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About Aldemir

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  1. Aldemir

    Cant typechat

    Yes I do, and then nothing happens. Regards,
  2. Aldemir

    Cant typechat

    How did you solve the problem? I can see the channles but cannot type chat.
  3. Aldemir

    Cannot Install Download Version

    Thanks everyone! I downloaded again using Get It Right instead of DAP, and I followed the instructions of putting both files on the same folder. The game is running smoothly up to now. Regards,
  4. I have been trying to install german download version for 3 days. Game freezes during installation at the begining with two blue bars of progres (at amims.pbo). I have downloaded several times with DAP. Have tried tickin and unticking the first install screen. What else can I do? My system: Pentium 4 (2.8ghz) Geforce 6800GT, 93.71 drivers 1.5G of RAM