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Everything posted by AzzurF

  1. AzzurF

    Arma beta patch 1.09 - released

    Oh my goodness ... I spent 3 hours playing around with that 10 000 m viewdistance ... Fantastic. Amazing. Fun! Flying with smooth framerate, quite smooth even on the ground, in the forests and towns. Even with Fraps recording. Thank you BIS for this Christmas present!
  2. That was a bug that is repaired in the new beta patch. Download it and you can do headshots.
  3. AzzurF

    1.05. Be happy you have it.

    @INNOCENT&CLUELESS: It's hard to get in Your mind. I've tried, but I just can't see what's buggin you So much. "- you buy a train ticket for the complete town, you give the money and then you get handed out a ticket for next 3 stations? And the advise to come back in 3 weeks, then you MIGHT get the rest." You have bought a train ticket to get place B. You may not have the most comfortable train, but still you are moving and getting there. Maybe the train has to stay on the stations a bit longer for the repairs occasionally, but you'll be moving most of the time. I guess what you wanted, was to wait on a station for a new and polished Train of all Trains, fast and pretty. Waiting and not knowing when the train might come, and when it finally comes, you may still not like the seats or the smell of it. The train ticket cost is still the same, or maybe higher. This is not too serious, you haven't been robbed or violated. You are just wasting your time with that 'overreacting'. PS. "Fanboy"? If you like this game for some reason, you are a "fanboy"? What are you then? A "hateguy"?
  4. AzzurF

    1.05. Be happy you have it.

    @I&CLUE: "@AzzurF: Do you really expect that I would pay for a patch? Or why you stress it is for free?" ? I was just asking that what's the Problem. Patches are coming and they do not cost us extra money, so it's not like we have lost something here. And we have a nice game already. And, if you were ready to wait 6 - 12 months to get your game to be a bit better, you still can wait. You don't HAVE to play it now, angry and disappointed for whatever, try again next year. Get the patches and imagine that you just bought the game. The rest of us, more satisfied customers, keep playing it though.
  5. AzzurF

    1.05. Be happy you have it.

    Dear Possessed, remember this? "Unfortunately this FREE patch 1.05 turned that raw diamond to dust " Well, I don't think so. As I said, it brought a lot of Good for all. And some little Bads for some. And that is hardly turning a diamond to dust.
  6. AzzurF

    1.05. Be happy you have it.

    So, Possessed, do you think that this is unsolvable problem, BIS should have waited for the 10 Gb video cards or what Do you think? "BIS sucks"? "A bunch of incompetent fools"?
  7. AzzurF

    1.05. Be happy you have it.

    "Do you really think that you deserve a separate answer if you are too lazy to read the threads? You can find the answers there." Funny guy. I was asking You. I'm not having major problems, 1.05 made things better for me and Many others. If you and some are having a difficult time with this patch, be a little more patient or buy some new game. Maybe the NEXT patch will ease your pain.
  8. AzzurF

    1.05. Be happy you have it.

    "Game designers generally pay beta testers, not the other way around! Why should anyone be "grateful" for an unfinished product? If I pay hard earned money for something I expect it to work as advertised." Gloops, why don't you just quit playing, wait for another year or so, then get all the patches and the "final, almost perfect" game is yours. Yeah, you have paid for it!
  9. AzzurF

    1.05. Be happy you have it.

    "Do you read these threads at all?" Do I have to? All of the "This game is crap! I cant have 60 fps in towns and deep forests with all the settings (very) high and 1682 x 1200 (whatever) resolution and shadows ans postprosessing and aa and af maxed, DAMN!" threads are just funny. "I NEED my grass and my high shadows ALL the time, or this game is UNPLAYABLE for me!" And the "Stupid AI!" threads aswell. Sure there is real problems still, like the texture problem. But that was a problem before the patch too. But tell me, what in this 1.05 made You Sooo disappointed? "Again, we have another user who simply ignores the simple fact the game was released unfinished and incomplete." I don't ignore the simple fact. I just can't see the GREAT Problem in that, because we know that we'll get those patches, and STILL most of us can play it and have fun with it, even with few bugs. PS. The initial release? 1.04 or 1.00?
  10. AzzurF

    1.05. Be happy you have it.

    "Unfortunately this FREE patch 1.05 turned that raw diamond to dust " Really? The only negative thing I noticed was the "no headshots" bug, but BIS knows the cause and that will be repaired. 1.05 brought sooooo much positive things, and few (smaller) problems. If that is crumbling the diamond to dust, you just give up too easy, man.
  11. AzzurF

    1.05. Be happy you have it.

    "nobody would have the right to claim, but we paid, and now we have." I can't really see the problem. We have the game NOW, we have PAID for it ALREADY, and we ARE getting FREE patches. I&C would rather wait for another year, and maybe having to pay some more money for it, noticing STILL some bugs that the few beta testers didn't, waiting for patches...? It's not like we have bought something broken, and have to pay for repairs. We have bought still a bit raw diamond, that is being cut and polished all the time closer to what we like and what we want. And still this is early days, the addons and mods will make this diamond even brighter. I have got my money's worth. Yes of course there are few bugs, but I bet BIS already know about them and repairs are on the way. These pathological whiners really need something new in their lifes.