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avibird 1

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Everything posted by avibird 1

  1. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Then you go and never comeback and I will call you when BOHEMIA tell us more sounds good. Ok bye and i will call you soon lol
  2. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Sorry to say but they never gave a hint or showed anything about PS3. We the 360 community are still waiting to hear from them about the plan or new plan only time will tell.
  3. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    They do have a somewhat working version for the 360. The question is can they get it to work right with all the bugs out (Now we see that MS lets a game be relased with bugs ie OFPDR) and with a good FPS rate. They may hold out to just port over ARMA2-OA it may work better and with less bugs then ARMA2. Just wait I know it hard and we will see. BOHEMIA has a plan for the consoles.
  4. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    I hate people that have no clue what they are saying like you. I had no problem ordering 11 soldiers around with the ELITE and with some of the PC port mission I had up to 18 soldiers under my command. So please STOP your BS and go away.
  5. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    BOHEMIA do you see there is a market for you on consoles. Yes it will not be the numbers like COD but a good market share will play this type of game. Now that CODEMASTERS has opened the game to new players and will make a second game next year it's your trun and we all know that you will win out because what you bring to the table with ARMA games. Just let us know if you still want to make this happen it's only right.
  6. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Still here hoping for a little news BOHEMIA
  7. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    BOHEMIA we are still hear hoping for some news. The console market could be yours just with a few words. ( We will release a game) We don't need a date just a few simple words. Now let me go back to play OFPDR and continue to dream about ARAM2 during the game how sad is that.
  8. avibird 1

    Console version of ARMA 2

    Yes I know but I am calling him out I can't help myself but when people talk crap it drives me nuts however I am lol all the time. I know this is a game and it's for fun but did you look at his layout design wow he must be right. BOHEMIA should call him up right now before codemasters gets him on the payroll lol
  9. avibird 1

    Console version of ARMA 2

    You are a fat liar and now everyone here knows the truth about you. YES YOU CAN it was called the color squad control menu. You had five colors(white,blue,green,yellow and red) that you could but 1-12 soldiers into any color squad and then you just gave the color squad an order and guess what they followed that order to the T. So you could have five different fire teams jackass and if you played with a mission that was ported over from the PC then you could have more then 12 men to put into your color fireteams. Please go play the F game so you will have a clue what you are talking about. Have a nice day.
  10. avibird 1

    Console version of ARMA 2

    WOW you have been call out for being a big fat liar. You never played the ELITE and you have no clue how the layout worked. How can you make something better if you have no clue what needs to be better. Do all of us a solid and go play the elite. Look me up on xbox live and I will play with you and we can go over the layout and then maybe you could make some suggestions to BOHEMIA LOL until then STOP with the layout posts and go continue to smoke your pot and think of layout designs for BOHEMIA MAYBE ONE DAY THEY WILL GIVE YOU A PAYCHECK LOL
  11. avibird 1

    Console version of ARMA 2

    ricbar89 It gets me nuts when people talk crap when it's clear that they never played the elite and have no real clue how the layout worked. Yes could BOHEMIA make some small changes to make it better. Do they need to add more menus to the layout since ARMA has more basic command functions then old OFP yes. I just can't help myself to call people out when they are talking BS or just have no clue becuase of lack of personal experience just like some of the PC only players who never played the elite and say it was not the same game that makes me nuts because the elite in someways was much better then the vanilla OFP minus the mission editor. I know the mission editor and community MOD's is what keep the PC community going all this time But if farcry 2 could have a detail editor like it did think how the next editor for a console game could be so much better with more options like the PC one.
  12. avibird 1

    Console version of ARMA 2

    Hey Adjutant you are a miss and you need a life. If you played the elite and OFP PC then you would know the layout that bohemia setup work fine and had all the basic commands that the vanilla game used in a easy way. Yes the PC MOD's added things but we just need the vanilla game that bohemia gave.
  13. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Gentleman please stop this crap. We all want the same thing. PC boys chill out! You guys know BI will never sell out because ARMA games come from VBS products and after three game and a few expansions they have always kept true to the overall format of the original game. PC boys The elite was the same game it was not watered down compared to the PC version the only thing that was limited was the depth of the mission editor. In some ways the graphics and sounds were better then the vanilla game and they put two games within the elite CD. GET THIS IN YOUR HARD HEADS THE GAMEPLAY WAS THE SAME AND THAT IS THE BOTTOM LINE. Please shut up if you never played both games like I did and still do right now. We all want BOHEMIA to continue to grow in the retail game market and the truth be told the PC game market has been declining over the years don't hate me but that is the truth. If BOHEMIA is going to make more ARMA games and others in the future they need to break into the console market and that is the truth. Console boys just wait I know it's hard because most console game are crap with the main focus on run and gun gameplay but right now OFPDR could be the best thing that happen for us. A lot of people on the consoles hate the game but a lot of people love it and are starting to say wow I never knew a game could be so much fun and tactical like this. We the old elite community knows that OFPDR is still lacking some of the old elements and is not the same gameplay but it's the best thing we have right now on the 360. My hope is that the 360 community continues to grow and more and more console games will want this type of gameplay. SO WHEN THE KING OF GAMES ARMA is ready for us the console community will be ready for them because they got somewhat of a taste of what the gameplay could be like if they had ARMA2 or ARMA2-OA. So PC boys please go away and let us be, go play and let us talk about whatever we want to talk about.
  14. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Hey Grimnirsson relax we will have the last word when it comes. The mod's do care if you want a post removed just ask them. I like to have the posts so they can eat there words later.
  15. avibird 1

    Console version of ARMA 2

    I never said that jackass don't put words in my mouth! I love people who talk crap when they have no clue what they are saying. You never played and I played both and they are the same game. The editor had some limits with the number of units on a map but making missions are the same minus some BS cutscenes and music you could add with the PC editor. You are a little boy sir have a nice day.
  16. avibird 1

    Console version of ARMA 2

    Then answer this have you played OFP ELITE. I played OFP PC from 2000-2005 then I played the elite from 2005 and currently still playing it. Yes it does not have community MOD's and the editor was somewhat limited but I could make missions from my PC and port them to the xbox using action repaly. The gameplay was the same. So how can you say the game will be different from it's PC version. Yes I know the differents between BIA and BIS they are the same overall company just different sections. Go back to all the other PC threads this is getting old and have a nice day.
  17. avibird 1

    Console version of ARMA 2

    Hey do you read or just replay. BOHEMIA will never turn it's back on the core gameplay. VBS (semi simulator) It's more like a training tool then a real simulator. ARMA games are just a port from them with some items taking out and some added to improve the fun factor because its's a game. The console versions will just be a port from ARMA with some things limited to make it work on a console system hardware. Why are you so afraid. You don't real know BOHEMIA as a company. Like I said before but you don't read VIEDO GAMES ARE SECONDARY TO THEM FOR SOME EXTRA CASH. VBS products then PC games and then console port if they can get it to work. The thing you need to understand there are not a video game company.
  18. avibird 1

    Console version of ARMA 2

    Hey we are all here for the same thing. To support BOHEMIA and the games they make. Your right the PC can bring much more to a game with community MOD's but I am talking about the vanilla games (OFP,ARMA1,ARMA2 and soon to be ARMA-OA) My point is BOHEMIA made the gameplay of OFP ELITE as close as possible to the gameplay of the original PC game. All the basic commands were there, Yes the community added so much more with details but the original was still one of the best PC game that I have played. Your right most console FPS players are COD fanboys with a low attention span and no patients for a slow pace game like ARMA2 just go look at the OFPDR fourms, however a good number of players want a different type of FPS and some of us old PC players don't have a rig to run ARMA2 and prefer to play on a console now as well as some of the little boys have to grow up some day. My point is there is a market for BOHEMIA on the console for them to make money and not have to sell out. I don't understand why you guys don't relax. I find this funny but most of my old friends who still play PC games use a hand control and play on there big ass HDTV set. Wow sounds like a console system minus the keyboard for quick commands and community MOD's. Due you see what I am saying there is room for us both as long as BOHEMIA KEEPS the game to it's core. BOHEMIA will, retail games are a secondary to them VBS products are the core to the company. ARMA games are just somewhat of a port from them with some things taking out to improve the fun because at the end of the day it's a video game and not a real military simulator. Real simulators are not fun it's work. So you can do a real job in the real world. We are all on the same team and we all want the same game so relax and have fun with ARMA2 and lets us hope they can get the FPS rate and the loadtime working for us.
  19. avibird 1

    Console version of ARMA 2

    The ELITE worked fine they will keep it the same way as ARMA now go to bed and if you have anything to say say it in the right post LOL.
  20. avibird 1

    Console version of ARMA 2

    First both of you guys are jackass's. I have one question have you guys played OFP ELITE. The game played the same way as the PC version that is the bottom line. The commands work fine yes minus some of the one hit quick keys that the keyboard gave with the PC game but overall the the commands were the same. Why make this a battle between PC vs console. We all know BOHEMIA will always make the game for the PC first (It's there roots and other products like VBS) but if you guys want BOHEMIA to continue to make retail military games then they will needs to capture some of the console market to help the company grow in the future. The bottom line console games are big business and the future of games the PC market is slowly going away as console hardware is geeting better with each new system you cant stop it. BOHEMIA will never sell out and will always keep the game to it's core. They will make the PC first (VBS products) then a console game. They will never do what CODEMASTERS did with OFPDR you should know this if you have been with them since OFP back in 2000.
  21. avibird 1

    Console version of ARMA 2

    First this post is going to be locked. BOHEMIA will give some information when they can but try to read between the lines. OFP ELITE was a great port. The commands work fine and the gameplay was the same. Yes the PC had more one hit commnand keys but it work great, a lot better then OFPDR in all areas of commands. They will just make it the same way as the ELITE. Adjutant you are a funny man you have no clue how the the control layout was for the ELITE so you should not give any valuable suggestions go play the game. Have a nice day and welcome to the the fourm.
  22. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    :cool:I have been playing OFPDR for the past few days. Yes the game has some issues, bugs and limitations but what game does not. The game is a good game if you take it on it's own merit. The major problem is CODEMASTERS stated they were making a sequel to OFP1 and we the OLD community knew that this was a lie but we where hoping they will make changes that ARMA1 and ARMA2 did not correct with the design and gameplay. My old man had a good saying you CAN'T PUT 10LBS of crap in a five 5lb bag. What that means you can't have everything in one game so the developers needs to pick the best ones to balance out the game and have the game run the best it can. OFPDR is a fun game but it's no OFP/ARMA games. It's a cross between a regular shooter and a semi tactical shooter but it's not even close to a military simulator. 1/4 of the console players hate this game because it's not COD lol, 1/4 of the players love this game because it's not COD, 1/4 of them hate it because it has some issues, bugs (that needs to be fix) ( LIKE ME) and limitations while the rest hate it because it's NOT ARMA2. I hope codemaster fix the game so the 1/2 will like the game and want more so when BOHEMIA gets ARMA2 or the ARMA-OA working for the console so they will have 3/4 of the console market wanting and ready for this game. That is my hope. OFPDR could be the best advertisement for BOHEMIA with the console market and the console market is the key for BOHEMIA because they all ready have the PC market in the bag with ARMA. So lets just hope BOHEMIA can get the game issues workout with the FPS RATE and the LOADTIME for the console.
  23. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    go look at the video and see for your self. The guys are BI developers if you don't know that then you are new to bohemia world welcome.
  24. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Sgt Cresswell LOL go and never come back. OFPDR is a big fat FAILURE and you are eating your words right now. The truth ways I played the pc for years and the elite. The elite gameplay was the same and some of the graphics were better. Yes it's true you had more one button commands with the PC but the xbox commands work just fine for us. ---------- Post added at 04:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:24 AM ---------- Like I have been saying for a long time on this forum keep faith. Bohemia will not lets us down and after what we have seen what codemasters has done the door is wide open for them to take the console market with ARMA2/OA.
  25. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    WOW my fucking head hurts. I only understand about 10% of what you said. does the 360 have what it needs to let the game run with some little changes to gameplay. Yes or no would be nice sir.