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avibird 1

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Everything posted by avibird 1

  1. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    What are the 360 spec's can somebody put them down and how far off then the min spec's to run the game.
  2. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Sgt let me ask you the number one question. Have you ever played the ELITE for the OLD XBOX. 1. The editor was great, it worked fine. It had a few simple templates for us to start making missions. That's all we need, the ability to make missions. You PC players and I was a PC player for OFP1 back in the day can keep all the other capabilities that the PC editor has. We would be happy with the simple elite editor. PS. I would love to have a simple warfare template that would be nice CTI mode. 2. The game pad work fine with the commands, I was able to order a 12 man squad without a problem in a battle. I love people that talk crap when they have no clue about something. Go try the elite and you will see the PC OFP1 and the elite played the same in all aspects of gameplay. 3. Your right must console players don't know any better they are stuck in COD/BF mind frame however, plenty of RB6 and graw2 players that want something more and if you give the COD/BF players a taste of this gameplay some of them will be hooked. Some of them will hate it but remember the majority of console players are getting older and they are growing up and want to different type of game then RUN & GUN:) 4. So please stop coming to the XBOX 360 thead to talk crap when you have no clue about what the console can do or not do. Thank you and have a nice day.
  3. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    We are all a little more stupid now that we had to read your post. Let me guess you never played the OFP ELITE. The control setup worked fine in every part of the game. Yes no hot keys with one button commands but it was fine to play and command 12 units without a problem. If they need to cut the graphics or limited the map section used like in OFPDR ( hopefully bigger then 2km x 2km what a joke) so what. BOHEMIA will make it work they did it with the elite and the old XBOX hardware was so lmited compared to the 360. We will see ARMA2 spring 2010 on the console. Do you want to bet with me!!!!!
  4. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    You are wrong! The biggest hurdles to overcome is getting the FPS rate and the loading time to acceptable numbers to play. Why do you think OFPDR needs to limited the fighting areas to 2KM X 2KM. To download a game like ARMA2 will not work on current consoles. More then half of the 360 players do not have the elite and don't have the space to hold the information maybe for the next console systems that will work. Just look at PC five years ago the ave PC only had 50GB hard drive now like 200 GB and more are common. I will say this only one time They already have a somewhat working version of ARMA2 it would be nice to have ARMA2-OA as well but they have worked on ARMA2 so let them get it to work and close the deal with the pubublisher so we all can have this game.
  5. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Hey was that a shot at Bohemia or are you been for real. I think it was the first.
  6. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    BOHEMIA will make the game for us just wait and see. OFPDR will be a good step away from BF/COD gameplay :bounce3: however, codemasters missed the mark and changed the old format to much from OFP1:confused: and now it's BOHEMIA turn to show what they can do.:)
  7. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Hey keep checking. I have a good feeling about the console game for the 360but we will need to wait a little bit, maybe by the end of the year. Keep the faith gentleman.
  8. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Because PC players feel if a game is going to be made for both the developers will cut things out of the game to make it work for both systems. the fact is BOHEMIA will always make the game for the PC first and then make it work for the console they know that the PC community is the real fan base but the future will be the console market with the next console systems. So PC fans relax you will not get a game that is waterdown from BOHEMIA that's not how they roll. Relax.
  9. avibird 1

    ArmA 2 on PlayStation 3

    Hey I hope it comes to both systems but they all ready have a somewhat working version for the XBOX 360 this is a fact. Now the real question is are they going to go forward with the game and can they make it work almost 100% bug free with a good FPS rate because of MS rules on games. PS3 was never talk about by bohemia go look at the old videos.
  10. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Yo this is about ARMA2 for the console not how to get free games. Lets keep on the topic people lol. Yes it does work fine if you follow the directions on the video BUT just like getting free cable tv you will get caught at some time by MS this is a fact and you will be off XBOX LIVE for good. You may get a few weeks or months but YOU WILL GET CAUGHT at some time. People will always find new ways and MS will find out and so on and so on. So if you what to roll the dice go head. When you get kicked and can't play XBOX LIVE It's your fault. If you want to play the game not on line nobody will know. I only play games on line so this would not work for me. This is just my view. NOW CAN WE GET BACK AND TALK ABOUT ARMA2 FOR THE BOX.
  11. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    You guys could be playing OFP ELITE on the old X box it will only cost around 65$ US. The elite is still better than anyother game on the 360 at this time.
  12. avibird 1

    Evidense of Console version of ArmA II?

    Hey lets not make this into a PC vs console thing. This my be a hint that this post was not put into the 360 thread by the powers to be. I hope this is a good sign to things to come for us the console community. All we can do is wait and see keep the hope alive. If bohemia can make this work they will.
  13. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    11 posts and your done here. This game was not for you any how lol. We are all pissed about the lack of information but no game can come close to this game. Yes, I will buy and play OFPDR but will still keep the hope alive that this game comes to the console if not I always have OFP ELITE LOL.
  14. avibird 1

    Your questions to the Devs regarding the expansion

    WOLLE I am trying to keep the hope alive with the console community but you guys and bohemia make this very hard to do. With each new week more and more console players are turning away from this game but I am still here trying to support BOHEMIA and show them there is a market but it's hard with no help from you guys. Whatever WOLLE! it was only six times lol.
  15. avibird 1

    Your questions to the Devs regarding the expansion

    Will they make a version for the console! Will they make a version for the console! Will they make a version for the console! Will they make a version for the console! Will they make a version for the console! Will they make a version for the console!
  16. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    PEOPLE YOU CAN'T SEE A HINT WHEN IT'S IN YOUR FACE HOW SAD! This is a post that was made by PLACEBO the main guy on this forum on 06-27-2009, 10:37 AM Quote: Originally Posted by Placebo "One man's meat is another man's poison...... I've read lots of reports from people that the campaign is superb, haven't tried it myself so I will reserve personal judgement, want to play it on the 360". This ways PLACEBO statement. I know for a fact that bohemia has a somewhat working version fof ARMA2 for the XBOX 360 right now. Yes anything can happen, they can drop it and move on but I made a detail outline a few weeks ago about what needs to happen for this game to workout for us the console community. The two main things are getting the PC game working great in all parts and waiting for OFPDR to see if it can sell well compared to BFBC2 and CODMC2 GAMES. KEEP THE HOPE ALIVE and if placebo makes a statement like that only a few months ago, That is a really good hint. People read between the lines just wait maybe a little longer then we wanted but it will come to console market near you.
  17. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    OVERK1LL are you a dick,toll or just an ass. People here want to play on a console not a pc. I will not get into that whole pro's and con's about each systems. Just have some common sense THIS IS A CONSOLE THREAD DON'T BE A JACKASS. Just my 2 cents have a nice day!
  18. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Grimnirsson I was only F with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. OFPDR is the only thing we the console community have to talk about now.
  19. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Grimnirsson this is a ARMA2 site and you should go on the OFPDR site if you want to talk about that game. Now we the ARMA2 console community should be very sad when current new news about a PC expansion game maybe be in the works and no new information about a 360 game in sight. Yes very sad day for us all. Grimnirsson it may be time for all of us to more on for now.
  20. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    The answer is he never played OFP ELITE so he has no clue what the hell he is talking about. Yes the graphics on the elite were not the best but it was because the game was made with 1999/2000 technology. The overall game world looked great but the player movements were funny to look at most of the time. The game was not about graphics it was about gameplay. The main reason the game did bad with overall sales was because of the marketing from codemasters and the release was right around the time of the 360 and the game was never made backwards compatible for the 360. CONSOLE PLAYERS JUST WAIT AND WE WILL SEE BUT IN FOR NOW GO GET THE ELITE AND JOIN US. MOST NIGHTS AROUND 9-12PM EST USA.
  21. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Hello gentleman, I started this thread to help build a console community for this game. I am one of the biggest fans of BOHEMIA and OFP/ARMA games and have a tone of respect for them. The fact is they stated they wanted to make a console game a long time ago and the truth is they have a somewhat working version of the game right now but sometimes in the business world things can change on a fly. We all know the PC game is the bread and butter of this company and most likely all current resources are focus on improving the PC version right now as well as another PROJECT that needs to be work on for the PC ie Carrier Command. I know this game could work great on a console (gameplay and the controls) just look at OFP ELITE. The real question is how well can it sell within the console market and will a publisher take a gamble and layout the money to bring it to the market this is the key. I feel BOHEMIA should give some kind of hint they still have hopes and or plans in the future to try to bring this game to the console market. This would help maintain the community for this game right now. Maybe the powers to be are waiting to see how OFPDR does in sales compared to BFBC2, CODMF2 ect. To see if console players will play a more realistic game then the same old run and gun games. THE ONLY THING WE CAN DO IS TO WAIT AND LET BOHEMIA KNOW WE ARE HERE IF THEY MAKE THE GAME. FOR ALL XBOX PLAYERS GO GET AN OLD BOX AND A COPY OF THE ELITE. IT'S STILL BETTER THEN ANY GAME ON THE 360 RIGHT NOW HANDS DOWN!!!!!!!! I STILL PLAY WITH A GOOD GROUP OF PLAYERS MOST NIGHTS AROUND 9-12 PM EST.
  22. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Hey T3 Forgiven welcome to the froum and this was a sticky post at one time. If they made this a sticky again then the game will sure to be coming to a 360 near you but for now just come to this site and if any new information is out this post will be on the first page. this is a cold true fact. We can only hope in the next year we will get this game for the 360 but it does not look that good for us at this time.
  23. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    My dear grimnirsson, Yes BOHEMIA stated they were working in parallel on the 360 version this is true. I am sure they have a somewhat working simple version of the game. That fact is the version is not completed and most likely running at a very low FPS rate. Before BOHEMIA is going to put more time into a 360 game they must see how well the PC game sells and mostly will want to see if OFPDR does well with the console market over some of the games coming out at the end of the year ie COD and BF new games. They still need a publisher to step up and say we will give you money, we think this game can work on a console and sell well. What can we do as the console community, well we ALL need to write to 505 games and tell them we will support this game. Look at one of my QUOTES - IF YOU MAKE THE GAME, THEY WILL PLAY. I have been saying this for a few years but we need more console players to step up and tell the publishers we will support this game. I hate to tell you that I don't see ARMA2 coming to the 360 for a long time and I am one of the biggest fans of OFP/ARMA games and BOHEMIA but you have to see things for what they are. Just keep the Faith and hope OFPDR is a big hit and a publisher says yes this game will have a market lets DO IT NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    You are a silly little boy! Talk the truth, tell the facts and be honest about things. OFPDR will not be ARMA2 but that does not mean it will not be a good game in it's own right! It will be the only game on a console that will have some of the elements that we the old community wants in a game. Why would you if you are a console player not get a game that will have some of the gameplay that you want. The other games for consoles will have zero of what you want. Yes Codemasters has not be upfront with the console community, codemasters has not been giving out a lot of information and real details about the game modes,number of players/AI units so what. Just wait for the game a try it. It will be better then COD/BF that is a fact. So you are silly for not getting a game that you will like because ARMA2 if it comes out for the console will not be for a long time.