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Everything posted by Aqu

  1. ...except maybe some tutorial missions how you can use some of the special weapons which require bit more than just placing on the map in the editor. (V1, V2, gliders,...). EDIT: All the stuff is not there yet in the the 1st phase.
  2. There are normal maps in different terrain type textures. If you mean the terrain elevation, then yes and no. There are freely available 90m and 30m elevation raster data. In such a big map as this the terrain grid is quite low detail (i.e. the square size is big), so 90m is accurate enough. In effect this is like a bump map and if you load it into some program it looks like it too
  3. Are you creating a Postman Pat mod? :)
  4. There are British with with proper british weapons and they drive cars whith the driving wheel on the funny side.
  5. I've made some aircraft weapons including flexible mounted MGs for bombers. Luftwaffe converted some surplus MGs for field use so I made the MG15 infantry version too. These were mainly used by LW field units, but since we don't have any LW men on ground it might not be the default weapon for any unit. Unless we give some for paras or army, because they used some too. There was also an infantry version of MG81, but not sure was this much used. The high rate of fire could get problematic in ground use (1600 rpm) unless if it was slowed somehow.
  6. What I can quickly notice... 1) remove the the "else" and "exitWith"..."exitWith" is used to break the innermost loop (for, while, forEach loops). So just if(...) then { ...}; 2) Line "_grp0 setCurrentWaypoint [_grp0, _wp0];" should be "_grp0 setCurrentWaypoint _wp0; EDIT: Exactly where did you put this? Note that a waypoint is always added for the whole group, so it needs to be added only once and then all the group members have that waypoint.
  7. If you are inheriting from a valid class (note the class names are different in arma2) it should work. If that is not the issue, then try put this... destrType=DestructEngine; If even that doesn't work, then you could write your own DestructionEffects class inside the vehicle class.
  8. The glider system works beautifully for a human player (It was great fun to try glide the plane to a small opening in a forest). AI is again the most difficult part (surprise, surprise). No worries though - I have sent him take some extra courses in flying :)
  9. petrtlach 1) It is known the jacket in hte pic is SS camo. The helmet is not correct but a tested generic 2) This mod is not about getting every bolt exactly correct in every moment in the war. 3) For German legistlational reasons we have chosen not to include any swastikas (same is for SS sign afaik) 4) For practical reasons it is sensible to limit the number of game unit versions. This leads into some generalisations. Too many versions of a rifleman who's only difference is if he is carrying a M42 or M43 pee pot is hardly important...it is more like annoying when you are trying to pick units for your missions. 5) What is said in the books and what was in practise are two different things. Especially later in the war you can see Germans wearing parts of uniforms (like caps) and using equipment which should have been replaced at the time (maybe because of personal taste and familiarity)
  10. Maybe you could tell your opinion to all the different car manufacturers...or for the start tell amd/ati and nvidia we want only one gpu manufacturer. And while you think why it is like that in the real life maybe we could get back to the point...
  11. Currently walking inside...nope...bridge...yes...deck...yes. You can also walk on the deck of 200+ meters long battleship Scharnhorst and climb ladder to upper decks. The walking on a deck is bit problematic as Rip mentioned because if a ship moves you esily drop of the deck (human movements seem to be relative to the ground not to the platfrom he is walking on). I think I have mentioned earlier the modeller of the U-boot and Scharnhorst to be Alper. That is correct, but he is known as JarmenKeLL here. Sorry about that. I have only made the configs and other needed lods for Arma. Big cities like Berlin are quite impossible to make with the current hardware. Just think how much the biggest Chernarus towns causes trouble to many people. Maybe a small section of it... The second problem which troubles at least me is that where to have good detailed maps of WW2 time. I made a huge Berlin map for Steel Panthers: World at War and I had to use modern maps and imagination for many parts.
  12. It is the US 60mm M2 mortar. Comes with HE, smoke/WP and illumination rounds. Max range is c 1800m (HE), but most useful it is in visual range unless you have a human spotter to tell where the rounds land. The rounds are deadlier than hand granades and are good against infantry and soft vehicles. The weapon is portable. When packed it is transported in two parts (the barrel plus the legs and the base plate). The ammunition can be carried by infantry too. In the editor you can place it as a static (deployed) weapon or as a infantry man carrying the mortar. They are identical except the other is in the packed mode and the other is already in the deployed form. It can be deployed and undeployed fast so it can move behind the attacking force and give support if heavy resistance is faced.
  13. Aqu

    Mesh and texture issue

    The first pic you posted clearly shows how it depends on the hard/soft edges. Imo it helps to undertand how it looks when you think the two neighboring polys are pieces of plywood/plastic etc which you try to turn bit towards the other face from that edge (to make it smooth). If you turn one end down, the other wants to turn up. So that face is no longer flat but curved. If the other edge is in contact with some face it begins to affect that too (which could be bad if it turns the other direction). Basicly quads are not really quads but two triangles. If it looks bad, try to triangulate it manually other direction than the automatic triangulation (you can see it in hte pic what way it triangulates it). If it still looks bad try to reposition the faces (vertices) and/or make smaller faces near the smooth edge
  14. This has bugged me for quite some time now. If I create a #particleSource it seems to die after c 30 secs (the smoke, flame etc emission ceases). To prevent this I have made a script to sleep 20 secs and then recreate it. This is bit stupid, but so far the only way I have found. Have I missed something or is this the way to do it?
  15. I have had this same problem. Models which worked in Arma1 have custom actions failing in Arma2 often (they do not show). Because I had to adjust my crew proxy locations in 9 cases out 10 I thought this could because the crew hot spots (the point from which the distance is calculated) are set differently in Arma2. So I tryed to increase the distance or re-position the memory points. In some models this worked but not in others.
  16. 1. I haven't hacked binned models, but afaik you have to hex edit it. You can unpbo the pbo file but the 3D model is still binned and so cannot be repacked into another mod. What you are trying to do is bit tricky because you have to increase the config.cpp size 2. I'm not quite sure what exactly you are trying to do with this anim, but... selection="OsaHlavne"; ...should be selection="OtocVez"; if you are trying to rotate the turret (axis is OsaVeze). If you are trying to rotate it manually, use source ="user"...and the class is AnimationSources. In general you should check the arma1 mlods. They have named selections nearly the same (except missing those which are new in arma2).
  17. Aqu

    Map Size

    The biggest grid size visitor allows you to make is 4096x4096 cells. The biggest cell size is 1000m (1000x1000), so simple math gives you 4096km x 4096km. 4096km is quite exactly the distance from the west coast (US) to the east coast. It is a different matter can you ever put enough objects to that map or can your computer handle that. At least that map will have a very boring surface (flat as a pancake).
  18. When the missions are in works (not exported to SP or MP missions), they are in individual folders in /My documents/Arma 2 other profiles/(your name here)/missions/(mission name).(mapname) You can put your script etc files in these (or even create sub folders). When you export them, they are converted to pbo and put into the in game missions folder.
  19. I confess I haven't tryed those exact things in Arma2 yet, but I was quite sure it would be similar as in Arma1. But... 1) How does Arma2 know where to put the added sidewinders? If the model doesn't have sidewinder proxies I would have guessed they are fired from the center. 2) Reammo truck...do you mean the game remembers what has been the max number of sidewinders in your vehicle? I was certain it would have looked that from the config, but how the heck if it has no sidewinders in the config :confused: ---------- Post added at 07:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:11 PM ---------- That's because all ammo are in magazines (missiles too in the config even in reality magazine might be a bit odd concept here). That means the current magazine has 2 mssiles left and you have 6 full mags left...hmmmm...are you modelling a B-52?. All weapons have a reload delay (how much interval between each shot->rate of fire) and magazine reload time. The delay in your case is this mag reload delay. I cannot think any other solution right now than to make your own sidewinder launcher (that's another story and not so short). Or you could use "SidewinderLaucher" instead of "SidewinderLaucher_F35". The first one uses 4 missile magazines (4Rnd_Sidewinder_AV8B) in Harrier style and not just 2 missile mags. That would help a bit. Hey even in F1 they sometimes leave the pit before the refuel is ready ;) You could make it refuel and reload slowly instead of restriction, like this in the trigger... this setFuel ((fuel this)+0.1) this setDamage (0 max ((damage this)-0.1)) This works because triggers are tested and fired only every 1 or 0.5 secs (iirc) (you cannot put sleep into triggers or called scripts). Slow reammo is bit trickier, because there is no getVehicleAmmo. I would make it like above, but if you want that I would make a script. Also if you test things like speed, do no test speed==0, because it hardly ever is exactly 0. Make it like speed < 1 or (abs speed)<1, because it can be sub zero when reversing. Also note that any vtol capable plane can be at 0 speed even they are not landed. To test altitude you can put "getPos this select 2", because positions are in x,y,altitude array. You have seen the light my friend.
  20. It can be done, but if the plane where you are putting them doesn't have sidewinders modelled, they won't show under wings (but still work). To clear the weapons... removeAllWeapons unitName (or unitName removeWeapon weaponName for all unwanted) to add a magazine... unitName addMagazine magazineName e.g... myplane addMagazine "4Rnd_Sidewinder_AV8B"; to add a weapon (not needed if it has a proper weapon) unitName addWeapon weaponName e.g. myplane addWeapon "SidewinderLaucher"; You can place those commands into the init block of the planes (no separate script files needed). In that case you can use the word "this" to point to the same object (e.g this addWeapon "SidewinderLaucher"; ) You can see what commands are available here... http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Scripting_Commands_ArmA2 weapon and magazines name are here... http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2:_Weapons The second question: Fast solution: 1) place reammo, repair and refuel trucks at the end of the runway. (it might be it won't work properly if you have changed the weponry) More complex solution: 1) Make a trigger at the airfield where you want to place the supply point 2) make it present BLUEFOR and make the condition "this and trig==0" 3) add the following commands to the activation execution block: { if( speed _x < 1 ) then { _x setDamage 0; _x setFuel 1; _x removeMagazines "4Rnd_Sidewinder_AV8B"; _x addMagazine "4Rnd_Sidewinder_AV8B"; }; } forEach _thisList; trig = 1; 4) ...and to the deactivation block... "trig= 0"; 5) Create a game logic object (or actually any object will do) and put into the init line "trig=0" That has few points not making it very polished, but it should work assuming I haven't made any typos. Also it doens't require separate files.
  21. Aqu


    That looks awfully lot same as the one 3DS model I have from the 1990s (DLed from some BBS). When importing it to O2 it shows 13k polys, but it has lot of unnecessary vertices (assuming it is the same model).
  22. I don't know if this helps, but I got same kind of error message when first tried those beta patches. I tryed to run the game again from the same shorcut and then it worked. I don't know if it works ok, but I haven't seen any problems. In the last patch (60141) it started only on the 3rd attempt.
  23. All the BIS originals are in AddOns folder. They are grouped into pbo files, like tracked.pbo for tanks, wheeled.pbo for cars etc. They are binarized in a way you cannot edit them directly (unless hex editing). There are tools to open them (cpbo, extractpbo), but you cannot open the mesh files (the 3D models ) inside. If you edit the originals, keep backups because you cannot enter servers with those.
  24. You can write your CfgModels class into the config.cpp, but then you cannot check the animation in buldozer (it won't work in buldozer). To do that you have to have separate model.cfg and config.cpp (At least in arma1 it was so). You also have to have this kind of defintion in config.cpp to make user animations work.... class AnimationSources { class MovementPart // same as your selection name. { source = "user"; //The controller is a user animation. animPeriod = 1; //The animation period. initPhase=0; //Initial phase }; //... };
  25. Well in vehicles at least you can make the lights putting Reflectors class into the custom class in CfgVehicles (i.e if your object is MyDiscoBall)... class CfgVehicles { class MyDiscoBall { //... class Reflectors { class Left { color[]={0.800000,0.800000,1.000000,1.000000}; ambient[]={0.070000,0.070000,0.070000,1.000000}; position="L svetlo"; direction="konec L svetla"; hitpoint="L svetlo"; selection="L svetlo"; size=1; brightness=1.000000; }; class Right { color[]={0.800000,0.800000,1.000000,1.000000}; ambient[]={0.070000,0.070000,0.070000,1.000000}; position="P svetlo"; direction="konec P svetla"; hitpoint="P svetlo"; selection="P svetlo"; size=1; brightness=1.000000; }; }; //... }; }; Left and Right can be any freely chosen names...Afaik they are not limited in count. I don't know how you could limit the spread, but you could try adding some limiting object(s) into the shadow lod so that each light shines through a small hole only.