in a humble manner, and yet you call him a jackass because he does not share your opinion? I saw absolutely no trolling whatsoever in his post.
  19. Axure, sadly that is what it is. But for good reason. This is no flight simulator, make no mistake. LANTIRN, LITENING and SNIPER XR pods are not used, nor PAVE PENNY on the A-10. Paveways rely solely on an infantry issued designator. You won't be panning through the sky with an APG-70 or N001 either. Really, its a case of pressing TAB and having it lock onto a target. It is simply not possible, with the variety of aircraft available, to model the systems for each and every one of them.
  20. An-225

    Looking for Chernarus

    I doubt that it takes place in the Caspian, the vegetation does not look correct for that area. The Caspian should be a dry area. The Caucasus region would be better suited to all the grass and somewhat mountainous terrain.
  21. AWACS and tankers would change it slightly in that there is more point to having long range missiles. Destroy the support airplane before you get close to it and its escort or destroy those enemy fighters before they destroy your support airplane. But still, there is no need for AIM-120s or R-27s. The AA-11s and AIM-9s work perfectly in this small map.
  22. Air superiority is important to a degree, but just not worth adding extra airplanes and missiles. I think the F-35 and the Su-34 would be about on par with each other in terms of maneuverability. The Su-34 would be a little sluggish due to its fighter-bomber nature, but the F-35 is not exactly high alpha material either. Either way, until the map expands and we have full air support, Archers and Sidewinders are fine.
  23. Sorry, I was just responding to the post above me. As to your question - I don't know, but it certainly is a worry...I want to get it as soon as it is released.
  24. ArmA 2 is not a mainstream game as DR purports itself to be. Those spaces are valuable for high profile games, such as CoD, GTA etc.
  25. It is relatively simple. You do have to learn a fair bit to make a small mission though. In some areas it is unnecessarily complicated, and this could be alleviated through the use of a GUI, specifically for things such as soldier loadouts, cargo in a vehicle etc. For example, I think you must set in the init. line for a rifleman: this removeweapon M16 just to remove his M16. Which is really tiring for large amounts of units, and would be better served with a loadout screen. It would also be nice if, like in Lock On, you could use a GUI feature to make a building or object a target.