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avibird 1

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Everything posted by avibird 1

  1. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    If ARMA2 does well with PC sales and a console publisher steps to the plate and BOHEMIA can get the framerate to work well on the 360 we will have a game. We need to wait for a few months to see how well the game sales in all markets and if a publisher will take the lead for the 360. I hate to say this but most people on the 360 still have no clue what this game is all about and how to play this game with real team focus. Somebody a few pages back stated that BFBC has great team play what a joke. You can only talk to three team mates and the main focus of gold rush is to rush to the gold box. YES RUSH, not move in slow in a tight line formation to take out a target you run and shoot the crap out of everything you see and if you die no big deal because one of you team mates are still there and now your back running around like a chicken just shooting at everything you see. Most console players have no clue what the gameplay is really like but this does not mean they will not love this game if they get the opportunity. Some of you guys will attack me but this is the truth about most console gamers. They just don't know because most games for the consoles are like BF/COD. The old GR and the Elite for the old box was the only opportunity they had. Sales are going well, but we need to wait to see all the markets. Lets hope it hits number 1 in the NA market.
  2. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    BOHEMIA did not even try to port ARMA1 to the XBOX 360 so why are you saying this and yes they would love to port ARMA2 but look at the outline below, some major issues need to be worked out. Yes the console can handle the game but how much will they need to cut down and will it still run good that is the major ?. Here is a basic outline of the major issues why: 1. Can they get the game to work on the current consoles and will it run well. 2. The PC game needs to make money with sales. How much ? 3. They need to get a console publisher to take the chance with this game ( most publisher wants a COD/BF game to target a bigger market of players) 4. Console games needs to be almost bug free and must go through detail process to be allowed to reach the console market. 5. Video games are not the main focus of the overall company and if it gets to compicated and looks like the profits will be minimum they may not want to put the effort and time. Number 1 and 3 are the biggest issues right now. BOHEMIA main focus is the PC right now and let them get all the PC market out and lets hope the sales continues to be good.
  3. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    WOW you are saying number 5 from my outline. 5. Video games are not the main focus of the overall company and if it gets to compicated and looks like the profits will be minimum they may not want to put the effort and time. Hey if you still have the elite we still play a few times a week let me know same name as my gamer tag AVIBIRD 1
  4. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    People have a short memory or just have have no clue. If you played OFP1 and then played OFP ELITE you would know the controls work just fine. Yes you have less keys/buttons to use but it was not a problem to the console community when we were playing. The controls are not the issues. Just look at my outline. Here is a basic outline: 1. Can they get the game to work on the current consoles and will it run well. 2. The PC game needs to make money with sales. How much ? 3. They need to get a console publisher to take the chance with this game ( most publisher wants a COD/BF game to target a bigger market of players) 4. Console games needs to be almost bug free and must go through detail process to be allowed to reach the console market. 5. Video games are not the main focus of the overall company and if it gets to compicated and looks like the profits will be minimum they may not want to put the effort and time. Number 1 and 3 are the biggest issues right now. BOHEMIA main focus is the PC right now and let them get all the PC market out and lets hope the sales continues to be good.
  5. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Yes if you took a little time and looked at this post then you would know all we know about the release of ArmA2 on the Xbox 360. I little hint for you go look at the outline I made a few pages back and you will know where we the community stand at this time. ---------- Post added at 02:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:08 AM ---------- Hello community if you have been reading this post then you know where we stand at this time. ARMA2 has a North American publisher named GOT GAME ENT. Does anyone know if they ever published a console game before. I looked but I have no clue about there histroy. The biggest thing we the XBOX community needs to happen is for PC sales to go through the roof and a publisher to say hey there is a market for this game because not all console players want a COD/BF gameplay. WE ARE IN!!!!!!!
  6. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    You are not hearing what I am saying. I play all the other games on live COD/BF/GRAW/RB6 yes they are fun for a few weeks but they get old real soon. The gameplay has no real team focus and for that they are crap. When I play on live a tell everyone I meet about OFP/ARMA GAMES to try to help get people to look at this game and see it for what it is. Most people I meet want a different game then just run and gun they want a military strategy gameplay but all the games are just run and gun. How long can you play COD/BF before you turn off the power to the XBOX for me maybe 1 hour. How long can I play OFP elite on the old XBOX 7-8 hours before I know it, that is my point. I have stated what the true facts are and it looks like we are not going to get ARMA2 for sometime and maybe not at all for the XBOX 360. Sorry if the truth hurts, but it's the truth. Lets all keep the hope. I will still play all the other crap games for my XBOX 360 and get a new game every few weeks to F with and continue to go back to play OFP ELITE a few times a week like I have been since 2005.
  7. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Hello Console COMMUNITY this is AVIBIRD 1, I started this posts to help build a console community awareness and to show BOHEMIA that a lot of people in the console market want this game. I just had a nice conversation with one of the developers about all the reasons why no information is out about a console game and it's a little more complicated then you think. BOHEMIA wants to make a console game but some of the issues are out of there hands. Most of the reasons are within this post and make a lot of sense. Here is a basic outline: 1. Can they get the game to work on the current consoles and will it run well. 2. The PC game needs to make money with sales. How much ? 3. They need to get a console publisher to take the chance with this game ( most publisher wants a COD/BF game to target a bigger market of players) 4. Console games needs to be almost bug free and must go through detail process to be allowed to reach the console market. 5. Video games are not the main focus of the overall company and if it gets to compicated and looks like the profits will be minimum they may not want to put the effort and time. What do the console community do! We wait, we hope and we watch how well the PC game does. We tell our friends about this game and still help grow the console community awareness. We E-mail BOHEMIA, MS and SONY to show them a market for this game is here. XBOX players should go get a copy of the OFP ELITE and start to play again. I still do and it's still has better gameplay then all the other crap on the 360 right now. I am little disappointed and lost right now that the game will not have a chance to come out this year. It makes no sense businesses wise to to try to make this game hit the market with all the other crap games due out before the end of the year. Maybe after OFPDR hits the market and most mianstream players get a little insight of what a real tactical war game can play like and the light bulb will go on in there heads and all the mainstream console players will say WOW only if ARMA2 would come to the consoles this is the type of gameplay we ALL WANT NOT THE COD/BF crap that is out. WE WANT ARMA2, WE WANT ARMA2, WE WANT ARMA2 and maybe a publisher will say yes we will support this game because there is a market for this game on the consoles. We all need to keep the faith about this game. Now I going back to play some ELITE and put my 360 back in the closet.
  8. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Placebo I am not telling you how to run your house and I know your hands are full with all the PC stuff in the next few weeks but I feel this is a bad move for PR for the console community. The only real information about a XBOX game is on this post and if you don't want new people who join for information about the console game making a new post You should keep this stickied. The console community people vist here to keep there hopes up for a game. We all know the PC is the main focus and we all know we have to wait but you have 9 posts that are stickied and 20 that are not on the first page of this forum. You can keep one more stickied for us the console community unless your are giving us a bone about the current status of the console game. You know most people will read between the lines. How can we build a console community if you take away our place to go. I hope you see my point.
  9. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    I don't know what this means but it make me little happier to see XBOX infomation hinting in files within the PC game. It can only point to good things to come for the console community.
  10. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    MR. Happy Brite, Am I MR Guess lol. If you looked at all the interviews from BOHEMIA since 2007 and have a little insight then you would know there is more money to be make on a console game then the PC market today. Overall more people play console games then PC games world wide and this is a tend since 2003-2004. Yes world of war crap has more people on online but that is just one game not the whole market. It is a lot harder to make a fake copy for a Console game so fewer lost sales and more opportunity to make a quick buck with very littel work for a company with DLC. The only real issues are can a console run ARMA2, how much will they need to cut down to make it work good and how many console players really want a game like this. Spectrum of games: Other RUN & GUN games on the market/HALO/GTA4/COD/BF/FARCRY/GRAW/RB6/AA/OFPDR/FSW=ARMA2. I feel a lot and a lot more don't know it yet because they have no clue just look at the other games. Most people who play the games on the right would love this game and most people who games on the left will not. The question is all the players in the middle. MR. Happy Brite have you ever played OFP ELITE. Then you would know the XBOX controls worked great for the game especially with vehicals so much better then BFBC vehicals.
  11. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Just wait guys let all the PC markets get released and then let BOHEMIA put out some patches to make the game run like it should. The console version per MS guidelines must be almost BUG FREE. We only have a week and half just relax and sit back and watch ARMA2 get released world wide. We will get console information and it will be before OFPDR. This is just a feeling in my bones.
  12. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Well said MR Centipede
  13. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Zipper5 What up. Yes anyone can post in all threads on this forum but if your intention was to just start crap and just fight with people then it's called TROLLING and you sir will get the boot!:p If you spent a little time reading this post you would know that BOHEMIA stated during multiple interviews that there are working on a XBOX 360 VERSION, not they want to but there are. :D Moderators on this forum gave a direct reason why no console information can be released at this time (go do your homework look it up) also someone gave us a link that gave a complete detail outline what a game must pass to be allowed by MS to be a XBOX game (console). It was a great read and I will give you the link here http://www.tiscali.co.uk/games/news/...-xbox-360.html. (thanks to cnickcj for the link) Go read, it will below your mind. :eek: Like I siad before after all the the PC markets are out and 99% of all the bugs are gone it will only take a short time to complete the console game because they already have been working on it. :) We all need to relax and just wait and see how fast they can fix the bugs on the PC game as well as how good the sales are. If the sales are bad they could still cut there losses and move on but I feel this will never happen with ARMA2.:cool:
  14. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Look again my friend! Maybe more hints will come when all the PC markets are done just a few more weeks. I feel in my bones we will have a console game by the end of the summer if not before X-MAS season. Only time will tell. Lets all hope and pray even MR 76 will go down on his knees to help us wait, :eek: that's for something different :cool: lol. have a nice day.
  15. avibird 1

    There is no demo!

    LOL jackass the community who played OFP1/ARMA1 knows what kind of a product BOHEMAI will give us. The best game on the market for this kind of gameplay. Yes the game has some bugs but we all know even with current bugs and they will be fixed, no game can touch this game. A demo will be relased to show and get new players to see what this game can give but most likely after all the major PC releases are done. BOHEMIA is a very loyal to to old community fans. What is your deal, are you a little OFPDR fanboy or maybe a little COD kid. Why are you so mad, do you need a hug, just chill and wait or just buy the game but stop with all the BS. Have a nice day
  16. That is the point. The actually story mode and the stand alone mission are all bonus for the community. It's the gameplay and the mission editor that makes the game. Most people would just buy the mission editor for the full price and not ask a question. CODEMASTERS HQ has no clue what the mission editor was to the community. The only thing they see is more bucks from the console community for DLC and that's sad but they don't care about the old community because OFP1 is not there game.
  17. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    When making COOP mission with the eilte you could use a player vs player template and put a unit locked in a structure. That unit was the target. The mission would end when the target was killed. Some player vs player templates were converted to COOP templates that you could get from action replay. I hope when this game is completed for the 360 we have some options to setup different templates like our PC big brother and not just a few basic setups. I have played some of the missions not bad but, if you still have an old xbox I could show you some badass hard mission unlike anything you have seen on the elite. I never uploaded anyone of my missions because people would change things and make the missions to easy and unbalanced towards them. Just look me up on the XBOX 360 or the OLD BOX same name(AVIBIRD 1). We still play the elite a few times a week!
  18. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    MR. Foxhound my point was that you and your friend did not make up the gameplay of life and border patrol because people have been playing them since 2001:eek: If you liked to play that type of gameplay it's all good but only the little kids played and most of the hard core players would have kick you from any mission if you ask to play a life game:cool: Have a nice day and can we be friends I have some candy and a playstation 2for you. MR. Placebo I can be nice and it feels so good! Yes action replay was great for downloading PC missions to the Box. My old hard drive wanted bad and I lost all my PC mission. What I found with most of the PC missions that are on action replay is that the waypoints are bad. I think if link waypoints with triggers they don't work that great. What I found was the mission were very static and you took out section by section to complete the mission. What makes my mission so hard and dynamic is that 85% of the waypoints used are on quard waypoints and I limited the number of waypoints on a fix movement pattern for units. I always used link units in mid size groups with soldiers and vehicles in pairs. Limited weapons and ammo per mission I could go on and on how to make a good balanced mission but I won't LOL I have download most of the PC missions that are on action repaly around 150and I found only a handful of good mission. I would love to checkout some of your mission. I will look to see if I have some of yours on the box.
  19. Hi all I am old player of OFP1 PC and the elite for the box. I have a few questions about the type of waypoints you can set in ARMA2 1. How many different kinds of waypoints. 2. What kind of behaviors can you set. 3. In the elite version when you put a quard waypoint down It was the end all be all waypoint just like the hold waypoint you could not add to the line of waypoints. It will always be on that waypoint. 4. Are the unit formations still the same. Can somebody make a list for me or a picture of them Thank you AVIBIRD 1
  20. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Hey you are somewhat right! The elite editor had 7500 points View distance = points if you wanted to imporve the default view 1. A waypoint cost 1 point each 2. Most items from the editor like houses,weapons,sounds ect cost 10 points but some can cost 50 and 100 points each 3. One soldier (unit) cost 100 points 4. trucks,boats and cars cost 120-140 points 5. tanks cost 150 points 6. planes cost 200 points 7 Choppers cost 300 points 74- soldiers on one mission with only 100 points left over for all other stuff. 46 -tanks on one mission with only 100 points left 37 planes on one mission with 100 points left over 26 choppers on one mission with 100 points left over there was a cheat that you could get 138 soldiers in one mission. take 46 tanks have the man get out and now you get 138 units to play with in that mission but now less then 100 points to setup the mission. Have a nice day
  21. avibird 1

    Air craft counter measures?

    Question does the AI AA soldiers after using his round would they look and pick up more ammo from different areas or rounds from a dead soldier. The answer was no in OFP1/ARMA1. This would have been a good thing to update in ARMA2 the same goes for AT soldiers. Anyone who has the game can you tell me what the answer is
  22. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    I will try but it's hard for me because I am from NEW YORK CITY lol. When people make up BS and just lie it makes me:yay: but I will try to be less aggressive towards my fellow man!
  23. avibird 1

    Air craft counter measures?

    WOW some of you guys need a life! Yes in real life we do have Countermeasures. Do they work all the time no. Do they help to save lifes yes. This is a video game and the focus is on the bigger picture of combat not just aircombat but all combat. My dad had a good saying and I have stated this before on this forum. YOU CAN'T PUT 10 LBS OF CRAP INTO A 5LB BAG AND RIGHT NOW BOHEMIA ONLY HAS ROOM FOR ABOUT 1/2 LB OF CRAP TO GET THIS GAME TO WORK GREAT. Yes it would be nice to have them in the game but would it make the game unbalanced. Like in RTS games the ROCK-PAPER thing needs to be inplace to make the game balanced/fair and fun to play as every unit. If you just follow this simple outline you will be fine! 1. Don't fly into a hot zone like you own the place. 2. Use your gunner, human or AI to target AA soldier first. 3. Keep moving in a zig zag pattern and use rooftops and tree lines as cover. 4. When in doubt use lots of rockets in the most likely areas. 5. Don't be a superstar and let your ground units help secure the locations. The problem is most people want to be a superstar and not part of a team when they have control of the BIG BAD BIRD.
  24. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Why do people talk crap. Border patrol and Life missions have been around in the OFP world since 2001 and the elite only came out late 2005. If you are going to make crap UP make it a good. PS. Border patrol and Life missions are the biggest waist of time for the best war simulator ever made for any system that the common man could play. Why would anyone play such crap with this game!
  25. avibird 1

    Air craft counter measures?

    Because you can still use it if you know how to use it smart. Here is a little outline to follow. 1. Don't fly into a hot zone like you own the place. 2. Use your gunner, human or AI to target AA soldier first. 3. Keep moving in a zig zag pattern and use rooftops and tree lines as cover. 4. When in doubt use lots of rockets in the most likely areas. 5. Don't be a superstar and let your ground units help secure the locations. This was a outline from a guy who was one of the best aviators (pilot) that I played with in OFP his name was JAKE34 and i have been playing OFP since 2001.